Open Science
In the context of the recent changes in the area of scholarly journals publication, there is also a gradual change in the way in which scholarly information resources are or will be acquired in the near future.
The main goal of this transformation is to change the pay-for-access model to pay-for-publishing. As part of this process, transformative agreements are then concluded with individual publishers or database producers. There are several models for these agreements, each with a slightly different approach to payment.
Read & Publish model
This model is based primarily on subscriptions – purchasing access to the publisher’s contents or a specialist database. On the basis of this, authors from the institution (most often corresponding authors) can then openly publish articles in the journals of the publishing house without additional costs.
Publish & Read model
The Publish & Read model is the opposite of the Read & Publish model, as it is based on publication fees. The university’s publishing activities are fully open, the publication fees (article processing charge – APC) need to be paid, but access to the publisher’s contents is free of charge.
Offseting model
This model retains both subscription and APC payments. However, the amounts are offset to some extent – there are discounts on publication fees or the subscription price is reduced based on the volume of APCs paid in the previous year.
Vouchers model
By paying a subscription fee, the institution receives a number of vouchers that can be used to open individual articles published by the publisher.
BUT and transformation agreements
In the case of BUT, it is the BUT Central Library that ensures access to electronic information resources in the majority of cases. Since 2017, purchases have been made through the CzechELib national licensing centre. Its website lists all licensing agreements that include open access requirements.
All information relevant to BUT authors (open publishing for free or at a discount) is described on the Central Library website or in a PDF document.
Responsibility: Bc. Jan Skůpa