Study Affairs Department
Information from Study Affairs Department
- Ing. Michaela Fojtová
Agenda for the recognition of foreign education and qualifications at the level of Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral study programmes; Appeal proceedings in study matters; Proposals for the Josef Hlávka Prize and the MEYS Prize
- Ing. Lenka Kellerová
Agenda for accreditation of study programmes of faculties and university institutes; Institutional accreditation agenda including the preparation of standards; Methodical management of teaching quality assessment; Performing the function of IEC BUT secretary
- PhDr. Věra Kosinová
Agenda linked to tuition fees; Study documents; Communication with public administration bodies regarding study matters
- Mgr. Martina Repková, Ph.D.
- Ing. Pavel Šmíra
Agenda for accreditation of study programmes of faculties and university institutes; Institutional accreditation agenda including the preparation of standards; Methodical management of teaching quality assessment
- Ivona Tolarová
Scholarship administration; Appeal procedure against non-admission to study; Organisation of doctoral graduations; Agenda for issuing duplicate diplomas
- Ing. Lucie Zembolová