Pizzeria Mozzarella
One of the largest restaurants at the BUT Campus. With the selection of as many as fifty main courses, it’s probably the number one choice. The weekly menu changes, but you will always get a steak or pizza. And non‑alcoholic beer too. Why? Because our scientists have found out it’s good for your digestion!
Caffe bar Piccolo
A perfect place to go to for breakfast before your morning lecture. Or to get good coffee during the day. If you want to calm down before the exam, try hot chocolate. And if it's too hot outside, ice cream it is.
University snack bars
There are almost twenty of them at BUT. They might be helpful when you don't have enough time for proper lunch and just need to grab something quickly. BUT snack bars are at almost all faculties.
Starý pivovar canteen
If you happen to find yourself around the Faculty of Information Technology, check out the local canteen. Hot and cold meals are served inside the stylish premises of a former brewery. Its original architecture was partially preserved.
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Healthy mind in healthy student
Responsibility: Dagmar Vlčková