
The Admission Office

The Admission Office serves the essential role of supporting both current and prospective incoming international students. Our primary goal is to be the initial point of contact for those considering studying at Brno University of Technology. The Admission Office is dedicated to furnishing you with up-to-date and pertinent information essential for incoming international students.

We are ready to assist you in various areas of interest, including the e-application, admission process within BUT, foreign education recognition, visa process, reservation of BUT dormitories, and more.

You'll find a comprehensive Welcome Guide below, providing valuable information such as the study departments of each BUT faculty, dining services, ESN (Erasmus Student Network), the average cost of living in Brno, and much more.

Please feel free to dig into the guide to familiarize yourself with student life in Brno.

Welcome Guide (pdf)

Practical Guide

There´s no BUT in that, join BUT! (pdf)

Responsibility: Zdenka Kollmannová