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Association of Libraries of Czech Republic Universities  (AKVŠ)

The association was established in June 2002 to provide the university libraries with a common institutional platform. At present it has 23 member universities. With the exception of the years 2004 and 2005, BUT has had its representatives in the association executive committee.

Association of Library and Information Professionals of the Czech Republic (SKIP)

It is SKIP's mission to raise the librarian and information profession to a higher level improving its prestige and seeing to it that the government authorities and owners of libraries and information institutions support their development and activities. About 1500 SKIP members organize activities and events at libraries, committees, clubs, and competitions.

International Group of ExLibris Users (IGeLU)

IGeLU was established in Sienna, Italy in 2006 as a successor of International Consortium of Aleph Users (ICAU) and SFX and Metalib Users Group (SMUG). Through its Central Library, BUT is among IGeLU's founding members. The group's main task is to provide support for sharing information, documents, and various resources by Ex Libris product users, to improve the services they provide.

Association of Aleph Users (SUAleph)

SUAleph is an informal association of the institutions of the Czech and Slovak Republics that use ExLibris products. Every year, SUAleph meetings are held at which representatives from the institutions and the distributor talk about topical issues. Established in the Spring of 1996, the association has been chaired by the BUT Central Library since 2010, which became a member in 2003.

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