Branch Details

Macromolecular Chemistry

Original title in Czech: Makromolekulární chemieFCHAbbreviation: DPCO_MCHAcad. year: 2009/2010

Programme: Macromolecular Chemistry

Length of Study:

Accredited from: 31.5.2013Accredited until: 5.5.2009


Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program

  1. Cotrolled porosity in biomaterials for tissue engineering

    Tutor: Vojtová Lucy, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  2. Fracture behavior of polymer nanocomposites

    Majority of research efforts in the field of polymers filled with individual nanoparticles is concentrated to the viscoelastic behavior, flammability and other physico-chemical properties. Fracture characteristics of this kind of polymer materials stay unrevealed. Hence, this work should represent a comprehensive investigation in the field of fracture behavior of polymer nanocomposites. The accent will be put on the investigation of the effect of surface treatment of nanoparticles as well as molecular parameters of polymer matrix. Student will go through laboratory preparation and processing procedures, machining of specimens and impact testing methods. The testing methods will involve use of instrumented impact pendulum equipped with high-speed camera. In addition, tensile testing and various imaging methods will be employed. In spite of the extensive experimental program, effort in the field of theoretical treatment will be accented.

    Tutor: Jančář Josef, prof. RNDr., CSc.

  3. Heterogeneous Modification of PE by Crosslinking

    Crosslinking mechanism and kinetics study of different PE grades by the aid of peroxide radical initiation in heterogeneous medium (solid states polymer particles). It includes literature survey, choice of polymers, initiators and other additives, providing planned experiments and evaluation of results attained. Evaluation is to be oriented mainly towards influencing structure, molecular weights distribution and rheological properties

    Tutor: Petrůj Jaroslav, doc. RNDr., CSc.

  4. Homogeneous Modification of PE by Crosslinking

    Crosslinking mechanism and kinetics study of different PE grades by the aid of peroxide radical initiation in homogeneous medium (in the melt). It includes literature survey, choice of polymers, initiators and other additives, providing planned experiments and evaluation of results attained. Evaluation is to be oriented mainly towards influencing structure, molecular weights distribution and rheological properties.

    Tutor: Petrůj Jaroslav, doc. RNDr., CSc.

  5. Influence of kinetic parameters to bulk polymerization of styrene and copolymers

    The work is focused to observe kinetic behaviour of radical styrene polymerization in bulk. Modern biradical initiators will be used for influence initiator concentration to course of polymerization together with temperature profile of polymerization. Inflence of transfer agent and bifunctional comonomer will be also observed. The aim of work is to describe kinetics of bulk polymerization and prepare method for industrial production of polystyrene for optical applications.

    Tutor: Jančář Josef, prof. RNDr., CSc.

  6. Mechanism and Kinetics of PE Thermooxidation in Dependence of its Structure

    Thermooxidation mechanism and kinetics study of different PE grades. It includes literature survey, choice of polymers, initiators and other additives, providing planned experiments and evaluation of results attained. Oxidation is to be carry out in oven on polymer films to a low conversion only. Evaluation is to be oriented mainly towards determination of primary oxidation products (hydroperoxides, peracids, ketones etc.). Evaluate results kinetically and compare thermooxidation course in dependence of polymer structure.

    Tutor: Petrůj Jaroslav, doc. RNDr., CSc.

  7. Preparation and characterization of heterogeneous polymeric biomaterials


    Tutor: Vojtová Lucy, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  8. Study of stress - deformation behaviour of PP and PET materials filled with particles, focused on long term characteristics.


    Tutor: Nezbedová Eva, doc. Ing., CSc.

  9. Synthesis and characterization of multifunctionalized biodegradable copolymers

    Tutor: Vojtová Lucy, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  10. Viscoelastic behavior of amorphous polymer nanocomposites

    Adding of inorganic particles with size in the range of diameter from 5 to 30 nm into an amorphous polymer matrix causes considerable modification of the viscoelastic manifestations of a polymer. Above the glass transition temperature of matrix, polymer nanocomposite exhibits elastic modulus much higher than can be explained on the basis of simple micromechanical models. This effect occurs due to the interaction of polymer chains with extensive nano-filler surface. The interaction leads to significant change of segmental dynamics of polymer chains as well as statistical segmentation of polymer chains. Consequently, the addition of nanoparticles completely change relaxation spectrum of a polymer. The work will be focused on understanding fundamental molecular mechanisms responsible for the observed viscoelastic behavior. Student will break into the preparation and processing procedures of nanocomposite samples, various physical characterization methods, as well as fundamental concepts of polymer physics and basics of computer simulation methods.

    Tutor: Jančář Josef, prof. RNDr., CSc.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DCO_FCOPhysical chemistry of polymers IIcs0CompulsoryDrExKK - 0yes
DCO_EVPElectric properties of polymerscs0Not statedDrExKK - 0yes
DCO_FPOPolymer physicscs0Not statedDrExKK - 0yes
DCO_KOMComposites IIcs0Not statedDrExKK - 0yes
DCO_MMPMicroscopy and morphology of polymerscs0Not statedDrExKK - 0yes
DCO_RAPReactions of polymerscs0Not statedDrExKK - 0yes
DCO_SYPPolymer synthesis IIcs0Not statedDrExKK - 0yes
DCO_TPVThin polymer films and polymer surfacescs0Not statedDrExKK - 0yes
1. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DCV_AOEnglish for Graduantsen0CompulsoryDrExyes
DCO_PEDPedagogical trainingcs0CompulsoryCryes
DCO_PEMPedagogic minimumcs0CompulsoryCryes
DCC_XXXPh.D. course from other faculties and universitiescs0Not statedDrExyes