Branch Details

Engineering Mechanics

Original title in Czech: Inženýrská mechanikaFSIAbbreviation: D-IMEAcad. year: 2009/2010

Programme: Applied Sciences in Engineering

Length of Study: 4 years

Accredited from: Accredited until: 1.3.2012


The Ph.D. study focuses on the following fields of mechanics:
· Mechanics of solids. Theory of modelling mechanical systems, constitutive material relations with emphasis on non-linear behaviour, limit state conditions of materials and structures, mechanics of composites, biomechanics, analysis of stress, deformation and dynamic behaviour of selected groups of bodies (including composite bodies), inverse problems of mechanics of rigid bodies, modelling of stress and deformation in selected technological processes (forming), theory of experiments in interactive driving and mechatronic systems, dynamic of vehicles and of machinery, solution of selected problems in vibroacoustics.
· Mechanics of liquides and gases. Flow theory of compressible and incompressible fluids. Flow of gases and vapours. Nonstacionary flow and impact. Orientation on the flow in hydralic machines and heat engines.
· Thermomechanics. Theory of heat and substance transfer. Application of interferometry and other modern experimental methods. Thermodynamic problems of metallurgy and foundry technologies and heat treatment. Applications in the field of design of thermal power-generating machines. Inverse problems of heat transfer.

Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program

  1. Application of FEM modelling for ear mechanics - problems aimed at earphone implementation

    The function of human hearing organ is generally described as moving mechanical system. Actual computer systems enable to perform the computer simulation of the sound signal transmission from external air medium to fluid medium in the inner ear with the consideration of all fluid-structure interactions, the FEM or BEM are most frequently used for this purpose. The complete FE model of normal human ear has been developed at UMTMB. The principal aims of this work will be the amelioration of this FE ear model and the application of this model for sound transfer characteristics calculations when different types of earphones are inserted.

    Tutor: Pellant Karel, doc. RNDr., CSc.

  2. Analysis of the compensatory source voices after laryngectomy.

    After total laryngectomy the vocal folds are removed, so that the source voice is not delivered into vocal tract. The goal of the study will be the computer and experimental analysis of various structural variants and adaptations of artificial vocal folds, the analysis of their spekcrum and location in the vocal tract.

    Tutor: Mišun Vojtěch, doc. Ing., CSc.

  3. Analyzis and computer modelling of tinnitus.

    Tinnitus is unpleasant and annoying phenomena, which can be characterized as roar or whistling in the ears. The goal of the study will be to define this undesirable phenomena and to model it by means of FE modelling.

    Tutor: Mišun Vojtěch, doc. Ing., CSc.

  4. Application of FEM modelling for ear mechanics - problems aimed at otosurgery

    The variation in mechanical properties or in the shape of individual ear parts can simulate the influence of different ear diseases or different ear pathologies on hearing. The studies of the efficiency of invasive surgery interventions in external or middle ear region will be executed. The results of modelling will be compared with audiological investigations of patients.

    Tutor: Pellant Karel, doc. RNDr., CSc.

  5. Application of FME for ear mechanics -implemetation of ossicle chain prosthesis

    The use of FME is possible for the studies of sound transmission via human ear. When the mechanicle conection between eardrum and inner ear is interrupted, the ossicle chain prosthesis are applied. The analysis of the influence of fixation plosition, mode of fixation and mechanical properties of prosthesis on sound transmission characteristics of reconstructed ear will be discussed.

    Tutor: Pellant Karel, doc. RNDr., CSc.

  6. Computational models for the determination of fracture mechanics parameters of cracks at the interface between advanced ceramic materials

    The objective of the thesis is a crack growth analysis along the crack interface between mismatched composite materials consisting of a ceramic matrix reinforced by various types of fibres, particles including piezoparticles capable of self-diagnostic function. Both sharp and smooth transition between two layers will be considered. For smooth gradient transitions micromechanical models will be suggested. Within the thesis framework a computational FE model based upon the principles of two-parameters linear fracture mechanics will be created. Theoretical predictions will be compared with experimental data obtained by Brittle Fracture Group, Institute of Physics of Materials ASCR. It is also expected that the results of molecular dynamics simulations of interface performed at the Lund University will be employed

    Tutor: Kotoul Michal, prof. RNDr., DrSc.

  7. Criteria for Biaxial Fatigue Life

    In a majority of structural components, the stress state is different from the homogeneous uniaxial tension or compression, typical for fatigue testing in laboratories. Therefore, biaxial fatigue tests start to be used more frequently in the last years. In the last years, the world research has produced a number of new and improved criteria for multiaxial fatigue life based on continuum mechanics.Consequently, there is a wide field for their verification and improvement. In the Czech Republic, however, this research is only in a pioneering stage. The work will be focused on the application of multiaxial fatigue criteria for prediction of fatigue life in metallic materials loaded under combined bending and torsion. The research is supported by a Grant of the Czech Science Foundation. The Phd student will attend international scientific conferences and summer schools focused on multiaxial fatigue and fracture of materials.

    Tutor: Pokluda Jaroslav, prof. RNDr., CSc.

  8. Influence of single parts of synchronous generator on its mechanical behavior

    The goal of the work is analysis of simle parts of a synchronous generator and their influence on mechanical behaviour of the generator. Creating of suitable computational model of the generator is also goal of this work.

    Tutor: Ondrůšek Čestmír, doc. Ing., CSc.

  9. Noise control of computers

    Thesis will be focused on: 1.Detailed background research about noise of computers and how it varies with operating conditions 2. Development of FE model of one computer 3. A controlled theoretical and experimental study of the noise emission of a typical model of computer (system Ansys, Sysnoise or SEADS will be applied). The study of the efficiency of possible noise control arrangement (application of absorptive surfaces, the diminution of cooling fan diameter, the change of fan blade, the application of sound screening of fans etc.) 4. Specification of the efficient noise control arrangement of computers

    Tutor: Pellant Karel, doc. RNDr., CSc.

  10. Noise control of personal lifts

    The problem of noise is very oft-discussed problem in buildings. As the stage of personal lifts in CR does not correspond to the contemporary EU limits, the reconstruction of the personal lifts is actual. The study of the efficiency of possible noise control arrangement (application of absorptive surfaces on the engine room walls, the application of sound screening of the motor, the application of gum elastic underlays etc.). The application of mathematical modelling using SEA method (statistical energy analysis) or FEM is supposed for discussions of suggested noise control measures.

    Tutor: Pellant Karel, doc. RNDr., CSc.

  11. Spectral properties of basilar membrane in inner ear

    The basilar membrane in cochlea ensures the decomposition of received signals into individual frequency components. This function can be ensured by means of special spectral and modal properties of the basilar membrane. The goal of the study will be the finite element computer modeling of the special properties of the basilar membrane structure.

    Tutor: Mišun Vojtěch, doc. Ing., CSc.

  12. Strength optimization of the composite material structure at selected machine element.

    Strength optimization of the composite material structure at selected machine part.

    Tutor: Vrbka Jan, prof. RNDr. Ing., DrSc., dr. h. c.

  13. The simulation of the dynamics of distribution system as the module of virtual motor

    The methods of mathematical modelling (Multibody systems) will be applied for the optimalisation of distribution system of the motor Zetor type UŘ3. Existing computer systems (Pro-engineer Wildfire3, MSC Adams, CFD Fluent) will be applied for this purpose. The achievement of the maximal engine power and the minimal jumps of inertial forces will be used as main criteria for the determination of the optimal valve timing. The results of mathematical modelling will be compared with experimental measurements (laser interferometry) on the model.

    Tutor: Pellant Karel, doc. RNDr., CSc.

  14. Theoretical and experimental study of crack propagation in microlaminates with generally anisotropic layers

    Microlaminate systems are an attractive class of microstructures for engineered materials due to the natural tendency of some materials to form laminate structures and since multilayer structural toughening is an effective toughening mechanism. Microlaminate structures are utilized to in many electronic and structural applications such as MEMS. The objective of the thesis is to develop a computational model of crack propagation through microlayers. A particular attention will be devoted to the analysis of the transition of crack across the sharp material interfaces. Moreover, high residual stresses developed in individual layers will be taken into account. In case of smooth transitions, Betti's-Rayleigh reciprocal theorem in conjunction with FEM will be employed for the calculation of both, the stress intensity factors and the T-stress. A novel approach will be based upon non-equilibrium auxiliary stress field which implies retaining a domain term in Betti's-Rayleigh reciprocal theorem. Theoretical predictions will be compared with experimental data obtained by Brittle Fracture Group, Institute of Physics of Materials ASCR. It is also expected that the results of molecular dynamics simulations of interface performed at the Lund University will be employed.

    Tutor: Kotoul Michal, prof. RNDr., DrSc.

  15. Tme modelling of mechanic-acoustic properties of cochley.

    The cochlea serves to transformation of acoustics perceptions into electrical signals that are delivered further into the brain. The goal of the study will be the computer modelling of the cochlea structure so that the model will ensure the transformation of acoustic perceptions into the vibrations of the basilar membrane. There will be used the principle of acoustic waves travelling along the basilar membrane.

    Tutor: Mišun Vojtěch, doc. Ing., CSc.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

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