Branch Details

Design and Process Engineering

Original title in Czech: Konstrukční a procesní inženýrstvíFSIAbbreviation: D-KPIAcad. year: 2017/2018Specialisation: Power Engineering

Programme: Machines and Equipment

Length of Study: 4 years

Accredited from: 1.1.1999Accredited until: 31.12.2020


Design and Process Engineering
· Designing, construction, calculation, technology of manufacturing, technical preparation of manufacturing including assembly and testing,
· Thermal and nuclear power plant devices such as steam and combustion turbines, steam generators, steam power plants and heating plants including nuclear power stations, industrial power engineering and their environmental aspects,
· Water turbines, hydrodynamic and hydrostatic pumps, piping systems, hydroelectric power plants, and pumping stations,
· Machinary and devices for chemical industry, food-stuff industry, and biotechnological treatment lines,
· Construction, modelling and theoretical studies of machines and devices for cutting, forming machines, industrial robots, and manipulators,
· Machine parts and mechanisms, methodology of designing machine elements and working mechanisms of general application with consideration of stochastic qualities of inputs, including the application of special types of machines and devices,
· Cars, vans and lorries, buses, trailers, semi-trailers, and motorcycles,
· Combustion engines for all types of vehicle drives, simulation of combustion engine thermomechanical systems, dynamics of driving gear, engine accessories, ecology,
· Machines and devices for in-plant handling of material and handling between operations, for the mining and transport of building materials, for passenger conveyance in buildings,
· Aerodynamic calculation and designing, flight mechanics, fatigue and durability of aircraft constructions, aeroelasticity of aircraft,
· Quality of machine industry production.


Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program

  1. Alternative gasification agents

    Theme is focused on managing and optimizing the process of gasification of biomass and waste using alternative gasification media, such as water vapor, enriched air, a mixture of flue gas and oxygen. The aim will be to describe and optimize the gasification process with an emphasis on minimizing the formation of tar, maximizing gas yield. The topic responds to the current issue of optimizing the gasification and reduction of emission load.

    Tutor: Skála Zdeněk, doc. Ing., CSc.

  2. Combustion of Low Calorific Capacity Gas

    The theme is focused on managing and optimizing the combustion process nízkovýhřevného gas from biomass gasification, optimizing the combustion process in terms of stability and combustion dynamics description and combustion kinetics. The work will draft burner for low-emission combustion gas from biomass gasification and optimization of the pretreatment gas. The topic responds to the current requirements for energy use low calorific process gases.

    Tutor: Skála Zdeněk, doc. Ing., CSc.

  3. Comprehensive model of heat supply in urban areas

    The theme is focused on the development of complex techno-economic models centrally controlled heating supplies. The topic responds to the current trend of creating smart systems within the Smart City concept. The model will focus on optimizing the distribution of heat in the district heating supply. Furthermore, the model will flexibly respond to the remote distribution cooperation and decentralized sources.

    Tutor: Pospíšil Jiří, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  4. Development of Electrostatic Separator for Small Boilers

    The theme is focused on managing and optimizing the process of separating solid pollutants in domestic boilers using the built-in electrostatic precipitators. The goal will be to optimize the process of separation, Research influence on the properties of solids separation efficiency and design of compact separators for small heating boilers. The topic responds to the current requirements of the new legislation and reduce PM emission limits, as well as research and tendency to reduce emissions of PM 10 and PM 2.5 from local furnaces.

    Tutor: Skála Zdeněk, doc. Ing., CSc.

  5. Effective integration of renewable energy sources into heating and cooling networks

    The theme is focused on effective cooperation vícezdojových supply systems in complex heating and cooling systems. Attention will be focused on the integration of renewable energy sources and related optimization of operating parameters of flexible resources using optimization models proceedings. Development of optimization models will represent an important sub-objective work.

    Tutor: Pospíšil Jiří, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  6. Mathematical modeling of the combustion process with a focus on the formation of solid and liquid particles in the flue gas stream

    Within the topic will be described using simulation tools thermo-fluid mechanics (CFD) for detailed modeling of the combustion process. Attention will be focused on the modeling of a gradual increase in fine particulate matter (smoke). Mastering this modeling process will influence the design of combustion equipment in order to minimize the formation of unwanted particles.

    Tutor: Pospíšil Jiří, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  7. Oxycombustion of Biomass Fuels

    The theme is focused on managing and optimizing the combustion process fuels from biomass using oxygen enriched air. The aim will be to describe and to optimize the combustion process with an emphasis on minimizing the formation of gaseous emissions and create a mathematical model of the combustion process. The topic responds to the current issue of optimizing combustion and reducing emission load.

    Tutor: Skála Zdeněk, doc. Ing., CSc.

  8. The dynamics of the formation and growth of the fine particles in the flue gas stream

    This thesis is focused on the experimental study of the problems of formation, growth and transformation of fine particles entrained in the flue gas stream. In addressing the current equipment will be used for working OEI intended to identify combustion particles. Measurements will be conducted in the laboratory of experimental combustion OEI. Result will be obtained experimental knowledge of the behavior particles in the flue gas stream and allow the draft of measures for reducing the formation of unwanted size fractions.

    Tutor: Pospíšil Jiří, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  9. Thermal Treatment of Alternative Fuels

    The theme is focused on managing and optimizing the process of thermal processing of alternative fuels from biomass and biodegradable waste in the form of combustion and gasification. The aim will be to describe and optimize thermal processes, with an emphasis on minimizing the formation of undesirable substances, maximize efficiency and create a mathematical description of the process .. The theme responds to current demands for energy processing biodegradable waste.

    Tutor: Skála Zdeněk, doc. Ing., CSc.

  10. Wetting surfaces with reduced heat transfer applications

    The work is focused on the theoretical analysis and experimental verification of the influence of the surface layers is reduced wettability when the heat transfer components in power plants. Nízkosmáčivé and hydrophobic surfaces are new challenge for a number of components of power stations, e.g. for steam condensers. Insufficient knowledge of the properties of these surfaces requires experimental investigations properties.

    Tutor: Pospíšil Jiří, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

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