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BUT confirmed its position in the QS World University Rankings

The new edition of the prestigious QS World University Rankings 2025 is here. Brno University of Technology has seen a significant improvement in its ranking last year when it moved up ninety places. It has now confirmed this position. Having ranked 611th–620th, it is among the top 41% of educational institutions in the world. This also means a repeat of 5th place among the best Czech universities.

Illustrative photo | Autor: Václav Koníček

The evaluation from the British company Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) has been published regularly since 2004 and its main criteria are Academic Reputation (weightings – 30%), Citations per Faculty (20%) or attractiveness of graduates for future employers (Employer Reputation – 15%).

Other criteria include the Faculty Student Ratio (10%), the institution's activity in establishing international research partnerships (International Research Network – 5%) or its attractiveness to the international academic environment (International Faculty – 5%).

BUT recorded a significant improvement in the last two items of the evaluation – 104 and 64 percentage points this year. The University also achieved a slight improvement in the Sustainability rating and in the already mentioned Faculty Student Ratio category.

The sum of these performance lenses then resulted in an overall score of 20.1, compared to 19.4 last year.

"It is good news for BUT that we were able to confirm our position in the new QS ranking after moving up ninety places last year. We also see an improvement in the individual performance lenses, which reflects the trend we have started as a university. Most significantly, by more than 100 percentage points, we have moved up in the International Research Network category. Opportunities in this area are opening up significantly within our EULiST alliance, which we took over the leadership of in May this year. I would like to thank all academic and non-academic staff and students who contribute to the favourable evaluation of our University with their work," commented the Rector of BUT Ladislav Janíček on the result in the QS World University Rankings 2025.

Just like last year, BUT was ranked 5th among 16 Czech universities, with Charles University (246th), Masaryk University (408th), Czech Technical University in Prague (420th) and the University of Chemical Technology in Prague (570th) ahead of it.

The absolute winner of the world ranking has been the American Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for 13 consecutive years. The best European university is now Imperial College London (2nd place) ahead of the University of Oxford in 3rd place. In continental Europe, ETH Zurich is the best (7th place).

Compared to last year's 2,963 institutions from 104 countries, a record 5,663 institutions from 106 countries participated in this year's ranking. Of these, 1503 institutions were selected for the ranking with 21 newcomers. A total of 175.9 million citations, 1.9 million academic nominations and 660,000 employer nominations were used for the ranking.

More information can be found directly on the Quacquarelli Symonds website in the World University Rankings section.

BUT achieved the best ranking in the prestigious QS Rankings in 6 years
QS Ranking by subject: BUT in 10 categories for the first time

Published: 2024-06-11

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/old/f19528/d259887



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