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How to get accommodation at the halls of residence (KaM) of BUT

When submitting applications for and getting certificates of accommodation, proceed as follows:

  1. Applications are submitted electronically, you will find a Request for Accommodation English language application. After accessing the application, fill in the required data and submit the electronic form of application for accommodation.
  2. A study officer at a BUT faculty or other constituent part of Brno University of Technology will give the incoming student a document certifying that the student has come to Brno University of Technology within a study exchange programme (including student mobility and Czech language courses at the Lifelong Learning Institute).
  3. Provided that free capacity is available, a student will receive an acknowledgement from aStudent Accommodation Centre(DUS) of his or her request for accommodation detailing the date on which the accommodation starts, the particular halls-of-residence building, and a deposit payment deadline.
  4. If a student fails to pay a deposit by the deadline, a DUS officer will send the student an e-mail message (at the address listed in the student's application for accommodation) reminding him or her to pay the deposit stating another deadline or requesting a bank statement proving the payment.
  5. Should a student fail to pay the deposit by the second deadline and the DUS officer has no indication from the bank of the payment of the deposit having been transferred to KaM's account, the reservation will be cancelled with the study officer being informed of this by e-mail.
  6. On request and after approval by the study office, a DUS officer will provide the student with an accommodation reservation confirmation (available in the Confirmation of Accommodation file attached below) sending it to the address as provided by the student in the application or as used for communication with KaM.
  7. On arrival at the place of accommodation, a student will fill in a registration form for the Ministry of the Interior Asylum and Migration Policy Section (OAMP). The accommodation provider is obliged to inform the ministry of accommodating a foreign national within three working days from the commencement of accommodation and the signing am accommodation contract. We register foreign nationals through electronic data transfer using the data listed in the house register (be e-mail to cisrscpp@mvcr.cz, using authorized electronic signature).
  8. If, for some reason, a student fails to appear for accommodation reserved previously and has received an acknowledgement of reservation from KaM, the reservation will be cancelled with OAMP being informed of this in writing.

Getting accommodation during the summer vacations (July and August):

  1. A student may send a request for summer accommodation at the BUT halls of residence by email to kupcikova@skm.vutbr.cz 
  2. Following this request, a reservation and, on request, a confirmation will be made.
  3. If a student fails to appear for accommodation within 7 days from the beginning of the reservation and to report a change of date at the DUS office, this reservation will be cancelled and, if a reservation confirmation has been made, a DUS officer will inform OAMP of this.
  4. If a student appears for accommodation, an accommodation contract will be signed, which is binding on the student and which constitutes all rights and obligations particularly the obligation to pay for the accommodation by a deadline – as stipulated by Article III of the accommodation contract.