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BUT repository runs on DSpace open source platform used by more than 1,000 institutions around the world, mainly in high schools and universities as a repository of their scientific production. In the Czech Republic, BUT uses this system ranks alongside with the Czech University of Technology, Tomas Bata University and less than a dozen others.

DSpace allows the creation, administration and long-term preservation of digital collections and is very simply and clearly presented through a web interface. There is also added full-text indexing and retrieval of documents and the opportunity to bulk insert digital objects including descriptive files, that are widely used when creating collection of theses and dissertations, that is the first and essential collection of the BUT Digital Library.

The system also supports a wide range of technologies and standards, allows the addition of any external functions and can be integrated with other parts of the information system of the institution. The choice of this particular system has also led several specific reasons:

  • the open nature source system can be adjusted by just the required criteria
  • system with its style creation and management of collections meet the conditions that have been set as a priority for the formation of BUT Digital Library.
  • with the acquisition of DSpace BUT has became part of a large community and can, if necessary, seek advice or assistance
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