doc. Dr. Ing.

Petr Hanáček

FIT – Dean

+420 54114 1150, +420 54114 1216

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doc. Dr. Ing. Petr Hanáček


ORCID iD 0000-0001-5507-0768
Scopus ID6508388287

Faculty of Information Technology


AddressBožetěchova 1/2, Královo Pole, 61266, Brno, Česká republika
Work phone+420 54114 1150
+420 54114 1216
RoomB/C204 (Božetěchova 1/2, Brno 61200)

IT Security Research Group, Chairman of Workgroup
Principal researcher

RoomB/C204 (Božetěchova 1/2, Brno 61200)

Department of Intelligent Systems, Associate professor

AddressBožetěchova 1/2, Královo Pole, 61266, Brno, Česká republika
RoomB/C204 (Božetěchova 1/2, Brno 61200)

Robotic research group Robo@FIT, Member

Bachelor Study Programme Board, Member

Dean's Collegium, Dean

FIT Industrial Board, Member

Master Study Programme Board for programme Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence, Member

Members of Commissions for State Final Examinations at FIT, chairman

Scientific Board, Member of Scientific Board

Supervisors in Doctoral Study Programme at FIT, Member of Workgroup

Brno University of Technology

BUT Scientific Board, Member of Scientific Board

Information Systems Council, Member

Operational Programs Board, Member

Rector's council, Member

Faculty of Business and Management

Vědecká rada, Member of Scientific Board

Institute of Forensic Engineering

Vědecká rada, Member of Scientific Board

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