Branch Details

Electronics and Communications

Original title in Czech: Elektronika a sdělovací technikaFEKTAbbreviation: PP-ESTAcad. year: 2013/2014

Programme: Electrical Engineering and Communication

Length of Study: 4 years


The doctor study programme provides the specialised university education to the graduates of the previous master study in electronics and communication technologies. The students are educated in various branches of theoretical and applied electronics and communication techniques. The students make deeper their theoretical knowledge of higher mathematics and physics, and they earn also knowledge of applied informatics and computer techniques.
They get ability to produce scientific works.

Key learning outcomes

The doctors are able to solve scientific and complex engineering tasks from the area of electronics and communications.
Wide fundamentals and deep theoretical basis of the study program bring high adaptability and high qualification of doctors for the most of requirements of their future creative practice in all areas of electronic engineering and communications.
The doctors are competent to work as scientists and researchers in many areas of basic research or research and development, as high-specialists in the development, design, construction, and application areas in many institutions, companies, and organisations of the electrical and electronic research, development, and industry as in the areas of communication and data transmission services and systems, inclusively in the special institutions of the state administration. In all of these branches they are able to work also as the leading scientific-, research-, development- or technical-managers.

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

The doctors are able to solve scientific and complex engineering tasks from the area of electronics and communication. Wide fundamentals and deep theoretical basis of the study program bring high adaptability and high qualification of doctors for the most of requirements of their future creative practice in all areas of electronic engineering and communications.
The doctors are competent to work as scientists and researchers in many areas of basic research or research and development, as high-specialists in the development, design, construction, and application areas in many institutions, companies, and organizations of the electrical and electronic research, development, and industry as in the areas of communication and data transmission services and systems, inclusively in the special institutions of the state administration. In all of these branches they are able to work also as the leading scientific-, research-, and development- or technical-managers.


Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program

  1. Advanced microwave systems for satellite communication

    At present, there are interesting MIO, discrete devices and new materials which allow to find solutions of microwave parts of the ground as well as the space segments on new principles. These are namely antenna feeds with integrated low noise amplifiers, power amplifiers, quadrature frequency converters, local oscillators with low phase noise, frequency filters, frequency synthesizers, modulators and demodulators. A part of the project will be studies of application possibilities, parameters analysis and designs of extensional units of a satellite communication chain.

    Tutor: Kasal Miroslav, prof. Ing., CSc.

  2. Algorithms for detecting radar targets

    The project aims to area of multistatic radar systems. After analyze of the existing principles and implementations, test and design of own particular algorithms for detecting radar targets is expected. The radar signal processing systems have several sub-problems. The most common includes removing the clutter, the influence of the direct signal path or efficient computational methods for basis vectors separation. The solution is expected with help of Matlab and also the development of own algorithm for implementation (C, VHDL, GPU) is considered.

    Tutor: Fedra Zbyněk, Ing., Ph.D.

  3. Algorithms for multicarrier communication systems

    Familiarize yourself with communication systems based on OFDM, CDMA and their combinations. Focus on the modulation parameters of these systems and their simulation in different transmission conditions (channels). During the solution, testing of communication system and any new proposals for each block (frame synchronization, frequency offset removal, channel estimation, etc.) is assumed on an existing simulation environment, cooperating with USRP hardware platform and the expansion of new blocks is considerted. Algorithms will be tested in Matlab, implementation of the simulator in C++.

    Tutor: Fedra Zbyněk, Ing., Ph.D.

  4. An accurate voltage reference for automotive applications

    This work is focused on finding new principles and optimization of existing circuits used for generation of a reference voltage. The reference voltage generator will be used in automotive applications. Specifics of the automotive applications are wide temperature range (-50 deg C to +200 deg C) and low sensitivity to interfering signals. The desired temperature range requires higher order temperature compensation. Part of this work is a realization of the proposed new voltage reference generator as a test chip and detail measurements of achieved parameters and immunity to disturbances.

    Tutor: Horský Pavel, doc. Dr. Ing.

  5. Analysis and simulation of the digital mobile radio and its services

    This theme is focused transmission analysis of the digital audio for portable and mobile terminals in T-DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting) and T-DMB (Digital Multimedia Broadcasting). Prerequisite of the successful analysis is design of convenient simulation model of the transmission and digital modulation with optional parameters of each block and software application (Matlab). Model of the transmission channel should be designed with the possibility of multipath reception and selective fading simulation. The aim of the work is evaluation of the modulator and transmission channel parameters on achieved bit-error rate and quality of the transmission and multimedia services.

    Tutor: Kratochvíl Tomáš, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  6. Analysis and simulation of the mobile digital television transmission

    This theme is focused on transmission analysis of the digital television in a new DVB-T2 Lite (Digital Video Broadcasting – 2nd Generation Terrestrial) and NGH (Next Generation Handheld) standards. Prerequisite of the successful analysis is design of convenient simulation model of the transmission and digital modulation with optional parameters of each block. Model of the transmission channel should be designed with the possibility of multipath reception and selective fading simulation. The aim of the work is evaluation of the modulator and transmission channel parameters on achieved bit-error rate and quality of the transmission and mobile services.

    Tutor: Kratochvíl Tomáš, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  7. Analysis of detonating parameters of explosive materials by means of optical methods

    Analysis of detonating parameters of explosive (energetic) materials is necessary for their development but also for properties verification before their specific usage. Among the most important parameters of these materials belongs velocity of the detonation, which is most often measured by optoelectronical methods using optical fibers. Signals obtained from these techniques contain usually not only worthwhile information but also a range of spurious components. The aim of the project is research of suitable signal processing techniques for suppressing these spurs, analysis and evaluation of the parameters sought and optimizing the measurement system for obtaining credible and sufficiently accurate results.

    Tutor: Prokeš Aleš, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  8. Analysis of glottal pulses

    Proposed project deals with estimation and analysis of glottal pulses in speakers using speech signal. The aim of this project is development and testing of special algorithms for estimation of the waveform of pulses generated by glottis during speaking. The analysis of estimated pulses will be oriented to selected factors useful for medicinal diagnostics. Development of algorithms will be based on robust DSP methods. In addition, some specific databases in realistic conditions will be created.

    Tutor: Sigmund Milan, prof. Ing., CSc.

  9. Analysis of stochastic changes of interconnects parameters

    The aim of the project is to develop techniques of the analysis of stochastic changes of interconnects parameters in electronic systems on a basis of the theory of stochastic differential equations (SDE). The subject of the research will be devoted partly to the application of ordinary SDEs, useful to describe models with lumped parameters, and partly to the study of the applicability of partial SDEs, useful for continuous models based on the telegraphic equations. It is expected a generalization of some proposed techniques towards the analysis of hybrid electronic systems based on stochastic differential-algebraic equations (SDAE). An applicant is assumed to be interested in mathematics and programming in Matlab environment.

    Tutor: Brančík Lubomír, prof. Ing., CSc.

  10. Antenna arrays for (sub)millimeter wavelenghts

    Systems for terahertz imaging require a construction of antenna arrays with the minimum mutual coupling among antenna elements. Antenna elements sense spatial samples of the distribution of electromagnetic fields. These samples are processed to reconstruct objects the wave propagates through. The dissertation is focused on the design and modeling of such antenna arrays. The antennas will be implemented and measured in cooperation with Darmstadt University of Technology.

    Tutor: Raida Zbyněk, prof. Dr. Ing.

  11. Antenna systems for communication at 60 GHz

    Most antenna systems operating at 60 GHz exploit horn elements. Their fabrication is expansive and demanding on the accuracy of mechanical processing. Availability of novel microwave substrates with low losses motive us to substitute horn elements by planar structures. The dissertation is focused on the methodology of the design of planar antenna structures, feeding systems, phasing systems and other passive structures for wireless applications operating at 60 GHz.

    Tutor: Raida Zbyněk, prof. Dr. Ing.

  12. Antennas for body are networks

    This project is focused on antennas for on-body and off-body communication for the band of centimeter and millimeter waves. The main attention should be concentrated on the original design of radiators which are low sensitive on their surrounding environment. The radiators should be exploited for novel antenna concepts.

    Tutor: Láčík Jaroslav, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  13. Antennas for body are networks

    This project is focused on antennas for on-body and off-body communication for the band of centimeter and millimeter waves. The main attention should be concentrated on the original design of radiators which are low sensitive on their surrounding environment. The radiators should be exploited for novel antenna concepts.

    Tutor: Láčík Jaroslav, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  14. Automatic keyword search in stored speech

    Proposed project deals with fast keyword search in audio documents. The aim of this project is to identify the topic of a talk by means of simple keywords or phrases given by the user. The searching process is analogous to the search in textual files. An efficient detection of spoken keywords embedded in recorded continuous speech is based on pattern recognition approaches.

    Tutor: Sigmund Milan, prof. Ing., CSc.

  15. Communication protocols for hybrid wireless links

    The project is aimed at new communication techniques for hybrid terrestrial wireless links, which combine free-space optical and millimeter-wave links. Thanks to different influence of atmosphere on optical and millimeter waves, it is possible to combine both links in order to significantly improve transmission properties. The project includes modeling of both channels, design and simulation of suitable coding, and implementation of the hybrid link into the network. The proposed techniques will be implemented in FPGA, which will be a part of a network bridge for hybrid links.

    Tutor: Kolka Zdeněk, prof. Dr. Ing.

  16. Design of measuring systems for special EMC chambers

    The project is focused on the analysis of non-standard electromagnetic environments for electromagnetic interference measurements. The analysis has to be focused on different measurement techniques and also some calibrations of the unknown environment. The main aim is to gain similar result of measurements in the uncertain condition as in the semi-anechoic chambers by special measurement setups and corrections. The analysis has to cover also full and semi-anechoic chambers and also reverberations and only shielded rooms.

    Tutor: Dřínovský Jiří, Ing., Ph.D.

  17. Detection of alcohol by voice analysis

    Proposed project is oriented to detection of alcohol using speech signal analysis. The aim of this project is development and testing of special algorithms for investigation of alcohol intoxication in low level which is not audible but affect the activity and behaviour of persons. Development of algorithms will be based on robust DSP methods. In addition, some specific databases under realistic conditions will be created.

    Tutor: Sigmund Milan, prof. Ing., CSc.

  18. Digital terrestrial television and audio broadcasting networks

    This theme is focused on analysis of the SFN (Single Frequency Network) and MFN (Multi Frequency Network) broadcast networks parameters for digital terrestrial television and audio broadcasting according to DVB-T/H/T2 and T-DAB/T-DMB standards. The essential in the analysis is focus on coverage criteria of useful signal transmitters set and interference influence evaluation on signal coverage. Further analysis deals with time synchronization in networks, guard interval evaluation, according coverage evaluation and network design parameters optimization. The aim of the work is evaluation of the SFN and MFN networks parameters influence on required coverage and evaluation of the transmitter’s requirements.

    Tutor: Kratochvíl Tomáš, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  19. Dynamic range enhancement in software-defined radio receivers

    Universal SDRs require implementation of wider RF front-end bandwidths for flexibility and configurability, which exposes the receiver to many strong interferers. Software implementation of a significant portion of the PHY layer opens up the possibility of extending the receiver dynamic range through various techniques such as feedback or feed-forward cancellation or cascaded non-linearity. Integrating such techniques within an existing SDR platform and exploring the trade-offs this would entail in the system design through well defined experiments will enhance the understanding of the benefits of SDR beyond mere configurability. This project will investigate architectures and scenarios where such techniques can be most efficiently utilized to significantly improve the performance of existing or future SDR based radio systems.

    Tutor: Prokeš Aleš, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  20. Economic model for network resource management in mobile network

    In order to achieve a reasonable trade-off between subjective quality and transmission costs in mobile environment, it is necessary to establish economic control transmission equipment for mobile multimedia services. In this procedure it is necessary to take into account the user experience as a key factor.

    Tutor: Ries Michal, doc. Dr. techn. Ing.

  21. Effective data fusion methods for precise personal navigation

    The subject of this project is focused on research of methods for precise personal navigation based on data fusing of a few independent sources: GNSS receiver, inertial systems (electronic compass, accelerometer, gyroscope etc.). The goal of this work is investigation of effective fusing algorithms (using extended Kalman filtering, neural networks) for precise pedestrian positioning based on characterization of sensors. Results of this research will be used by rescue workers, worker in dangerous plant etc.

    Tutor: Šebesta Jiří, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  22. Electromagnetic analysis of small composite airplanes

    In the design of modern airplanes, metallic surfaces are replaced by composite materials. Since the shielding effectiveness of composite materials is lower compared to conventional metallic surfaces, the internal electromagnetic fields in the airplane have to be analyzed and locations of maximum intensities of electromagnetic fields have to be determined. Into these locations, no sensitive avionics and cable bundles have to be placed. The dissertation is focused on the methodology of the analysis and optimization of feasible parameters of the airplane, which can enable us to minimize maximum field intensities or shift their location out of the critical space. The dissertation is a part of the cooperation with Evektor.

    Tutor: Raida Zbyněk, prof. Dr. Ing.

  23. EMI Three-Phase Filters Performance Analyses Under Uncertain Conditions

    The project is focused on the analysis of three-phase (or multiphase) EMI filters. The analysis has to be focused on the uncertain impedance termination of the EMI filters. The termination has a dominant influence on the filter's insertion loss and also on so call "worst-case" performance. The results will be checked by a lot of measurements and also several mathematical analyses. For these analyses will be designed accurate filter's models.

    Tutor: Dřínovský Jiří, Ing., Ph.D.

  24. Enhanced signal processing techniques for narrowband radio systems

    Filter-bank multi-carrier modulation, various MIMO system strategies, space time coding, automatic code and modulation, efficient pre-distortion and equalization techniques are just few examples of how today's communication systems mitigate the negative effects of radio channel while trying to use it with the highest spectrum and power efficiency. With the increasing signal bandwidth and modulation order the efficient method of how to minimize the negative effects of multipath signal propagation will have to be implemented in upcoming narrowband land mobile radios. By means of system simulation, this project would investigate the theoretical and practical limits of enhanced signal processing techniques and suggest an optimal solution applicable in a new generation of narrowband land mobile radio systems.

    Tutor: Prokeš Aleš, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  25. High performance computing systems

    This work is focused on high performance computing, especially the heterogeneous systems (such as CPU, GPU, DSP). There are several modern methods for programming of multi/many-core systems, such as MPI, OpenMP, CUDA, etc. The present methods could be improved by the effective scheduling of core/functional units computing loads and/or by the high/low level source code optimization.

    Tutor: Frýza Tomáš, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  26. Channel models for data communication and localization

    Recent trends in the utilization of prospective electronic technologies in the automotive industry include among others applications of wireless sensor networks, localization techniques for short distances, data (multimedia) transmission in the vehicle compartment, or car to car and car to infrastructure communication (Car2X technologies). Fruitfulness of such techniques implementation depends among others on both the perfect knowledge of the transmission channel and on the choice of a suitable wireless technology. The UWB (Ultra Wide-Band) technology is considered to be a most prospective for such applications. The aim of the project is research of channels properties (especially UWB) and creation of their models for applications aimed at positioning and data communication in outdoor environment and vehicle interior and design of an optimal concept of the communication and localization systems ensuring reliable functionality.

    Tutor: Prokeš Aleš, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  27. Imaging Methods With the Use of Vector Network Analyzer

    The aim of the project is area of imaging systems, which use the vector network analyzer. The work deals with methods used in 2D up to 4D imaging systems, studies their features, restrictions and methods of their creations. In the practical part it will lead to realization of perspective system in laboratory and study of dealing with measured data will be done to produce the imaging solution. Practical use is directed to ground penetrating radar or microwave tomography.

    Tutor: Urbanec Tomáš, Ing., Ph.D.

  28. In-car communication at 60 GHz

    High-speed local wireless links are more and more frequently implemented in frequency bands in the aera of 60 GHz. Atmosphere in these bands exhibits a strong attenuation, which can separate partial links in the same space. For this reason, several car manufacturers use these bands for a wireless distribution of multimedia signals in a car experimentally. The dissertation will be focused on the construction of an experimental link in a car, on measurements of field distributions and their probabilistic descriptions. The research will be a part of the cooperation with Volkswagen.

    Tutor: Raida Zbyněk, prof. Dr. Ing.

  29. Measuring of the optical beam parameters

    The subject of this project is research of influence of the optical beam coherence and polarization with given wavelength on the quality of signal transmission in conditions of turbulent atmosphere. Atmospheric turbulence produces received power fluctuations and deteriorates the BER of a link. The aim of the project is proposal for measuring of the beam coherence and polarization so that it is possible to investigate the link transmission quality dependence on such parameters. The design and realization of a testing optical transmitter is a part of the project.

    Tutor: Wilfert Otakar, prof. Ing., CSc.

  30. Methods for image signal compression using 3D-DCT

    As part of the project, it is necessary to explore the possibility of compressing the image signal using the 3D-DCT transform. On the basis of the data obtained, an optimum compression method will be drawn up that would be appropriate to implement in the digital signal processor. The project will result in the verification of the possibility of compressing image signal using the 3D-DCT transform in real time.

    Tutor: Hanus Stanislav, prof. Ing., CSc.

  31. Methods for precise localization in wireless sensor network

    The subject of this project is focused on research of methods and hardware systems for precise localization of wireless sensors in networks. The goal of the research is analysis of current methods and their optimization with application in millimeter bands (MMID), eventually sub-millimeter bands, using UWB signals. Topic of the project includes an effective cooperation of multi-sensor systems (proper protocols, Kalman filtering). Systems for precise positioning of robotic machines, patient localizations, drivers in a car detection, or accurate localization of RFID tags are objective applications of this research.

    Tutor: Šebesta Jiří, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  32. Microwave structures based on substrate integrated waveguide

    Nowadays, the technology of substrate integrated circuits is a promising solution for the development of microwave components. This project is focused on the research of the antennas and passive circuits based on substrate integrated waveguides for the band of centimeter and millimeter waves. The main attention of the project is concentrated on the original design of radiators and their coupling with the substrate integrated waveguide. Further attention should be focused on passive circuits connected to the antenna, and transitions between substrate integrated waveguides and conventional transmission lines and waveguides.

    Tutor: Láčík Jaroslav, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  33. New video coding algorithms

    Apart from continuous improvement of video coding tools based on block prediction and transform coding of difference block, brand new approaches to video coding are being employed. One such example is the distributed video coding, in which a simple encoder with low computational complexity is used and quality improvement is achieved at the receiver side by statistical analys of the received data. The aim of the project is to explore the capabilities of new coding algorithms and propose means of practical usage of thir principles in real applications.

    Tutor: Slanina Martin, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  34. Noncoherent Ranging of Objects in 3D Space and Realtime

    The aim of the project is range measurement according to time delay of signals via active transponder on measured object. The work deals with modulation and code sequencies selection, and with suitable ways of measurement handling. Following the measurements from more different stations, it is necessary to do proper synchronization of their measurements to be able to obtain position in the 3D space. The work is aimed at simulations of problematics in Matlab and practical measurements via active satellite transponders.

    Tutor: Urbanec Tomáš, Ing., Ph.D.

  35. Optimization of an algorithm for face recognition in video sequences

    The research will be focused on quality analysis and improvement of image recognition by statistical models. The aim will be to optimize algorithm for face recognition in video sequences for the usage in specific applications such as the camera surveillance systems. The statistical processes based on the Gaussian mixture model and identification of distribution characteristics of individual image sequences will be used. In this context analysis and optimization of algorithms for face identification, analysis of methods for data creation, design of algorithm for evaluation and control of face type will be investigated. The result of the work will be proposal and realization of the main part of the face recognition system applicable in camera surveillance systems.

    Tutor: Poměnková Jitka, doc. RNDr., Ph.D.

  36. Optimization of video file sharing services for mobile environment

    The significant traffic share of mobile data services is already generated by using of video file sharing services (eg. The aim of these works is to create a model of quality of experience (QoE) for mobile video sharing services. The introduced model takes into account the terminal equipment, the nature of video services and economic aspects of network resource management.

    Tutor: Ries Michal, doc. Dr. techn. Ing.

  37. Physical layer models of MIMO systems

    The study is concentrated on physical layer simulation of MIMO systems. Attention must be located on investigation of influence corelation parameters of particular transmission connection on total signal rate of a given system and bit error rate. After creation of physical layer model of MIMO system (for example 802.11n or LTE) in MATLAB programme, the simulation of transfer signals for different conditions must be realized. The system model must be verified by measurement of the real system.

    Tutor: Hanus Stanislav, prof. Ing., CSc.

  38. Physical layer models of WiMAX system

    In terms of project it is necessary study possibilities of perspective WiMAX system with a view to his physical layer. After creation of physical layer model in MATLAB programme it is necessary to search influence of radio environment (C/N, C/I ratio etc.) on transmission quality (BER) by the simulation. Attention must be concentrated on investigation of coexistence between WiMAX system and other systems working in same or near frequency bands. The aim of this work is determine recommendation for operation of the system and network, to be quality of transmission was the best.

    Tutor: Hanus Stanislav, prof. Ing., CSc.

  39. Reception of very week radiofrequency signals

    Reception of spacecraft signals is characterized by very low Eb/N0 ratio. That is mostly concerned with phase shift keying of a carrier or sub-carrier. Reduced bandwidth is applied for AWGN elimination as the spacecraft distance increases. For this reason very high frequency stability has to be achieved by locking to an atomic frequency standard. Basic requirement is a low value of equivalent system’s noise temperature achievement, related to optimized radiated pattern of the parabolic reflector feed. A part of the project is also methodology of the system sensitivity measurement by means of extraterrestrial noise sources.

    Tutor: Kasal Miroslav, prof. Ing., CSc.

  40. Scalable and adaptive video coding

    With the increasing diversity of equimpent, capable of receiving, decoding and presenting a compressed digital video signal, techniques are required enabling efficient coding and transmission for a variety of devices with different bitrate and quality constraints. One solution can be the scalable codecs, which allow for decreasing the bit rate and quality just by discarding a part of the transmitted data. The aim of the project is in particular the optimization of the lower quality bit stream selection mechanism and integration of scalable techniques in non-scalable codecs.

    Tutor: Slanina Martin, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  41. Signal processing algorithms in cooperative radio communications

    Prospective subject is oriented towards the signal processing algorithms in cooperative radio communications. The aim is to design an optimal algorithm for distributed solving of selected problem in the system of local/sensor networks. In such a case, the individual network components solve a part of the problem and communicate with the neighbouring components without the need for a centralized control. As the potential application a decentralized radio resource allocation (parts of the spectrum) to the individual network nodes can be mentioned. The project is suitable for motivated student with the real interests in modern signal processing theory.

    Tutor: Maršálek Roman, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  42. Software defined radio for sensor networks and localization

    Wireless sensor networks as well as object localization techniques belong to prospective research areas of recent vehicle manufacturers. These technologies often require usage of complex algorithms for processing of signals transferred through non-stationary wideband channels with large level of interference and multipath propagation, which frequently cause difficulties with their implementation. The aim of the project is research of robust algorithm for object positioning at short distances and for reliable data transmission in the above channel type. Project also includes implementation of proposed algorithm into a real system (based on FPGA or DSP) with the aim of the technological limits and restriction caused by implementation disclosure.

    Tutor: Prokeš Aleš, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  43. Software defined radio for space radio communication

    At present, wireless communication systems solution is mostly based on digital signal processing. Software Defined Radio makes use of universal programmed hardware for near to optimal signal processing. Goal of this project is search and evaluation such algorithms for receiving part of the satellite communication systems ground segment.

    Tutor: Kasal Miroslav, prof. Ing., CSc.

  44. Software reconfiguration of transceiver subsystems

    Modern multistandard transceivers based on the software defined radio principle must be able to work in several frequency bands, with various modulations, bandwidths and parameters. On the contrary, their reuse in various distinct modes is possible. The aim of this project is to investigate the reuse posibilities of individual software blocks and to design the optimum scheme of their partial reconfiguration in FPGA devices.

    Tutor: Maršálek Roman, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  45. Stable Optical Frequency Transmission by way of the Optical Wireless link

    The frequency stable optical signal in many precision metrology applications is needed. The signal concerned is a coherent optical wave, which serves as an accurate optical reference and makes synchronization of the mutually interconnected devices possible. For many institutions, it is difficult to have such a signal generated by own equipment available. The project is focused on investigation of the coherent optical wave transmission by way of the optical wireless link. The signal transmission by the optical wireless link does not need a special permission, which is one of the major advantages such a transmission. Transmission in the atmosphere, however, is affected by the atmospheric phenomena and investigation of the atmospheric effects influence on the link is a significant aspect of the project.

    Tutor: Wilfert Otakar, prof. Ing., CSc.

  46. Subjective quality assessment in crowdsourcing domain

    The aim of the thesis is to design new methods for assessing the quality of experience (QoE) for multimedia services, user perception of QoE in its natural environment. In this work should be explored issues of implementing crowdsourcing subjective evaluation in the domain (Facebook and Twitter API) and the importance of proper filtering unreliable users from the overall results. Another aim is to propose statistically effective method for increasing the reliability QoE study various approaches.

    Tutor: Ries Michal, doc. Dr. techn. Ing.

  47. Subjective quality assessment in crowdsourcing domain

    The aim of the thesis is to design new methods for assessing the quality of experience (QoE) for multimedia services, user perception of QoE in its natural environment. In this work should be explored issues of implementing crowdsourcing subjective evaluation in the domain (Facebook and Twitter API) and the importance of proper filtering unreliable users from the overall results. Another aim is to propose statistically effective method for increasing the reliability QoE study various approaches.

    Tutor: Ries Michal, doc. Dr. techn. Ing.

  48. Techniques of numerical inverse Laplace transforms for electrical engineering

    The project is focused on developing novel or innovative numerical techniques for evaluation of inverse Laplace transforms (NILT) of functions of single and multiple variables, being accurate and universal enough for purposes of computer simulation in electrical engineering. The methods are still sought after on a world-wide scale, not only in the electrical engineering, but also in another fields of science where systems of ordinary or partial differential equations are solved. Multivariable inverse Laplace transforms, in conjunction with Volterra series theory, can also be used for weakly nonlinear systems solution. As a part of the project, searching effective program algorithms is also required. The knowledge of programming in Matlab environment is needed at interested persons.

    Tutor: Brančík Lubomír, prof. Ing., CSc.

  49. Technology and methods for precise localization in centimeter and millimeter bands

    The subject of this project is focused on research of high precise distance measurement and positioning of objects using radio-communication systems in centimeter and millimeter bands. The goal of this work is oriented to effective methods and reliable systems for precision measurement of distances or positions of objects based on deterministic signals or standardized radio-communication signals with accuracy up to centimeters. Achievement of such required accuracy needs an application of UWB systems and channel modeling for various scenarios.

    Tutor: Šebesta Jiří, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  50. Use of Monte Carlo simulations for frequency and time-frequency analysis of the data

    The research will be focus on analyzing and assessing the quality of spectrogram/scalogram estimation through the Monte Carlo simulations and the formulation of recommendations for working with the methods of estimating frequency and time-frequency structure of the data. The aim will be to assess chosen methods in terms of its ability to best estimate the spectrogram, and to compare methods based on the results to formulate recommendations for application of methods. The methods will be applied first to the simulated signal. Subsequently, the application will be proceed on real data sets. In this context will be investigated applications in various areas (communication and analysis of radar signals, econometric and biomedical data), and also in terms of the appropriateness of the methods with respect to the sample size of the data file.

    Tutor: Poměnková Jitka, doc. RNDr., Ph.D.

  51. Utilization of the Visible Light Communication in the Intelligent Transportation System

    Wireless optical systems are nowadays a key technology for intelligent transportation systems (ITS). Optical communication systems in the visible range, also referred to as visible light communications (VLC) are an alternative to existing wireless technology to provide the communication link between a user and the infrastructure (traffic signs, street lamps …). The aim of the work is to study main factors limiting the use of the VLC in outdoor environment and to design the system model with respect to the modulation and coding techniques.

    Tutor: Wilfert Otakar, prof. Ing., CSc.

  52. Video and data services quality in the broadband multimedia networks

    This theme is focused on processing and transmission analysis in the broadband multimedia networks (IPTV etc.). These networks deal with compressed video and audio and generic data and its delivery, both free broadcast, broadband and on demand services. The topic also covers elements which facilitate the connection of the receivers (STBs) to the network, support for content downloading and recovering of packet errors. The aim of the work is analysis and evaluation of the system parameters on achieved bit-error rate and quality of the transmission and video and data services in the broadband multimedia networks.

    Tutor: Kratochvíl Tomáš, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  53. Wideband Vector Measurements

    The aim of the project is the study of operation theory and proposition of new solutions for wideband microwave vector measurement system with the main orientation to the sixport measurement methods. Actual used systems are dedicated to lower microwave frequencies and from technological point of view they are not applicable to higher frequencies. Research of the necessary calibration sets and basic function methods is also included in the project. Also the study of parameter details of measurement systems and modeling of their behaviour with the changes in enviroment, long term stability etc. will be contained in the research project.

    Tutor: Urbanec Tomáš, Ing., Ph.D.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DTK2Applied cryptographycs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DET1Electrotechnical materials, material systems and production processescs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DEE1Mathematical Modelling of Electrical Power Systemscs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DME1Microelectronic Systemscs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DRE1Modern electronic circuit designcs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DFY1Junctions and nanostructurescs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DTE1Special Measuring Methodscs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DAM1Selected chaps from automatic controlcs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DVE1Selected problems from power electronics and electrical drivescs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DBM1Advanced methods of processing and analysis of signals and imagescs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DJA6English for post-graduatescs4General knowledgeDrExCj - 26yes
DEIZElectronic information resources for research workcs2General knowledgeDrExS - 8yes
DMA1Statistics, Stochastic Processes, Operations Researchcs4General knowledgeDrExS - 39yes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DME2Microelectronic technologiescs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DRE2Modern digital wireless communicationcs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DTK1Modern network technologiescs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DTE2Numerical Computations with Partial Differential Equationscs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DFY2Spectroscopic methods for non-destructive diagnostics cs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DET2Selected diagnostic methods, reliability and qualitycs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DAM2Selected chaps from measuring techniquescs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DBM2Selected problems of biomedical engineeringcs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DEE2Selected problems of electricity productioncs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DVE2Topical Issues of Electrical Machines and Apparatuscs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DJA6English for post-graduatescs4General knowledgeDrExCj - 26yes
DMA2Discrete Processes in Electrical Engineeringcs4General knowledgeDrExS - 39yes
DEIZElectronic information resources for research workcs2General knowledgeDrExS - 8yes
1. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DQJAEnglish for the state doctoral examcs4CompulsoryDrExyes