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Elsevier e-books

access to the database from BUT

remote access

Elsevier B.V.

Elsevier Publishing is a producer of many scientific e-books.

At present, the BUT has more than 500 books available on the Science Direct platform. 114 titles were purchased by the BUT through perpetual purchase, the rest are available thanks to the Open Access mode and the CzechELib consortium.

The titles are not fixed, therefore there is no list. An up-to-date list is available at https://www.sciencedirect.com/browse/journals-and-books?contentType=BK&accessType=subscribed



databáze je dostupná na celém VUT v Brně

further information:

terms of use
for further information, please write to eiz@lib.vutbr.cz


The purchase of 35 titles in 2014 was paid from the financial resources of the BUT.
The purchase of 11 titles in 2018 was paid from the financial resources of the BUT.
The purchase of 16 titles in 2020 was paid from the financial resources of the FME.
The purchase of 5 titles in 2020 was paid from the financial resources of the FBM.
The purchase of 46 titles in 2020 was supported by the ERDF II project, registration number: CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/18_057/0013326.
The purchase of 1 title in 2021 was paid from the financial resources of the FME.
The purchase of 27 titles in 2023 was paid from the financial resources of the BUT.
List of purchased books

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