Knowledge Transfer
The Knowledge Transfer at BUT transforms cutting-edge academic research into practical innovations with a real impact on industry and society. As a bridge between academia and the commercial sphere, it enables new knowledge to find their place in practice, supporting the university’s development, and strengthening its position in the world of innovation. The Department of Knowledge Transfer (KTO) at the rectorate provides methodological and coordination support to the faculties and units of BUT and is acting as a contact point for external partners and organizations. At the level of faculties and units, trained transfer managers and authorized persons ensure the protection and effective commercialization of knowledge, enabling us to respond efficiently to the needs of the application sphere and deliver valuable outcomes.
Knowledge Transfer
Knowledge transfer ecosystem, knowledge transfer services and successful knowledge transfer.
Our team
Knowledge transfer issues are handled by the central Department of Knowledge Transfer, as well as by knowledge transfer managers and persons in charge directly at individual faculties and units of the BUT.
Industry Council
The Rector's Advisory Board serves to support decision-making in several areas, including knowledge transfer. Its members are both BUT employees and representatives of the application sphere.
Currently solved, submitted and successfully implemented projects in the field of knowledge transfer.
Responsibility: Mgr. Marta Vaňková