Digital library

Brno University of Technology, as one of the largest universities in the Czech Republic, annually produces a large number of electronic documents that need to be collected, stored, and, most importantly, easily retrievable.

For this reason, the Central Library of BUT concluded several years ago that it was necessary to establish the BUT Digital Library as a central repository and management system for electronic documents related to BUT in any way. This would also serve as a new service for students, staff, and the public, thereby increasing awareness of BUT and its scientific and research activities.

Are you organizing a conference? Do you want to upload the entire proceedings of your conference to the Digital Library? Please fill out the form at

In agreement with the BUT management, the Central Library submitted a project to the Higher Education Development Fund titled “Building the Digital Library of Brno University of Technology.” This project was successful, and as a result, funds were obtained to purchase a system that initially formed the core of the BUT Digital Library - DigiTool.

After several years, the system was changed as it no longer met the needs of BUT, and since then, the Digital Library has been operated on the open-source system DSpace.

Do you have a question about the Digital library?

Contact us using the contact form!

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