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Vyhraj iPhone nebo iPad za vyplnění studentského dotazníku týkajícího se hledání zaměstnání online

Dear student,

Brno University of Technology is cooperating with Potentialpark in an international study on the communication between students and employers.

Searching and applying for jobs online is often time-consuming and frustrating. Furthermore, employers do not always know the best way to communicate via mobile applications and social media platforms. We would like to change that. Therefore we ask for your opinion in a short survey. This is your chance to tell employers how you would like online communication and recruitment to work. Every year, our study is read by many of the top employers worldwide and influences the development of career websites, mobile phone applications and social media communication.

Please click on this link to take part in the survey:

The survey is anonymous and takes about 15 minutes to complete. It is independent and not sponsored by any company.

What's in it for me?

1. You will shape the future of online recruitment so that it will become easier to find the right career opportunities and to apply for jobs online.
2. We will share the results with you, if you want.
3. You will learn more about the latest trends in online recruitment and gain insights that will be valuable for your own career.
4. You can win the latest iPhone, an iPad 2, one of 25 vouchers (Amazon, iTunes, Sodexo or Dangdang) or one of 500 iHipo.com membership.

The results will be published in media worldwide in the spring 2012 .

Thank you, and have fun!

The Potentialpark Team

PS: Potentialpark is a market-research institute based in Stockholm, Sweden. Find out more about us here: www.potentialpark.com, or contact us at survey@potentialpark.com.

Publikováno: 05.10.2011 17:03

Zkrácený odkaz: https://www.vut.cz/old/f19528/d56431


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