Welcome Service
Short-term visa (stay up to 90 days)
A short-term stay is a stay of a maximum of 90 days during any 180-day period, which means a period of 180 immediately preceding each day of stay (note: the length of stay is calculated according to the entry and exit stamps entered into the relevant travel document at the border-crossing point).
You can only apply at one of the Czech Republic´s diplomatic missions. For a list of all Czech diplomatic missions and their contact details please see the Ministry of Foreign Affairs webpage.
States whose citizens need visa to travel to the Schengen Area (short stays up to 90 days)
States whose citizens are exempt from short-term visa requirement (short stays up to 90 days)
- Travel document
- Photo
- Biometric features - fingerprints
- Supporting documents proving
- Purpose of the journey
- Accommodation contract (preliminary accommodation contract)
- Financial means
- Intention to leave Czech Republic/Schengen Area before the visa expiry
- Travel health insurance
There is application fee 1 500 CZK. From the 1st January 2025 there are various possibilities how to pay the application fee. See the link here for the payment instructions.
When to file the application?
The application can be filed three months before the trip. The maximum processing time is 15 days (longer processing time is possible but exceptional). The application filed less than 15 days before the trip may not be processed in time. More information can be found at this links: Ministry of Foreign Affairs webpage or the Ministry of the Interior web page.
Extension of visa
90 days before the expiration of the visa it is possible to apply for the extension of visa. The deadline is the last day of validity of the current visa. The application and submitted documents are the same as at the embassy.
Long-term visa (longer than 90 days)
To obtain long-term visa in the Czech Republic the foreigner must prove specific purpose of the arrival to the Czech Republic. This purpose is usually an activity lasting more than 90 days and requires constant presence in the Czech Republic. These purposes are: doing business, studies, scientific research, special work visa, family purposes etc.
Long-term visa are valid for maximum 1 year. The visa application needs to be submitted at a Czech embassy in the country of origin of the relevant person or in the country where he/she resides, and the deadline for evaluation of the application is 60 days from the date of submission.
All documents submitted must be originals or official copies and must be in the Czech language or officially translated into Czech. Moreover, an apostille or legalisation must be attached to any documents issued by foreign public authorities. Official translations can usually be obtained at the embassy.
Please keep in mind that different purpose of long-term visa requires different documents. What documents you need based on the reason for your arrival can be found here.
There is application fee 2 500 CZK. From the 1st January 2025 there are various possibilities how to pay the application fee. See the link here for the payment instructions.
All foreign nationals
If you work in the Czech Republic only, your tax residence will be determined in accordance with the respective treaty for the avoidance of double taxation. If a bilateral treaty has not been concluded and you stay in the Czech Republic for over 183 days, you will be considered a tax resident of the Czech Republic.
Social security a health insurance
You will be required to pay health and social insurance from your salary unless you have other income outside the Czech Republic. If you also work outside the Czech Republic, you will be required to fill in the A1 form and declare in which country you will pay your health and social insurance. Regarding the A1 form please contact Ms. Chybová.
EU nationals
Health travel insurance
Although not required, we recommend that you take out a travel insurance to cover the time between the date of your arrival in the Czech Republic and the date when your employment starts.
All foreign nationals
Bank account
You need to open an account in CZK (not applicable for short-term work contracts – DPP and DPČ).
Social security number
You need to send a scan of your passport to the Rectorate payroll office to get your SSN from the Social Security Administration. This is not applicable for short-term work contracts (DPP, DPČ) with income not higher than CZK 10,000 per month.
EU nationals
Reporting duty
If you intend to stay in the CR for over 30 days, you have to report to the Foreign Police in your area within 30 days of arrival to the Czech Republic. This duty does not apply if the person providing accommodation to you submits the registration forms on your behalf. You will need to fill in a short personal questionnaire and submit the necessary documents: valid passport or ID, employment contract, accommodation contract.
Foreign Police – Residence Department in Brno
Address: Cejl 62b, 602 00 Brno
Phone: +420 974 628 131
Office hours: MON and WED: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., TUE and THU: 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Nationals of non-EU countries
Short-term stay
Reporting duty
You must report to the Foreign Police in your area within 3 days of arrival the Czech Republic. You will need to fill in a short personal questionnaire and submit the necessary documents: passport, employment contract, accommodation contract.
Foreign Police – Residence Department in Brno
Address: Cejl 62b, 602 00 Brno
Phone: +420 974 628 131
Office hours: MON and WED: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., TUE and THU: 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Long-term stay
Residence permit
The applicant is obliged to report to the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy (OAMP) of the Ministry of the Interior within 3 business days after arrival to the Czech Republic to fulfil the reporting duty and to provide the biometric data necessary for issuing a residence card and registration of arrival itself. We recommend arranging an appointment by phone or online in advance.
BUT has a dedicated time and day capacity for BUT staff, researchers and their family members. This is every Thursday of the month. Booking of this appointment is done only via Welcome Service email: welcome.service@vut.cz. Please, keep in mind that it is necessary to book your appointment at least 14 days in advance due to the high capacity of arrivals.
1. Reporting duty – the applicant has to submit a proof of accommodation usually issued by Halls of Residence BUT.
2. Biometric data – including facial image and fingerprints serving to verify the authenticity of the residence card and confirm the identity of its holder. Biometric data are compulsory for residence permits for third-country nationals residing in the Czech Republic based on a long-term or permanent residence permit. The above does not apply to third-country nationals residing in the Czech Republic based on a long-term visa who are not applying for a long-term or permanent residence permit. The OAMP will issue a long-term residence card for you within the following 3 weeks. To pick up the residence card, you have to come to the OAMP in person within 60 days. We recommend arranging an appointment by phone in advance.
Department of Asylum and Migration Policy (OAMP)
Address: Tuřanka 1554/115b, 627 00 Brno
Phone: +420 974 801 801 (MON - THU: 8:00 a.m. - 4 p.m. and FRI: 8 a.m. - 12 a.m.)
Office hours: MON and WED 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., TUE and THU 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., FRI on appointment only
EU nationals
You are obliged to report any change of your surname, marital status, and the data contained in your residence card. If you do not have a residence card, these changes are to be reported to the Foreign Police. If you have a residence permit/certificate, report the changes to the MoI.
Nationals of non-EU countries
Adaptation - Integration courses
Every foreign national who, as of 1 January 2021, is issued a long-term residence permit for the territory of the Czech Republic and also every foreign national who is issued a permanent residence permit after this date without the precondition of previous authorised stay in the territory is obliged to take the Adaptation-Integration course within one year of the date of collecting the residence permit.
THE ADAPTATION-INTEGRATION COURSE is a course during which foreign nationals will be acquainted with the rights and obligations connected with their stay in the territory of the Czech Republic, with the fundamental values of the Czech Republic, culture and customs prevailing in the Czech Republic.
Foreign nationals who have already taken this course or who have been issued a long-term residence permit or a permanent residence permit before 1 January 2021 are not obliged to take the adaptation and integration course, under condition that their permit was valid as at 1 January 2021. The obligation to take the adaptation and integration course does not apply also to foreign nationals residing in the territory of the Czech Republic on the basis of:- a long-term residence permit for the purpose of study (residence purpose code “21”, “22”, “23” and “30”) and others.
Reporting changes: If you are not a national of EU/EEA/Switzerland, you are particularly required to report any changes in your name/surname, marital status, information indicated in your passport or ID documents, residence permit etc. within 3 business days.
Reporting a change in the place of residence – within 30 business days:
If you have a long-term visa, then this duty only applies in the event that this change in your place of residence will last for over 30 days.
If you have a long-term residence or permanent residence permit, then this duty only applies in the event that such a change in your place of residence will last for over 180 days.
Reporting loss, destruction, damage or theft of documents: Within 3 days of the date of the event. If this happens in the Czech Republic, you should report it to the authority which issued the document. If this happens elsewhere, you should report it to a Czech embassy. If you later find or obtain a document that was previously reported lost or stolen, you must report this too.
Reporting loss or theft of travel documents: This must be reported immediately to the police.
Extension of visa/residence permit: 90 days before the expiration of visa or 120 days before the expiration of residence permit, it´s possible to apply for the extension of these documents.
- The deadline is the last day of validity of current visa/residence permit. The application and all submitted documents are the same as at the Embassy.
All foreign nationals
Close your bank account after receiving the final paycheck
Get confirmation of insurance
Get confirmation of participation in the pension system within the Czech Republic
Tax reimbursement (if aplicable)
Report the end of your stay (waste collection fee)
Nationals of non-EU countries
Handing in the residence documents at the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy (OAMP) 3 days before leaving the Czech Republic at the latest, with the exception of visa and travel documents if these were issued for the purpose of travelling out of the country. You are required to hand the documents to the authority who issued it.
Responsibility: Ing. Radka Tomaschek Škodová