Branch Details

Microelectronics and Technology

Original title in Czech: Mikroelektronika a technologieFEKTAbbreviation: PP-METAcad. year: 2013/2014

Programme: Electrical Engineering and Communication

Length of Study: 4 years


The doctoral study programme is focused on the preparation of scientific and research specialists in various fields of microelectronics and technology for electrical engineering. Particularly in the theory, design and testing of integrated circuits and systems, in semiconductor devices and structures, intelligent sensors, optoelectronics, electrical technology materials, industrial processes and electric power sources. Doctoral studies are closely associated with scientific and research activities of the faculty staff. The aim is to provide the PhD education (to the graduates of master's programme) in all subareas of microelectronics and deepen the theoretical knowledge (especially in mathematics and physics), teach the PhD students to the methods of scientific work, and provide them with special knowledge and practical skills (both obtained mainly during their researching activities associated with solving dissertation thesis issues). Current and expected future trends play an important role, particularly in electronics and communication technology. Due to the developed theoretical education of high quality and specialisation in chosen field of study the PhD graduates are sought as specialists in all areas of electrical engineering.The aim is to provide the doctor education in all these particular branches to students educated in university magister study, to make deeper their theoretical knowledge, to give them also requisite special knowledge and practical skills and to teach them methods of scientific work.

Key learning outcomes

The doctors are able to solve scientific and complex engineering tasks from the area of microelectronics and electrical technology
Wide fundamentals and deep theoretical basis of the study program bring high adaptability and high qualification of doctors for the most of requirements of their future creative practice in all areas of
microelectronics and electrotechnology.
The doctors are competent to work as scientists and researchers in many areas of basic research or research and development, as high-specialists in the development, design, construction, and application areas in many institutions, companies, and organisations of the electrical and electronics research, development, and industry as in the areas of electrical services and systems, inclusively in the special institutions of the state administration. In all of these branches they are able to work also as the leading scientific-, research-, development- or technical managers.

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

The graduate of the doctoral study programme is able to solve scientific and complex engineering tasks in the field of microelectronics and technology for electrical engineering. The graduate has reached a high level of general theoretical knowledge in the branch and is further specialized in the area of his/her dissertation thesis.
Having broad theoretical knowledge, the PhD graduate is capable of meeting work requirements of both fundamental and applied research. The PhD graduates are sought out as specialists in all branches of microelectronics and technology. They are able to work as research workers, as members of management staff in fundamental or applied research, as design, construction or operation specialists in various research and development institutions, electronics manufacturing firms, and to work for various users of electronic systems and devices. They will be able to employ advanced technology everywhere in a creative way.


Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program

  1. A novel evaluation procedures of integrated circuits

    The goal of the thesis is understanding of design and simulation of custom integrated circuits (ASIC) and mainly understanding of evaluation and testing methods of ASICs. The thesis outcome will be at least one novel procedure of ASIC evaluation, which increase the effectiveness and accuracy of the overall evaluation process.

    Tutor: Háze Jiří, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  2. Detection of photons in high pressure conditions of environmental scanning electron microscope.

    Newly designed detector of photons in high pressure conditions wil be realised and tested.

    Tutor: Neděla Vilém, doc. Ing. et Ing., Ph.D., DSc.

  3. Diagnostic methods of photovoltaic cells and modules

    Research and development of new diagnostic method of photovoltaic cells

    Tutor: Vaněk Jiří, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  4. Diagnostic methods of photovoltaic cells and modules

    Research and development of new diagnostic method of photovoltaic cells

    Tutor: Vaněk Jiří, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  5. Diagnostic methods of photovoltaic cells and modules

    Research and development of new diagnostic method of photovoltaic cells

    Tutor: Vaněk Jiří, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  6. Distribution of clock signals in multi-dimensional memory structure

    Distribution of clock signals in multi-dimensional memory structure for minimal delay

    Tutor: Šteffan Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  7. Effect of pressure on the utility properties of lead-acid batteries electrodes.

    Changes in the composition of the active materials during charging and discharging lead-acid battery lead to changes in the structure of bulk materials. Volume changes can lead to disintegration and disintegration electrodes. Purpose of research is to determine the effect of applied pressure on both the structure of the active electrode materials.

    Tutor: Bača Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  8. Electrode systems for supercapacitors.

    The implementation of new technologies used for supercapacitors and continuous drop in price of supercapacitors caused currently very rapid rise in their use in various fields of application. The aim of the work is the development of new electrode systems to increase specific capacity of supercapacitors and facilitate their integration into larger units.

    Tutor: Boušek Jaroslav, prof. Ing., CSc.

  9. Electronic properties of graphene

    Implementation of new methods of preparation of graphene and the continuous growth of its production is currently leading to the expansion of its applications. The aim of the work is to evaluate the possibility of using graphene in electrical and electronical devices and experimentally verify the properties of such devices.

    Tutor: Boušek Jaroslav, prof. Ing., CSc.

  10. Fibre optic diffractive gratings with nonperiodical structures

    The focus of the thesis is to optimise the design means of preparation of the nonperiodical optical diffractive structures in the fibre waveguides aimed to the construction of the sensors and spectral filters. The thesis will utilise and show the design and verification of the necessary modifications of the present mask based fibre grating exposition systems to allow for the exposition of the diffractive structures by use of the interferometric method. Forming the LP nonperiodical structures will be experimentally shown and acquired features compared to the Bragg grating features. The design model for forming the desired functionality grating is expected to be composed. The means for the control of the grating properties and for the fast evaluation of the spectral changes of the nonperiodical diffractive structures will be designed and experimentally verified.

    Tutor: Urban František, doc. Ing., CSc.

  11. Heat effects in lead acid batteries

    Measurement and research of heat effects during cycling of lead acid batteries.

    Tutor: Křivík Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  12. Higher-order circuit elements: basic research, modeling, and simulation

    The substance of the thesis is a research of basic rules and principles acting in the systems, containing the higher-order elements from Chua's periodical table of fundamental electrical circuit elements.The final aim is revealing these regularities as forth as it enables an adequate inclusion of these elements into the current circuit theory. The secondary aim is finding models of these elements and their potential utilization in SPICE-family simulation programs for implementing software experiments, and also a construction of their hardware emulators for supporting laboratory experiments.

    Tutor: Biolek Dalibor, prof. Ing., CSc.

  13. Implementation of novel mathematical algorithms for ASIC circuits

    Prozkoumejte možnosti hardwarové implementace nových a perspektivních algoritmů pro aritmetické operace s velkými čísly. Zaměřte se na algoritmy vyyužitelné v kryptografii a distribovaných vědeckých výpočtech.

    Tutor: Fujcik Lukáš, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  14. Insitu monitoring electrochemical processes using microscopic techniques.

    In situ monitoring of active materials changes during charging and discharging lead-acid battery is very problematic because constant presence of an aggressive environment of sulfuric acid is need. One possible solution is to use AFM microscopy, which is experiencing a boom. Research will be monitoring processes in electrochemical reactions on the surface of the electrodes.

    Tutor: Bača Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  15. Modern diagnostic methods for high-efficiency silicon solar cells production

    The key to the high efficiency of a solar cell is a detailed knowledge of the processes and events occurring in its manufacture. Perfect feedback in the production is based on a correct diagnosis of partial operations and its evaluation. The aim is to optimize the measurement methods used in the manufacture of Solartec.

    Tutor: Boušek Jaroslav, prof. Ing., CSc.

  16. Modification of electrical properties of cement composite materials carried out on inorganic components

    The aim is to fuse the current situation in the field of composite materials using inorganic constituents.

    Tutor: Šteffan Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  17. Network from neuronal cells created on a chip and its electrical characterization

    Tutor: Hubálek Jaromír, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  18. New techniques of memristors network formation and their characterization

    Tutor: Hubálek Jaromír, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  19. New technology procedures for integrated organic electronics

    Tutor: Hubálek Jaromír, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  20. Reliability od Solder Connection for 3D systems

    Reliability Soldering Connection of SMD components in thermoechanical loading deternine.

    Tutor: Šandera Josef, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  21. Researchof LTCC structures for optoelectronic aplications

    Aim of the work is research in 3D structures realized by LTCC technology.

    Tutor: Szendiuch Ivan, doc. Ing., CSc.

  22. study of electron phenomenon in metalic network of nanowires

    Tutor: Hubálek Jaromír, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  23. Supercapacitors for Higth Energy Applications.

    The implementation of new technologies used for supercapacitors and continuous drop in price of supercapacitors caused currently very rapid rise in their use in various fields of application. The aim of the work is to develop circuit solutions for the storage and processing of energy stored in supercapacitor systems and to achieve high efficiency and reliability of these systems.

    Tutor: Boušek Jaroslav, prof. Ing., CSc.

  24. The study of influence of magnetic and electric field on detection efficiency of secondary electrons in high pressure conditions of Environmental SEM.

    The similation of elecric and magnetic field of ionization secondary electron detector with electrostatic separator in vaious operating conditions of ESEM.

    Tutor: Neděla Vilém, doc. Ing. et Ing., Ph.D., DSc.

  25. Tilted fibre optic gratings for sensor applications

    The focus of the thesis is to optimise the design and parameters of the optical diffractive structures in the fibre waveguides aimed to the construction of the sensors and spectral filters. The design and optimization will be concentrated to the elements based on the tilted gratings functionalities. Thesis will explore experimentally the spectral and polarisation features of the Bragg and Long Period diffractive fibre gratings related to the tilt, index variation and period count. The thesis will show the design and verification of the necessary modifications of the present mask based fibre grating exposition systems to allow for the exposition of the LP structures.The experimental results will be used for forming the design model for the desired functionality grating. The means for the control of the grating properties and for the fast evaluation of the spectral changes will be designed and experimentally verified.

    Tutor: Urban František, doc. Ing., CSc.

  26. Utilizing the „bulk-driven quasi-floating-gate“ technique for ultra-low voltage biomedical applications.

    Utilizing the bulk-driven quasi-floating-gate MOSFET in low-voltage low-power analog circuit design used in biomedical devices. Theoretical design and experimental evaluations using Technology 0.35 um from Amis.

    Tutor: Khateb Fabian, prof. Ing. et Ing., Ph.D. et Ph.D.

  27. Vacuum Deposit Metal Layers for Electronic

    Realization evaporating thin metal layer Al, Ag, Cu and others, realization of multilayes.

    Tutor: Šandera Josef, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  28. Vacuum Evaporating Metal Multilayers and Application for Electronic

    Vacuum evaporating metal and dielectric layers. Properties of metal multilayers.

    Tutor: Šandera Josef, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  29. 3D Connection for LTCC Ceramic

    Realization 3D structures for LTCC Ceramic. Using substrate Heralock HL 2000, or the others. FEM simulation (ANSYS).

    Tutor: Šandera Josef, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DTK2Applied cryptographycs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DET1Electrotechnical materials, material systems and production processescs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DEE1Mathematical Modelling of Electrical Power Systemscs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DME1Microelectronic Systemscs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DRE1Modern electronic circuit designcs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DFY1Junctions and nanostructurescs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DTE1Special Measuring Methodscs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DAM1Selected chaps from automatic controlcs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DVE1Selected problems from power electronics and electrical drivescs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DBM1Advanced methods of processing and analysis of signals and imagescs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DJA6English for post-graduatescs4General knowledgeDrExCj - 26yes
DEIZElectronic information resources for research workcs2General knowledgeDrExS - 8yes
DMA1Statistics, Stochastic Processes, Operations Researchcs4General knowledgeDrExS - 39yes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DME2Microelectronic technologiescs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DRE2Modern digital wireless communicationcs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DTK1Modern network technologiescs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DTE2Numerical Computations with Partial Differential Equationscs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DFY2Spectroscopic methods for non-destructive diagnostics cs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DET2Selected diagnostic methods, reliability and qualitycs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DAM2Selected chaps from measuring techniquescs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DBM2Selected problems of biomedical engineeringcs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DEE2Selected problems of electricity productioncs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DVE2Topical Issues of Electrical Machines and Apparatuscs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DJA6English for post-graduatescs4General knowledgeDrExCj - 26yes
DMA2Discrete Processes in Electrical Engineeringcs4General knowledgeDrExS - 39yes
DEIZElectronic information resources for research workcs2General knowledgeDrExS - 8yes
1. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DQJAEnglish for the state doctoral examcs4CompulsoryDrExyes