Branch Details

Power Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Original title in Czech: Silnoproudá elektrotechnika a elektroenergetikaFEKTAbbreviation: PK-SEEAcad. year: 2013/2014

Programme: Electrical Engineering and Communication

Length of Study: 4 years


The goal of the postgradual doctoral (PhD) study is the education for scientific work in the area of power electrical engineering and power systems. Graduates of PhD find occupation either as scientific or research workers including industrial development, either as universty teachers and in higher manager functions as well

Key learning outcomes

PhD-graduate obtains high theoretical knowledge and will learn to solve complicated scientific and technological problems by oneself PhD-graduate is ready for further professional rise with a high degree of adaptivity Graduates of PhD find occupation either as scientific or research workers including industrial development, either as universty teachers and in higher manager functions as well

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

The graduate obtains broad knowledge of subject of high power engineering. The knowledge is build mainly on theoretical background of the subject. Moreover the graduate will obtain deep special knowledge aimed in direction of his/her thesis. The graduate will be able to perform scientific and/or applied research based on up to date theoretical knowledge. The graduate will be able to organize and lead a team of researchers in the studied subject.


Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program

  1. A new approach for voltage quality evaluation

    The aim is to develop and verify new voltage quality parameters applicable for voltage quality on-line monitoring, optimization of mitigation techniques, etc.

    Tutor: Drápela Jiří, prof. Ing., Ph.D.


    The theme is focused on especially long-term tests for electrical machines, particularly with a sliding contact. The work builds on the extensive knowledge and skills in this area, which were obtained on UVEE FEEC the application of modern technology, not only in the design of electrical machines, but also sliding contact. The aim is to identify the dependencies and relationships between components, parameters in various design and technological design of machines linked eg EMC .. The problem is solved UVEE continuously and is achieved interesting results published on an international level. The Institute has a special measuring workplace for practical verification of theoretical assumptions and cooperates with leading companies not only in this country but also abroad.

    Tutor: Veselka František, doc. Ing., CSc.


    The development of electromechanical systems in particular is currently associated with the requirement of high reliability and durability as defined in connection with the transition to higher levels of performance and speed. Therefore, the topic is focused on assessing the impact of failures on the part of the electromechanical system's operating characteristics. The aim is to complete the study and diagnosis of electromagnetic and mechanical properties on the vibration generation and application of supply current. The work consists of theoretical, experimental and practical part. The issue is to continuously UVEE resolved within several projects.

    Tutor: Veselka František, doc. Ing., CSc.

  4. Low-frequency EMC in LV/MV distribution systems highly penetrated by distributed nonlinear/dynamic loads

    Low-Frequency Electro-Magnetic Compatibility in Low- and Middle-Voltage Distribution Systems Highly Penetrated by Distributed Nonlinear and Dynamic Loads.

    Tutor: Drápela Jiří, prof. Ing., Ph.D.


    The theme is focused on the measurement of very small distances and deformation of rotating electrical parts. machines that have a significant effect on the operating characteristics of machines and equipment. The measurement is made modern measuring, recording and evaluation techniques. The aim is to assess and optimize the partial impacts of physical quantities on the characteristics and parameters of electromechanical systems. The work consists of theoretical, experimental and practical part. The issue is UVEE continuously addressed in the grant project, forthcoming international cooperation. Results are regularly published.

    Tutor: Veselka František, doc. Ing., CSc.

  6. Optimization of electric machines using artificial inteligence

    The aim of the work is the algorithms formulation for electric machines design with maximum efficiency and optimal utilization of material properties.

    Tutor: Ondrůšek Čestmír, doc. Ing., CSc.

  7. Optimization of hybrid power system operation

    The thesis is focused on optimizing the operation of power system - will be utilized multivalent energy system providing heat and electrical energy. The system also includes storage system. The aim is to design and optimize the operation of the hybrid system available in the light at the correct energy balance and economic operation. The optimization process will be based on real measuring in the energy system and of mathematical modeling of operation.

    Tutor: Mastný Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  8. Storage Systems in cooperation with the power system

    Stability of electric power supply is - as a term - closely related with electrical energy production gained from renewable power sources (mainly from wind and photovoltaic power plants). The research will be focused on possibilities of accumulation of electric energy produced from renewable power sources with the help of modern technologies while focusing on hydrogen (VRB systems) utilization and pumped storage hydro plants for its accumulation. The result of the work will be the draft measures in the energy system, which can solve time disproportion between electrical energy supply and take-off from the renewable power sources. The solution is connected with computer simulation and experimental measuring on a real model.

    Tutor: Mastný Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.


    The theme includes issues of sliding contact in high-end applications of electromechanical systems operating in dynamic operating conditions (Starting, regulation, etc.) with high ratings of current, voltage, speed, power, speed, and defined the parameters of the surrounding environment. Since the development of electromechanical systems in particular is currently associated with a requirement for high reliability and durability as defined, should be to extend the life of work sliding contact, reducing degradation of the stationary and moving parts of the sliding contact, eliminating the influence of the surroundings on the current flow between the stationary and moving part of the sliding contact. Partial information will be obtained during the analysis and field current.

    Tutor: Veselka František, doc. Ing., CSc.


    The theme is focused on the application of nanotechnology in electrical machines, particularly with a sliding contact. The work builds on the extensive knowledge and skills in this area, which were obtained on UVEE FEEC in the application of modern technology in the design of electrical machines. The aim is to identify the dependencies and relationships between components in different design and application version with a link such as EMC .. The problem is solved UVEE continuously and is achieved interesting results published on an international level. The Institute has a special measuring workplaces for practical verification of theoretical assumptions and cooperates with leading companies.

    Tutor: Veselka František, doc. Ing., CSc.

  11. Utilization of advanced electricity meters for distribution systems control

    Utilization of advanced electricity meters for distribution systems control.

    Tutor: Drápela Jiří, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  12. Utilization of fractal differentiaton and integrals for description of electric machines transients.

    The method seems to be powerful for transients description of the systems with parameters dynamic variability.

    Tutor: Ondrůšek Čestmír, doc. Ing., CSc.

  13. Voltage regulation in active distribution systems

    Voltage regulation in active distribution systems

    Tutor: Drápela Jiří, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DTK2Applied cryptographycs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DET1Electrotechnical materials, material systems and production processescs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DEE1Mathematical Modelling of Electrical Power Systemscs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DME1Microelectronic Systemscs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DRE1Modern electronic circuit designcs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DFY1Junctions and nanostructurescs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DTE1Special Measuring Methodscs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DAM1Selected chaps from automatic controlcs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DVE1Selected problems from power electronics and electrical drivescs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DBM1Advanced methods of processing and analysis of signals and imagescs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DJA6English for post-graduatescs4General knowledgeDrExCj - 26yes
DEIZElectronic information resources for research workcs2General knowledgeDrExS - 8yes
DMA1Statistics, Stochastic Processes, Operations Researchcs4General knowledgeDrExS - 39yes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DME2Microelectronic technologiescs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DRE2Modern digital wireless communicationcs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DTK1Modern network technologiescs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DTE2Numerical Computations with Partial Differential Equationscs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DFY2Spectroscopic methods for non-destructive diagnostics cs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DET2Selected diagnostic methods, reliability and qualitycs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DAM2Selected chaps from measuring techniquescs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DBM2Selected problems of biomedical engineeringcs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DEE2Selected problems of electricity productioncs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DVE2Topical Issues of Electrical Machines and Apparatuscs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DJA6English for post-graduatescs4General knowledgeDrExCj - 26yes
DMA2Discrete Processes in Electrical Engineeringcs4General knowledgeDrExS - 39yes
DEIZElectronic information resources for research workcs2General knowledgeDrExS - 8yes
1. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DQJAEnglish for the state doctoral examcs4CompulsoryDrExyes