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Rector's Decision partially easing the restrictions valid during the coronavirus epidemic

Article 1
Subject matter

BUT Crisis Staff members will
  1. be operationally available and ready to participate in the convened Crisis Staff meetings.
  2. ensure reliable and verified transmission of information and decisions of the Crisis Staff to other senior staff of faculties and departments.

Senior employees of faculties and departments will
  1. decide on the way to ensure the operation of individual workplaces and ensure that the tasks of the workplaces are carried out as the workplaces of the public university with regard to the valid measures of the government or the relevant ministries;
  2. ensure their operational availability on telecommunications equipment and are ready to act and comply with the measures and instructions of the BUT management and Crisis Staff;
  3. where appropriate, ensure their presence or of their subordinate employees in the workplace;
  4. immediately cancel all planned arrivals of persons from abroad until further notice;
  5. ensure the prohibition on business trips of employees abroad except for urgent and necessary cases;
  6. inform the Bursar's Office about the scheduling of the working hours at the registrars, dean's secretariats / heads of faculties / departments, study and foreign departments to by May 11, 2020.

Academic, research and professional staff

The head of the faculty / component is recommended to apply a "home office" to the extent according to the operating conditions of the workplace, especially for the so-called risk groups of employees;

Other non-academic staff, technical and economic workers and blue-collar workers

The head of the faculty/department is required to:

  1. apply a "home office" to the extent according to the operating conditions of the workplace, especially for the so-called risk groups of employees;
  2. to adapt the regime of the scheduling of working hours at the workplace to perform their tasks to the currently valid extraordinary measures of the government or the relevant ministries.

  1. The personal presence of students while studying at a university according to Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Universities and on Amendments to Other Acts (Act on Universities), as amended, is allowed only if the condition of presence of no more than 15 students in a group is fulfilled;
  2. Individual visits to libraries and study rooms are permitted for the purpose of borrowing or returning the study literature;
  3. The student participates in activities according to paragraphs a) and b) only if the following conditions are met:
    • has no acute health problems corresponding to a viral infectious disease (e.g. fever, cough, shortness of breath, sudden loss of taste and smell, etc.),
    • at the entrance to the room (testing rooms, laboratories, studios, etc.) will disinfect their hands, while the disinfectant is provided by BUT,
    • no quarantine measure has been imposed at that time,
    • provide a written declaration on honour stating that there have been no symptoms of a viral infectious disease in the previous two weeks. The declaration on honour is filled in electronically in the BUT IS.
  4. The study administration will be handled exclusively electronically or by post (e.g. the study confirmation, etc. will be sent by post or via the BUT IS at the student's request).
  5. Students staying at halls of residence:
    • newly arriving foreign students requesting the accommodation at the halls of residence will be provided with accommodation for the time necessary to ensure their departure in a quarantine mode; if the departure of foreign students is not possible, the quarantine will last for at least 14 days;
    • short-term accommodation of persons, including students in halls of residence, is prohibited until the ban on accommodation in a hotel and similar accommodation establishments are lifted, with the exception of students who perform activities pursuant to paragraphs a) and b)
    • the accommodated students are obliged to contact the official designated places and management of Halls of Residence and Dining Services in case of symptoms of the disease;
    • the accommodated students are obliged to observe hygienic and safety measures and minimize their stay in common areas of accommodation, they are forbidden to receive visitors, they must stay only in rooms where they are accommodated and stay in common areas of accommodation only for the necessary time with respiratory protection (nose, mouth) such as a respirator, mask, mouthpiece assembly, scarf, shawl or other means that prevent the spread of droplets.
  6. Information for students:
    • Further information on the development of the situation at BUT is continuously communicated on the BUT and faculties websites and via the BUT news.
    • The aim of BUT is to enable, even in an emergency mode, the proper completion of studies for final year students and the fulfilment of all study obligations for other students.

Institutional measures

  1. Premises and areas where the public may enter may be made accessible with regard to the valid emergency measures of the government or the relevant ministries; the measure does not concern:
    • students performing activities pursuant to paragraph 5, points a) and b),
    • tenants, however, who will be advised to adapt the operation accordingly, including compliance with safety measures.
  2. Acts of the admission procedure which require the personal presence of the candidate will be postponed; information will be provided later.
  3. The university authorities will act as necessary without restriction, taking into account the current situation.
  4. Hygiene measures and purchases of cleaning and hygiene products will be adapted to the situation.
  5. Catering in canteens will be provided in a limited mode, taking into account the current situation.

Article 2
Final provisions

  1. This Internal Standard shall enter into force on the date stated in its title (11th May 2020).
  2. Decision No 1/2020 is repealed with the effect from the date of entry into force of this Internal Standard.

Published: 2020-05-07

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/old/f19528/d199268



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