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Publishing in Open Access mode at Taylor & Francis

  • BUT Brno University of Technology subscribes to journals from Taylor & Francis publishing house, so correspondence authors can use free publication of a limited number of articles (using tokens) in Open Access mode
  • Eligible journals: hybrid titles Open Select Journal: list of available journals
  • Publication type: article, review, research article, review article, original article
  • Process: when an article is submitted, the author's eligibility is detected based on BUT affiliation, email domain, or RingGOLD ID, ORCID identifiers. The author receives a link to the electronic copyright system and after signing a Creative Commons License agreement (example in the agreement), the article metadata is loaded into the Research Dashboard portal where the Central Library confirms the author's eligibility to use the token.
  • For more information, please contact the library at openscience@vut.cz
Information about other issuers and current token status
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