Open Science
Research data can be stored using different storage products, which are quite different and their properties can be utilised differently. Choosing the right type of storage is important – this especially concerns protection against data loss, backup options, encryption, etc.
Different types of storage
Portable media
These include various flash drives and key drives, external hard drives, data on CD/DVD media. Their biggest advantage is their small size, relatively large capacity and offline access to data at any time. The disadvantage is the actual security, seeing as the portable disk can be easily stolen or lost, and if someone tries to access the data, it is enough to simply connect such device to any computer. Portable drives are also susceptible to mechanical damage and data backup is not commonly solved.
Local storage
These are usually storage devices (HDD or SSD) in computers (desktop computer or laptop). These storage solutions offer fast and mostly seamless access to stored data. The disadvantage is the possibility of other users accessing the computer or the often lacking system of regular backups, which can lead to data loss without replacement.
Network storage
The data is stored on network drives, which can take different forms. First of all, this is storage operated by the BUT (BUT disk, faculty shared disks, NAS, etc.), operated by CESNET (CESNET OwnCloud, FileSender, etc.). Other options include external services such as Microsoft O365 or Google Apps Suite. However, it is important to be careful how these repositories handle data from a legal perspective. For example, with Microsoft and Google cloud storage, it is certain, when using the institutional account of the BUT, that the data is stored on servers located in the European Union. This is not guaranteed for personal accounts.
Responsibility: Bc. Jan Skůpa