Open Science
How to tell if the publisher of a scholarly monograph is trustworthy? It will help if you answer the following questions to yourself:
Do I know or do my colleagues know the chosen publisher?
- Have I ever read a book or chapter from a book published by this publisher?
- Are the latest books easily discoverable on the publisher’s website?
- Do I know the members of the editorial board?
Is it easy to identify and contact the publisher?
- Is the name of the publisher clearly stated on the front of the book and on the website?
- Is the publisher’s phone number, email and mailing address listed on the website?
Is it clearly defined what type of review process the publisher uses and does the publisher work with independent/external reviewers?
- Does the publisher offer to have your publication reviewed by experts from the editorial board or experts in your field of expertise?
Are publications indexed by services or databases that I commonly use and am familiar with?
- Does the publisher provide long-term archiving of digital publications, e.g. through OAPEN or CLOCKSS?
Does the publisher provide funding information on its website?
- Is it clearly stated whether the author is paying for publishing?
- If the publisher charges a fee for publishing, does the website provide information on the amount of the fee and the currency? Is it explained what the fee is charged for and when it must be paid?
- Is it clearly stated whether the publisher provides an exemption from paying fees?
Are there instructions for authors available on the website?
- In the case of open access publications, does the publisher clearly state its licensing policy, including preferred licence types and information on exceptions granted, based on the needs of the author(s)? Are the licensing terms detailed in the publications?
- Does the publisher clearly state the subject-matter of the contract and royalty information where relevant?
- Are the author’s rights clearly defined? For example, can an author deposit and publish without restriction an electronic version of a publication or part thereof in an institutional repository?
- Does the publisher clearly state its policy in areas of potential conflict of interest with authors, editors and reviewers?
- Does the publisher state exactly what services it offers to authors? Do they include, for example, marketing or proofreading?
Is the publisher a member of any of the well-known initiatives?
- Does the publisher follow the rules of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) ?
- If a publication is released in open access mode, is it included in the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)?
- Is the publisher a member of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers’ Association (OASPA) if it offers open access publishing?
- Is the publisher a member of any other trade association?
Responsibility: Bc. Jan Skůpa