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Open Access Fund in 2022

In the new year, you can still apply for support to pay for Open Access publishing fees. Most of the formal article and journal requirements have not changed. Even in 2022, the journal must be in the JCR database in quartile Q1 (according to AIS metrics), and if the journal is fully open access, it must be indexed in the DOAJ.org database. The article must also be published under one of the Creative Commons licenses. A description of the Fund's basic terms and conditions can be found at https://www.vut.cz/uk/openaccess/fond/podminky.

As of 2022, the support limit has been adjusted and multi-source funding is also allowed. If the publication fee is up to 85000 CZK incl. VAT, the full cost will be covered by the Open Access Fund.

If the fee is higher, the Open Access Fund will cover the 85000 CZK. CZK and the remaining amount above 85000 CZK will be covered from the applicant's resources. In this case, additional information must also be added to the affidavit: the cost centre or SPP element number and the source (contract) number. The affidavit must then be signed by the operation's authorising officer and the budget manager.

For the smoothest possible application process, a methodological guide has been prepared - https://www.vut.cz/uk/openaccess/fond/navod.

Open Access Fund in the past year

In 2021, a total of 42 applications were accepted for a total value of 2.151.000 CZK. A list of all supported articles can be found at https://www.vut.cz/uk/openaccess/fond/podporene-clanky/2021.

Published: 2022-01-03

Short URL: https://www.vut.cz/en/uk/f29435/d220171

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