Course detail

Urban Planning

FA-USO-KEAcad. year: 2024/2025

The course is a profile theoretical course on urban design. It presents settlements and urban structure of towns and villages in a comprehensive way. It focuses on concepts and rules of urban structure arrangement and development trends, as well as on the issue of coordination and management of territorial development.
The course consists of three blocks:

  1. settlements and settling,
  2. transportation and technical infrastructure,
  3. spatial planning.
The course develops and complements the information that students acquired in the previous urban design courses and is directly connected to AT3 urban design studio as students further develop the concept elaborated in AT3 Town and Place which becomes the concept for a regulation plan that will be elaborated in the seminars of this course Urban and Regional Planning.
The content of the course is coordinated with the parallel course Basics of Geoecology, so that students acquire comprehensive knowledge about settling and landscape.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.


Department of Urban Design (UU)

Entry knowledge

Not applicable.

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

Student´s activity will be evaluated on the scale from 0 to 100 points. The number of awarded points will correspond to the final grade. Students must get 50 points as minimum.
Students must be awarded the credit and pass the exam:
  • Credit
    • active participation in the seminars demonstrated by elaborated assignments and a presentation as assigned – students may get max. 50 points (it is necessary to gain 25 points as a minimum)
    • the date of submission of the seminar work: the last lesson, partial assignments are submitted continuously
    • penalization for late submission: minus 5 points for every week
    • for more details see the Seminar Assignment in the Study Materials folder
  • Exam
    • students may get max. 50 points (it is necessary to gain 25 points as a minimum)
    • penalization for taking second attempt minus 10 points, third attempt minus 20 points

Participation in the seminars and elaboration of the assigned tasks is obligatory. The absences cannot be compensated, only excused in serious circumstances.
In the case of a student's apology and with approval of the course guarantor, personal participation may be substituted with online participation in the lesson.
The exam is taken online as an e-learning test. For the second and the third attempt of the exam, students come to an oral exam.


To introduce students to the principles and development trends in arrangement of settlements and urban structure of cities and villages, to the transportation and technical infrastructure, water and waste management, and to the instruments of spatial planning.
  • Students will understand the rules and trends in the spatial arrangement of settlements and spatial development so that they are able to correctly define the context and rules for an architectural design.
  • Students will be able to specify the requirements for the specialists in transportation and technical infrastructure and to coordinate them with the requirements on the comprehensive development of the area.
  • Students will know how and where to get comprehensive information about the area that are necessary for elaboration of spatial planning documentation, and they will learn the methods of urban analysis.
  • Students will understand the rules of sustainable spatial development, instruments for its coordination and management, and the roles of individual participants.
  • Students will learn about individual types of spatial planning materials and spatial planning documentation, with their objectives, content, and method of acquiring. They will understand the role of public administration, local administration, the public, relevant authorities, and authorised investor in spatial planning.
  • Students will know the relevant spatial planning legislation and the standard requirements on the transportation and technical infrastructure.
  • Students will have practical knowledge how to elaborate a selected part of spatial planning materials and spatial planning documentation.
  • The acquired information and practical experience will allow students to find employment in the practice of urban design studio or in a building authority office, or in the office of spatial planning.
  • The acquired information will improve student´s ability to actively participate as a citizen in the development of a municipality.

Study aids

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

HALL, Peter a Mark TEWDWR-JONES. Urban and regional planning. Sixth edition. NY: Routledge, 2020. ISBN 978-0815365273. (EN)
JACOBS, Jane. The Economy of Cities. Vintage, 1970. ISBN: 978-0394705842. (EN)
JACOBS, Jane. The Death and Life of Great American Cities. Vintage, 1992. ISBN: 978-0679741954. (EN)
LARICE, Michael a Elizabeth MACDONALD. The urban design reader. Second edition. New York: Routledge, 2012. ISBN 978-041-5668-088. (EN)

Recommended reading

Not applicable.

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme BE_A+U Bachelor's, 3. year of study, winter semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



36 hours, optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


24 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer