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Library System

Delivered by Ex Libris, an Israel-based company, ALEPH500 is a software product used and further enhanced to manage libraries and information centres. At Brno University of Technology, it was officially launched on 1st September 2003

Its users in the Czech Republic include Masaryk University in Brno, Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, Academy of Sciences of the Czech republic, Moravian Library Brno, Scientific Library in Olomouc, National Library of the Czech Republic, and many others.

Aleph offers work in several basic modules (cataloguing, loan protocol, serials, interlibrary loans, on-line public-access catalogues (OPAC), acquisitions) guided by the revised AACR2 English-American cataloguing rules supporting the MARC21 exchange format and the Z39.50 protocol. In addition to that, it is Unicode compatible with an option to accept records from other domestic and international libraries.

ALEPH Search Modes

There are two different ways of searching for documents:

  1. Entering the title, author, and key word in a search field with further options to set the document type, language, partial library, etc..
  2. Using a Common Command Language (CCL) to enter a query. This tool can work with the AND, NOT, OR logical operators to carry out more sophisticated search operations.

Web catalogue

The web catalogue can be used by anybody to search for bibliographic records of publications (books, textbooks, AV media, maps, etc.) in the central database. After logon, a registered user may manage his or her account, see the history of loans, fines, return deadlines, their extensions, etc.

The following data are used when logging on to the catalogue:

login name = BUT Login
password = BUTpassword

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