

All foreign nationals

  • Find accommodation and obtain the accommodation contract for the visa purposes

  • Inform yourself of other facilities within BUT

Nationals of non-EU countries staying for a long-term

To get a visa/residence permit at a Czech Embassy abroad, you will need:

  • Valid travel document

  • Hosting agreement (in the case of a Long-term residence permit for the purpose of scientific research)

  • PhotographThe photograph should be rectangular, measuring 45 mm high and 35 mm wide. It should have straight or rounded corners with a radius r = 3 mm ± 0.5 mm. The thickness of the photograph must range from 0.13 mm to 0.27 mm. The photograph may be black and white or in colour. The background must be white to light blue or light grey colour (a smooth transition between these colours is also allowed).
  • Document similar to an Extract from the Penal Register Record

  • Proof of accommodation (if required)

  • The research organisation’s written commitment to cover the costs related to your stay if these arise after your residence permit has expired, including the costs related to your departure if such costs arose within 6 months from the end of the hosting agreement and were covered from public funds (in the case of a Long-term residence permit for the purpose of scientific research)

  • Proof of travel insurance
  • Medical report (upon request)


All foreign nationals

  • Open a bank account in CZK

  • Register your vehicle (if aplicable)

  • Have your driving license replaced (if required)

EU nationals

Registration with the Foreign Police – must be done within 30 days after arrival. You must:

Nationals of non-EU countries

  • Registration at the OAMP (Department of Asylum and Migration Policy Brno) must be done within 3 days after arrival. The registration involves filling in the registration form and collection of your biometric data.
BUT has a dedicated time and day capacity for BUT staff, researchers and their family members. This is every Thursday of the month. Booking of this appointment is done only via Welcome Service email: Please, keep in mind that it is necessary to book your appointment at least 14 days in advance due to the high capacity of arrivals.

  • Complete the adaptation-integration course. Adaptation-integration course is obligatory for selected groups of third-country nationals, principally, people having a residence permit coming into effect after January 1, 2021. On the Ministry of the Interior website, you can find a full list of groups of foreigners that are obliged to participate in the course, including a list of exceptions defined by law.


All foreign nationals

  • Close your bank account after receiving the final paycheck

  • Return the employee card and health insurance card to the HR department within your faculty or institute 

  • Return your residence card – send it to the Department of Asylum and Migration

    Address: Tuřanka 1554/115b, 627 00 Brno

Download Check-list in PDF

    Responsibility: Ing. Radka Tomaschek Škodová