Course detail

Business Science

FP-NOP_2Acad. year: 2010/2011

The course is introduces the basics of business, where business is explained as the main goal of enterprise. Students will be able to work up with these terms: enterprise, business, line of business and their specifications, goals and companys functions or influence of company environment on business management. This course deals with the legal aspects of business activities such as the Commercial code, Trade code and others. The course defines basic knowledge needful for setting up a different law forms companies.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Students will be taught the basic terminology of trading activities in the scope of laws valid in the Czech Republic and will develop skills necessary to establishing a trade and setting up various company law forms. Having passed this course, the students will be able to apply their knowledge to solve practical issues.


Basic knowledge of Civil and Commercial Laws.


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Teaching methods depend on the type of course unit as specified in the article 7 of BUT Rules for Studies and Examinations.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Meeting the following is required in order to successfully pass the course:
1. Active attendance at seminars – minimum 80 %.
2. Successful completion and presentation of seminar thesis.
3. Both the above mentioned conditions have to be satisfied.

Conditions for passing an exam: Students have to demonstrate their knowledge acquired in the course and be able to apply it in practice.
Form of examination: combined – a written test followed by an oral examination if necessary.

Course curriculum

Not applicable.

Work placements

Not applicable.


The objective of this course is to familiarise students with the practical side of company set up process - either sole proprietorship or entrepreneurial companys - and with businessman’s fundamental obligations in business management. One of the goals is that the students be able to prepare a business plan as the basic project for starting a business or in realization entrepreneurial goals in the course of business.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Monitoring of students’ individual work on the assigned tasks. In case of an excused absence from seminars, tutors may set additional conditions or coursework if appropriate, generally elaboration of partial written tasks.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Zákon č. 455/1991 Sb. o živnostenském podnikání (živnostenský zákon), poslední platné znění zákona (CS)

Recommended reading

Not applicable.

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme BAK Bachelor's

    branch BAK-DP , 2. year of study, summer semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hours, optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1.The conception of company – Definition of business, enterprise, company goals and functions, their relation and correlatives. Characteristic signs of company’s environment and influences that affect it. Businessman personality and his characteristics, success in business. The role of owner and manager.
2.The typology of company – Basic company classification according to types, conformable basic characteristic according to object of enterprise and relevance to branch or line The size of company and character of ownership is presented as a constituent of typological standpoint. Specific position and role of small and medium-size business.
společného podniku. Vznik podniku na základě franchisingu.
3.Legal forms of enterprise – Legislative environment for business establishment. The factors that affect the choice of legal form of business. The characteristics of legal forms of business, which exist in our law. The management of joint venture. Setting up a business on the basis of a franchising.

4.Trade code (part I.) – Classification of trades. Procedure of trade licence obtaining. Carrying on with a trade business. Requirements for obtaining a trade licence. Notified trades and licensed trades. List of free trades. What is craft trades, fixed trades and licensed trades. Businessmen and their liable representatives’ obligations.
5.Trade code (part II.) – Scope of trade licence. Terms of trade certificate and licensed certificate obtaining. Extinction and cancellation of trade licence. Using of Trade Register. Trade inspection and penalties, unlicensed business and infringement of others parts of law.
6.Commercial code relating to kind of business (natural person + corporate body).
7.Trade Register - Registration court. Mandatory or voluntary registration of business subject in the Trade Register. Prescribed particulars of registration in the Trade Register.
8.The establishment and origin of company – Acquaint with process of formation and establishing of a company. The characteristics of terms: business plan, foundation budget.
9.Business plan – Definition and structure. Business plan as a basic planning document, project or goal. It has internal and external function. It is useful for potential investors (bank, investment company,… for changes planning). Business plan is also a form of communication.
10.Enterprise life cycle – The starting stage management. The Stable stage. Sharp growth and management control. Problems and warning signals in a company. Company sanitation, development and liquidation.
11.Company’s relations to the environment - Entrepreneur’s obligations towards to state. Usage of nonresidential premises and other conditions for business development. Company’s relations with banks. Suppliers and customers relations.
12.Company’s obligations to employee – Basic rules of law from area of protection and safety at work. Entrepreneur ethics. Staff management, motivation and reward. Factors, which influence the wage height and job satisfaction from the content and form point of view.
13.Small and medium-size business – Definition, function. Position of S&MS business in the market economy and its functions. Measurement of the level of S&MS business development in EU and in Czech Republic. S&MS business in the view of globalisation. Contributions of S&MS business to the region and country development. Support of S&MS business in EU and Czech Republic, factors which have an influence on business’ successful market entry. Basic classification of industrial policy in Czech Republic and its instruments.

The seminars will be focused on practising the lectured topics and elaboration of case studies (both individually and in teams).


26 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Introduction to the subject. Organization of seminars; specification of the credit gaining conditions. Presentation of single topics of seminars. Assignment of elaborates. Discussion of assignments.
2. Specifics of mining and manufacturing industry - analysis of the industry, characterization of real entities operating in the industry.
3. Specifics of power engineering - analysis of the industry, characterization of real entities operating in the industry.
4. Specifics of building industry - analysis of the industry, characterization of real entities operating in the industry.
5. Specifics of agriculture and forestry - analysis of the industry, characterization of real entities operating in the industry.
6. Transport industry analysis of the industry, characterization of real entities operating in the industry.
7. Telecommunication - analysis of the industry, characterization of real entities operating in the industry.
8. Specifics of trading companies - analysis of the branch, characterization of real entities operating in the branch.
9. Tourist industry - analysis of the industry, characterization of real entities operating in the industry.
10. Banks and insurance companies - analysis of the branch, characterization of real entities operating in the branch.
11. Issues of legal forms of enterprise - a case study.
12. Issues of legal forms of enterprise - a case study.
13. Registration of the credits.