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Course detail

Risk Management in Companies and Organizations

ÚSI-RSRFOAcad. year: 2019/2020

The course focuses on the following areas:
Properties and characteristics of successful companies (Framework "7S" factors of successful businesses, case study: Businessman S. Walton - founder of Wall Mart chain of stores). The influence of environment on the company. Basic principles of change processes of the company. Models of planned changes in the company (Lenin's model, Jaguar model, model Nokia). Change and risk. Types and risk analysis. Measurement of risk. Basic statistical characteristics of risk. Methods of reducing risk in corporate management and analysis (methods of removing the causes of risk, methods of reducing the risk of adverse effects). The investment mathematics and methodology of investment decision. Reducing the risk evaluation and investment in personal or corporate investment (case study). The risk associated with the change of the company's strategy including the methodology of the change strategy. Prognosis - tool to reduce risk in the economic life of the company.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Studenti budou seznámeni se základními postupy měření rizika firmy a osvojí si tradiční metodické přístupy k praktickému snižování rizika firmy. Osvojí si klasické principy modelování změnových procesů firmy, při respektování rizika na jejichž základě budou schopni aktivně řídit standardní změnové firemní procesy s respektováním rizikových faktorů. Studenti budou též schopni řídit standardní změnové procesy strategií (jak podnikatelských, tak i funkčních) jednotlivých SBU firmy.


Základní nástroje strategické analýzy (SLEPT analýza, Porterův model, SWOT analýza).Základy organizace a manažerských funkcí firmy.


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Teaching is carried out through lectures and seminars. Lectures consist of interpretations of basic principles, methodology of given discipline, problems and their exemplary solutions. Seminars particularly support practical mastery of subject matter presented in lectures or assigned for individual study with the active participation of students.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Conditions for granting the course-unit credit:
1. Active participation in exercises will be controlled and assessed by the teacher - max. 100 points.
2. Successful completion of a credit test – max. 100 points in due term, 80 points in first reparative test and 60 points in second reparative test.
3. Successful elaboration of semester work in pre-set deadline. Maximum 100 points for handing over in the deadline; max. 80 points for late handing over.
4. Total number of points for awarding the course-unit credit has to be higher than 150.

Conditions for passing the exam: Knowledge of taught topics and its practical application.
Form of examination: Combined - a written test and an oral examination if necessary.

Course curriculum

Topics of lectures are the following:
1. Introduction - the basic identification of the problems, the sequence on study modules
2. The display of company's life (from small to multinational) - the '7S' scheme
3. Successful company, successful manager
4. The decision-making of changes within a company
5. Types and analyse of risk.
6. Methods of risk decreasing in company's management
7. Data, information and knowledge
8. The basics of investment mathematics and the methodology of investment decision-making.
9. Risk decreasing and evaluation of investments in personal and company's decision-making.
10. Risk connected with company's strategy change.
11. Prognosis - the instrument of risk decreasing in economic company's life.

The seminars will be focused on practising the lectured topics and elaboration of case studies (both individually and in teams).

Work placements

Not applicable.


The main objective of this course is to provide students with the theoretical basis and methodological procedures needed for analysing and evaluation of company's risk. It is necessary to master the classical and modern procedures of measuring the company's risk. Managing traditional and modern methods of risk decreasing in company's business with the stress on application methods and instruments of artificial intelligence (expert's systems, genetic algorithms, and neural networks) are also significant. The students will proof their knowledge on many practical examples of personal and company's investment decision-making.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Kontrola výsledků samostatné práce na zadaných úkolech. V případě omluvené neúčasti na cvičení může učitel v odůvodněných případech stanovit náhradní podmínku, zpravidla vypracování dílčího písemného úkolu.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

SMEJKAL,V., RAIS, K. Řízení rizik ve firmách a jiných organizacích, Grada, Publishing.,a.s. Grada, Praha, 2006.
RAIS, K.,DRDLA, M. Řízení změn ve firmě. Computer Press. Praha 2001.

Recommended reading

DOSTÁL, P, RAIS, K., SOJKA, Z. Pokročilé metody manažerského rozhodování, Grada, 2005

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme RRTES_P Master's

    specialization RRES , 1. year of study, winter semester, compulsory
    specialization RRTS , 1. year of study, winter semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hours, optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


26 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer