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EBSCO - E-books

access to database from BUT

remote access

EBSCO Publishing

database of electronic books from various fileds

Books can be read directly in the web browser, which enables you to further work with the text as a search in full text, create notes, use explanatory dictionary and & nbsp; much more. Books can also be downloaded into offline mode, as an electronic loan for a predetermined time (1-7 days). At one moment a particular book could be accessed only by one user. If you are interested in the book and you cannot get it at the moment, it is possible to place a request for a book and database notifies you via email when the book is available.

There are 174 books available in the database, taht were both for users from BUT and thousands of freely available books within the subscription of Academic Search Complete.

List of available books by fields:




database is available for whole BUT

further information:

for further information write to eiz@lib.vutbr.cz


126 books were purchased in a project SCI-INFO: vědecké informační zdroje pro ČR (CZ.1.05/3.2.00/12.0230) partially funded by OP VaVpI

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