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access to the database


GRADA Publishing

BOOKPORT is a portal for specialist literature for study and fiction for leisure time. The whole database is only in the Czech language.

BOOKPORT is an online library that allows you to read more than 8600 titles from Czech publishers such as GRADA Publishing House, Portál Publishing House, Galén, Jota Publishing House, and others.

Reading online is completely unrestricted. For offline reading, you need to download the mobile app, which is available for Android and iOS. However, the app for offline reading is limited to a maximum number of simultaneously accessible books (5 titles by default). When the user finishes reading, the app remembers this and synchronizes the book position across devices (if connected to the internet). It is possible to add text markings, and notes, search the book, search full-text in the entire database itself, etc. Downloaded books for offline use can be kept in the library without restriction, or until the end of the access period.
The first login to Bookport must be made from the link above via your BUT account. If you log into the database for the first time from the app, your account will not be linked to the university subscription.




databáze je dostupná na celém VUT v Brně


Access to the resource has been provided through the CzechELib – National centre for electronic information resources since 2022.

During 2020-2021 was the access to the resource paid from the financial resources of the BUT.

další informace:

list of availabile titles
According to the license agreement, it is prohibited to use the Bookport database other than for your study and research. Bulk downloading of data that exceeds current personal research needs is considered a violation of the license terms and may lead to blocking access to the resource.

for further information, please write to eiz@lib.vutbr.cz

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