Branch Details

Physical Chemistry

Original title in Czech: Fyzikální chemieFCHAbbreviation: DPCPO_FCH_4Acad. year: 2017/2018

Programme: Physical Chemistry

Length of Study: 4 years

Accredited from: 16.10.2009Accredited until: 31.5.2024


The main objective of the study is to train the highly qualified professionals who will be prepared for independent, creative, scientific and research activities in the field of physical chemistry. Students are trained to formulate a scientific problem independently, propose hypotheses and procedures leading to its solving and attempt its confirmation on an experimental or theoretical level. Critical evaluation of published scientific information and the ability to communicate in English - both verbally and in written form, makes an integral part of the study.

Key learning outcomes

The main objective of the study is to train the highly qualified professionals who will be prepared for independent, creative, scientific and research activities in the field of physical chemistry. Students are trained to formulate a scientific problem independently, propose hypotheses and procedures leading to its solving and attempt its confirmation on an experimental or theoretical level. Critical evaluation of published scientific information and the ability to communicate in English - both verbally and in written form, makes an integral part of the study.

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

The specialization trains professionals who will be able to participate in highly qualified scientific and research activities based on physically-chemical processes, namely in university departments, the departments of The Academy of Sciences, research institutes, but also in industrial research centres. The graduates are prepared for independent creative work in the area of physical chemistry. Due to a wide range of practical applications of physical chemistry, the graduates can find employments not only in physical and chemical research, but virtually in all chemical or chemistry related specializations.

Entry requirements

The admission to the Faculty of Chemistry is conditioned by the completion of the Master's program in the same or a related field. The basic prerequisites for the admission are: interest and aptitude for scientific work, knowledge of the English language and a very good study record achieved in the Master's program (grade point average of all passed examinations usually does not exceed 2.0).


Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program

  1. Computer simulation of transport processes using COMSOL package

    computer simulation of transport of active substances in natural systems

    Tutor: Klučáková Martina, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  2. Electrochemical properties of printed photoanodes based on transition metal oxides

    Fabrication of photoanodes based on transition metal oxides by material printing. A study of physical and electrochemical properties of the photoanodes. Design and fabrication of photelectrochemical cells utilizing the photoanodes.

    Tutor: Veselý Michal, prof. Ing., CSc.

  3. Fluorescence research of highly scattering biocolloids

    Optimization of fluorescence techniques for the study of cell suspensions.

    Tutor: Pekař Miloslav, prof. Ing., CSc.

  4. Fluorescence research of highly scattering biocolloids

    Optimization of fluorescence techniques for the study of cell suspensions.

    Tutor: Pekař Miloslav, prof. Ing., CSc.

  5. Hydration of biocolloids

    Study of hydration of several biocolloids (e.g. chitosan, hyaluronic acid, humic substances) by means of several methods chosen on the basis of students' review, study of phenomenons related to interactions of biocolloids with water and aqueous solutions (dissolving, dissociation).

    Tutor: Klučáková Martina, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  6. Chemical and thermal stability of humic complexes

    Humic complexes will be prepared and tested in point of view their chemical and thermal analysis.

    Tutor: Klučáková Martina, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  7. Micro- and nanorheology of hydrocolloids

    Development of special rheological techniques for small volumes of hydrocolloids, particularly hydrogels

    Tutor: Pekař Miloslav, prof. Ing., CSc.

  8. Microscopic study of diffusion in hydrogels

    Diffusion study in hydrogels using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, comparison with macroscopic techniques

    Tutor: Pekař Miloslav, prof. Ing., CSc.

  9. Microscopic study of diffusion in hydrogels

    Diffusion study in hydrogels using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, comparison with macroscopic techniques

    Tutor: Pekař Miloslav, prof. Ing., CSc.

  10. Non-equilibrium thermodynamics and chemical kinetics

    Study of restrictions put by non-equilibrium thermodynamics on kinetics of chemical reactions and reaction-diffusion systems in well defined material models.

    Tutor: Pekař Miloslav, prof. Ing., CSc.

  11. Organosilane binders of nanoparticles

    A study of synthesis and properties of organosilane oligomeric condensates originating from various types of alkylalkoxysilanes. Utilization of these materials for dispergation, ball-milling and stabilization of nanoparticulate dispersion systems. Design of printing formulations and printing of thin layers for printed functionalities.

    Tutor: Veselý Michal, prof. Ing., CSc.

  12. Printed UV light sensors

    A study of photocatalytic systems of titania thin layers for both UV and visible light dosimeter development. Photoelectrochemical study of these layers prepared exclusively by material printing is assumed.

    Tutor: Veselý Michal, prof. Ing., CSc.

  13. Study of chemical processes initiated by electrical discharges and radiation in extraterestrial atmospheres

    The goal of thesis is analysis of products generated by electrical discharges, photons or reactive particles (free atoms, ions, radicals) in gaseous mixtures relating extraterestrial atmospheres. Thesis are directly lined to european research networks under COST programme.

    Tutor: Krčma František, prof. RNDr., Ph.D.

  14. Study of processes in electrical discharges in liquids

    The aim of this work is characterization of chemical processes initiated by electrical discharges in liquids and in interaction with liquids. Work will focus on water solutions as well as organic solutions. Besides the discharge products, the plasma diagnostics will be carried out.

    Tutor: Krčma František, prof. RNDr., Ph.D.

  15. Study of thermal properties ofPCM materials

    The research work will focused on the study of thermal properties of materials used for heat storage based on phase change materials. The experimental part will focus on the measurement of heat accumulation in different materials by using of dot and surface temperature sensors (e.g. thermocouples, thermocamera). The new method based on the measurements of temperature responses to pulse or jump of the heat supplied to enable a comprehensive assessment of the substance properties will be used. To measure the absorption and emission properties listed PCM materials will be used thermocamera. The data processing will be performed using the methods of image analysis.

    Tutor: Zmeškal Oldřich, prof. Ing., CSc.

  16. Thermoanalytical characterization of natural organic matter

    DSC, TG, microcalorimetry - typology of thermoanalytical curves, stability and hydration properties of natural organic matter

    Tutor: Pekař Miloslav, prof. Ing., CSc.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DCO_PFCHProgresses in physical chemistrycs0CompulsoryColyes
1. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DCO_KPDcolloidics for advancedcs0Compulsory-optionalColyes
DCO_EPMElectron processes in molecular materialscs0Compulsory-optionalDrEx1yes
DCO_MEFPhysics and chemistry of molecular materialscs0Compulsory-optionalDrEx1yes
DCO_FNDPhysics and chemics of plasmacs0Compulsory-optionalDrEx1yes
DCO_SMAdvanced spectroscopic methodscs0Compulsory-optionalDrEx1yes
DCO_REGReology cs0Compulsory-optionalDrEx1yes
DCO_TPDProcesses of transportationcs0Compulsory-optionalDrEx1yes
All the groups of optional courses
Gr. Number of courses Courses