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Quantum computers, robotics and light design dominated the "8 from BUT" show

The ten-minute challenge to explain the essence and benefits of their bachelor’s thesis as effectively as possible was once again faced by students from the various faculties of Brno University of Technology. According to the jury, the most impressive performance was delivered by Sára Jobranová, a computer science student who successfully presented a complex topic from the world of quantum computers in an understandable way. The podium was completed by Tomáš Janoušek with a topic on robotics and Andrej Ilič, who introduced an innovative lighting design. The audience award was won by Michal Grund, a civil engineering student.

Participants of the final evening 8 from BUT. The representative of FA BUT was excused from participation. | Autor: Václav Koníček

“What I appreciated the most was the friendly atmosphere of the entire event, which allowed me to enjoy it despite the demanding preparation. It was also a valuable experience to look at my work from a completely different perspective to make it beneficial and interesting for an audience outside my field. Additionally, it was great to meet students from other faculties,” shared her impressions the winner, Sára Jobranová, a master’s student in Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence at the Faculty of Information Technology (FIT BUT).

The jury praised the winner for her ability to present a challenging topic with clarity and perspective. In her bachelor’s thesis, she focuses on the simulation of quantum circuits as a key tool for advancing quantum computing. The main contribution of her work, according to the talented computer scientist, lies in a new approach to simulation. This has led to the development of a tool that outperforms competing simulators in speed for some quantum circuits. The high standard of the bachelor’s thesis was confirmed by its inclusion in the program of the prestigious ICCAD 2024 conference in the USA.

Sára Jobranová from FIT BUT successfully presented the difficult topic of quantum circuit simulation. | Autor: Václav Koníček

The second-place winner, Tomáš Janoušek, a master’s student in Applied Informatics and Management at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FME BUT), shared his passion for robotics. His bachelor’s thesis, which has already received several accolades this year, deals with the design and implementation of a small low-cost robot based on the industrial SCARA concept. This type of robot is used, for example, in the food or pharmaceutical industries. The FME solution utilizes an open-source system and offers an excellent price/performance ratio compared to commercial robots, especially in achieving the necessary precision for the robot’s repetitive movements.

“Thanks to the competition, I was able to meet new people who excel in their fields. I also improved my presentation skills and public speaking, and overall, the event impressed me with its very friendly atmosphere,” described Tomáš Janoušek.

Tomáš Janoušek from FME BUT shared his passion for robotics. | Autor: Václav Koníček

The third-place winner, Andrej Ilič, a master’s student in Design at the Faculty of Fine Arts (FFA BUT), presented his bachelor’s thesis in product design. The result is a prototype of a pendant light ready for mass production. The light stands out with an unusual visual effect created by an innovative LED light tube wrapped around one of two borosilicate glass tubes. The light’s design is conceived as a modular system, allowing multiple lights to be used as a construction kit.

“I am very pleased to have been able to represent FFA and show the public the types of projects we work on in our product design studio. What I appreciated most about the 8 from BUT event was the opportunity to improve my presentation skills with the help of a professional,” said Andrej Ilič, the last of medalist.

Andrej Ilič from FFA BUT presented his bachelor thesis in the field of product design. | Autor: Václav Koníček

From left: Jury 8 from BUT appreciated the presentations of the second Tomáš Janoušek from FME BUT, the winner Sara Jobranová from FIT BUT and the third Andrej Ilič from FFA BUT. | Autor: Václav Koníček

The audience award went to Michal Grund from the Faculty of Civil Engineering (FCE BUT), who focused his ten minutes on the question of what design will look like in the near future. He introduced the design of a new building for the University climbing centre Pardubice and the preparation of implementation documentation, emphasizing the use of modern 3D modeling tools.

The Audience Award went to Michal Grund from FCE BUT. | Autor: Václav Koníček

Each participant in the event received a scholarship of CZK 2,000. Additionally, the three winners received a diploma, small branded gifts from BUT, and a special scholarship. The awards were decided by a jury consisting of representatives of BUT—Bursar Daniela Němcová, Vice-Rector Milan Houser, Head of the Study Affairs Office Hana Odstrčilová, Chairman of the Student Chamber of the Academic Senate Daniel Janík, and Head of the Department of Marketing Markéta Soukupová, who also moderated the event.

“The presentations of the students’ best bachelor’s theses showcased the diversity of our university and passed their enthusiasm on to the audience. The jury had a difficult task selecting and awarding the three best from the seven presenters,” concluded Markéta Soukupová.

Participants of 8 from BUT ranked 4th–8th:

  • Natalia Schwachulová, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication (FEEC BUT), topic: simulation of the distribution of contrast agent in the bloodstream,
  • Michal Stoček, Faculty of Chemistry (FCH BUT), topic: detection of heavy metals in wild game tissues.,
  • Nikola Hrdinková, Faculty of Business and Management (FBM BUT), topic: support for sales and advertising of a specific company,
  • Anna Kabeláčová, Faculty of Architecture (FA BUT), topic: new construction on Kraví Hora in Brno (Note: unable to attend the final evening).

This year’s 8 from BUT included an online quiz for visitors. You too can test your knowledge of Brno University of Technology
(quiz is in czech language).

8 from BUT is a competition showcasing the best bachelor’s theses across all BUT faculties from the previous academic year. Contestants have ten minutes to present their topic in an understandable and engaging way to the jury and audience. Before the final evening, they also have the opportunity to attend a presentation skills course. Nominations are made by the leadership of each faculty. 8 from BUT has been held annually since 2014, celebrating its 10th anniversary this year.

Competitors and Jury members 8 from BUT were seated in the first row of the hall at the BUT rectorate. | Autor: Václav Koníček

Published: 2024-12-12 19:43

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/old/f19528/d270966



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