Branch Details

Design and Process Engineering

Original title in Czech: Konstrukční a procesní inženýrstvíFSIAbbreviation: D-KPIAcad. year: 2009/2010Specialisation: Aircraft Design and Air Transport

Programme: Machines and Equipment

Length of Study: 4 years

Accredited from: Accredited until: 1.3.2016


Design and Process Engineering
· Designing, construction, calculation, technology of manufacturing, technical preparation of manufacturing including assembly and testing,
· Thermal and nuclear power plant devices such as steam and combustion turbines, steam generators, steam power plants and heating plants including nuclear power stations, industrial power engineering and their environmental aspects,
· Water turbines, hydrodynamic and hydrostatic pumps, piping systems, hydroelectric power plants, and pumping stations,
· Machinary and devices for chemical industry, food-stuff industry, and biotechnological treatment lines,
· Construction, modelling and theoretical studies of machines and devices for cutting, forming machines, industrial robots, and manipulators,
· Machine parts and mechanisms, methodology of designing machine elements and working mechanisms of general application with consideration of stochastic qualities of inputs, including the application of special types of machines and devices,
· Cars, vans and lorries, buses, trailers, semi-trailers, and motorcycles,
· Combustion engines for all types of vehicle drives, simulation of combustion engine thermomechanical systems, dynamics of driving gear, engine accessories, ecology,
· Machines and devices for in-plant handling of material and handling between operations, for the mining and transport of building materials, for passenger conveyance in buildings,
· Aerodynamic calculation and designing, flight mechanics, fatigue and durability of aircraft constructions, aeroelasticity of aircraft,
· Quality of machine industry production.

Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program

  1. Basic fatigue characteristics for composite structure life calculation

    The goal of the doctoral study should be to create adequate data for calculation of aircraft composite structure life. Introductory part of the thesis is literature search, design of methodology of life evaluation and a definition of needed data. On the basis of this definition, the student should suggest methods of needed data determination, to realize tests and elaborate results into a form that can be used for a design of aircraft structures.

    Tutor: Juračka Jaroslav, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  2. Diagnostics of Aircraft Hydraulic Systems

    Aircraft hydraulic system affects safety and reliability of aircraft and the cost of its maintenance and operation besides. Maintenance and check operations of hydraulic system, which are executed in hard time intervals, have no ability to provide sufficient informations about its real technical state. Maintemance development of hydraulic system is oriented to the on condition maintenance or maintenance according to condition monitoring. Maintenance in accordance with technical state of hydraulic system needs the suitable diagnostics. The aim of this thesis is to determine the minimum set of diagnostic parameters, to design and to verify the suitable methods and technical means for determination and evaluation of the technical state of aircraft hydraulic system.

    Tutor: Třetina Karel, doc. Ing., CSc.

  3. Ecological aspects of civil air transport on airports

    At the present time the ecology of operation of civil airplanes takes on importance. Effort to suppress impacts of airplane operation on both human health and environment due to a great increase of air traffic remarkably strenghtened. This is important especially on airports and in their vicinity, where disproportion between the need of operation growth in the contrary of the decrease of its impact on environment and of land-use planning is substantial. Main objectives of this thesis are based on analysis of all possible aspects of airplane influence upon environment. Also demanded are proposals of a methodology how to reduce the negative impact of airplanes on aerodrome environment while maintaining (or increasing) the operational safety. Emphasis should be put on the noise, which is perceived as the most problematic disturbance in vicinity of an airport.

    Tutor: Vosecký Slavomír, doc. Ing., CSc.

  4. Evolution of air navigation from the SESAR programme standpoint

    The evolution of the navigation technologies will be dominated by the transition from a predominantly ground-based to a satellite-based infrastructure. GPS complemented by to ABAS systems, enables large commercial aircraft to perform the operations envisaged in the SESAR Concept of operations. For these categories of aircraft SBAS is provided in Europe establishment of commercial arrangements(e.g. legal liability, certification and service charges) to provide the GNSS services. The biggest risk associated with provision of GNSS is the potential for denial of service by deliberate jamming and consequently backup mechanisms are required.

    Tutor: Kevický Dušan, prof. Ing., CSc.

  5. Influence of the material manufacturing and structural imperfections on the load capacity of the composite structures.

    Recently very conservative empiric approaches are used during preliminary design of high loaded composites structures. Finite element analyses are used in smaller scale and one of the main reasons is discrepancy between FEM simulations and real tests especially in ultimate strength determination. Potential causes can be: usage of non-isotropic and inhomogeneous materials, their mechanical properties dispersion, structural joining inside analyzed structures and influence of a manufacturing procedure on the final properties. The experimental part of the work will content laboratory measurement of the material specimens, structure items and technology demonstrators of the complex composites structure. Numerical part will be focused on the micro and macromodel simulation capabilities of the complex composites structures. The aim of this work is identification and quantification of the main factors which are affected on structure behavior and consideration of these factors to the composite structures load capacity calculation.

    Tutor: Juračka Jaroslav, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  6. Properties of joints with cold-worked fastener holes.

    Fastener holes are critical points in aircraft structures due to possible initiation of fatigue cracks. A cold expansion of the holes results in compressive residual stresses around the holes influencing the initiation of the fatigue cracks and improving the joint fatigue behaviour. The practical application of this technique requires knowledge of a range influencing factors, e.g. deformation intensity, material and geometry of the joint, working conditions, mode of loading, etc. Objectives of the work: - Analysis of the current knowledge - Experimental verification of structural, technological and operation factors in multi-row cold-worked rivet joints - Design and verification of a model for multi-row cold-worked joint fatigue life prediction

    Tutor: Klement Josef, doc. Ing., CSc.

  7. Safety/Reliability Assessment Methods and their application on "More-Electric Aircraft" Concept on General Aviation Aircraft Systems

    Modern trend in the development of systems for general aviation aircraft is towards so called "More-Electric Aircraft" (MEA) concept. Replacement of mechanical, hydraulic or pneumatic systems by electrically controlled systems is a key characteristic of this concept. Major goal of the work is to analyze current trends on this field and to select suitable systems for adaptation to MEA concept. Activities related to the work include: assessment of forces and power necessary to replace functions of selected aircraft systems by electric components, development of safety/reliability assessment methods and related certification issues. Special attention will be paid to methodics for safety/reliability assessment.

    Tutor: Hlinka Jiří, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  8. The implementation of international requirements for education of the aviation personnel

    Education of the aviation personnel is constantly evolving process, reflecting the latest requirements of both the technical and air safety area. In the field of aircraft and helicopter pilots training in the Czech Republic it should be redefine prepared international requirements, including their assessment based on an analysis of past experience. It is also necessary to propose a methodology for curriculum development of teaching materials for pilots training. Consequently, it is necessary to create a detailed curriculum innovative teaching materials for aircraft and helicopter pilots, and should be proposed in the curriculum of the non-existing textbooks, or modification of existing textbooks for aircraft and helicopter pilots.

    Tutor: Kulčák Ludvík, prof. Ing., CSc.

  9. The stress analyse of the beam with thin web - influence of the holes and tensile effect of web buckling.

    The beam with thin web is basic structural part of thin-walled aircraft structure. Technicality is significant implication in transfer of resulting shearing force. The mass reduction of thin web is achieved by lightening holes various shapes for which it is necessary use the special methods of stress analyses and determination of ultimate tensile capacity especially after the buckling of the web. Additionally are loaded the flanges vertical stringers and riveted joins. Exists different methods for solving this problems but all need verification on test samples. The main aims the research is create a reliable data for design of the web with respect of all mentioned influences.

    Tutor: Píštěk Antonín, prof. Ing., CSc.

  10. Using of alternative fuel in general aviation segment, economical and ecological aspects

    Aviation fuel price increasing and decreasing of oil reserves evoking find suitable alternatives to classical aviation fuel. Today's different alternative fuels are considering from biofuel to hydrogen fuel. Majority developments are focused on commercial planes and general aviation segment is leavening. These airplanes will need also to find a suitable alternative fuel for future development. The aim of this thesis is to present trends in aviation alternative fuel, to design probable scenarios for next development in general aviation segment. Emphasis will be paid to economical and ecological aspect evaluations for global realization.

    Tutor: Třetina Karel, doc. Ing., CSc.

  11. Wing loads alleviation system aerodynamic analysis

    The doctoral study will be focused on feasibility study of aerodynamic wing loads alleviation system, particularly for gust loads elimination. There will be analysed different kinds of feasible devices and possible area of their application in aerospace technology. Most promising device will be simulated in detail (CFD unsteady analyses of wing response to device function). The output of thesis should consist of conceptual design of such a device and definition of possible future application.

    Tutor: Hlinka Jiří, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

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