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ICE Virtual Library

access to the database from BUT

přístup k databázi vzdáleně

Institution of Civil Engineers

ICE Virtual Library is a platform for accessing journals, specialized books, and proceedings published by ICE Publishing.

The database available at the BUT contains 3 of the most widely read journals focused on civil engineering, construction, materials science, and more.

List of available journals

  • Advances in Cement Research
  • Géotechnique
  • Magazine of Concrete Research

We have archive rights to titles that the BUT has subscribed to until 2020. An overview of the availability of individual titles can be found here.



databáze je dostupná na celém VUT v Brně

further information:

terms of use
for further information, please write to eiz@lib.vutbr.cz


  • till 31. 12. 2024
  • paid from the financial resources of the BUT

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