Course detail

Medical diagnostic devices

FEKT-BLDTAcad. year: 2009/2010

Principles of functions and the description of construction of the diagnostics equipments and systems for sensing of the electrical and non electrical quantities from organism (ECG,EEG,EMG, impedance measurement, blood pressure measurement, blod flow measurement, ). Fundamental principles of the medical imaging systems ( X-ray systems, imaging by using of the magnetic resonace, gama iamging systems and, the ultrasound imaging systems). Principles of construction and using of the medical systems.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

The undergraduate will obtain the principal knowlidge about function of the diagnostic technique which is the most frequently used in practice.


The subject knowledge on the secondary school level is required.


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Teaching methods depend on the type of course unit as specified in the article 7 of BUT Rules for Studies and Examinations.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Requirements for successful completion of the subject are specified by guarantor’s regulation updated for every academic year.

Course curriculum

Sensing, recording and transmission of the biological signals. Sensing electrodes, polarization of the electrodes.
Amplifiers for biological signals, technical parameters of the amplifiers and its design.
Method of EEG sensing and the EEG interpretation. Detection of the evoked potentials. Additive equipment for EEG.
Electrocardiography, record and interpretation of the ECG. Recording systems which are used for ECG, automatic equipment with diagnostics.
Electromyography, record and assessment of electrical signal from muscles. The technical parameters of the EMG. Additive equipment for EMG. Principles of the impedance technique. Using of the impedance technique in the clinical praxis. Blood pressure measurement (invasive and non invasive methods). The semiautomatic equimpment for blood pressure measurement.
Rewiev of the monitoring systems: function and principles, list of physiological variables for monitoring, monitoring system and its coupling at the hospital information system.
X-ray imaging systems. Description both the convenctionaland digital skiascopic and the skigraphics systems. Assessment of the X-ray system parameters. Using of the X-ray systems for the diagnostics purpose.
Computerized X-ray tomography. Description of the imaging renstruction from a projection. Elementary principles of construction of the standard and the helical computerised tomographs. Description of the CT X-ray assessment.
Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging systems. Elementary principles of its function. Description of the quality assessment. Using of the nuclear magneti resonance imaging system for the diagnostic purpose.
Gama-ray imaging systems. Construction principles of the planar Gama-ray imaging systems. Description of the quality assessment. Using of the Gama-ray imaging systems for the diagnostic purpose.
Tissue ultrasound imaging systems. Description of the quality assessment. Using of the ultrasound imaging systems for the diagnosti purpose.

Work placements

Not applicable.


Introduction to the principal knowledge about medical diagnostics technique.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Laboratory works, test

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Chmelař M.: Lékařská přístrojová technika 1, Akademické nakladatelství CERM1995
Chmelař M.: Lékarská laboratorní technika, skriptum VUT 2000
Drastich A.: Zobrazovací systémy v lékařství, VUT FEI, Brno 1989
Drastich A.:Netelevizní zobrazovací systémy, UBMI FEI VUT v Brně 2001
Krstel E.: Imaging Systems for Medical Diagnostics, Siemens aktiengesellschaft, Berlin 1990
Bronzino, J.D. The Biomedical engineering Handbook, CRC Press, Boca Raton 1995
Rozman,J. a kol. Elektronické přístroje v lékařství, Academia, 2006

Recommended reading

Not applicable.

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme EEKR-B Bachelor's

    branch B-AMT , 3. year of study, winter semester, optional specialized
    branch B-EST , 3. year of study, winter semester, optional specialized
    branch B-MET , 3. year of study, winter semester, optional specialized

  • Programme EEKR-CZV lifelong learning

    branch ET-CZV , 1. year of study, winter semester, optional specialized

Type of course unit



26 hours, optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


Design of medical devices.
Sensing electrodes, polarization of the electrodes.
Amplifiers for biological signals, technical parameters of the amplifiers
Electrocardiography, principle of devices, recording and interpretation of the ECG.
Electroencephalography, equipment, principle of its function and technical parameters. Detection of the evoked potentials. Additive equipment for EEG.
Electromyography, record and assessment of electrical signal from muscles. The technical parameters of the EMG. Additive equipment for EMG.
Phonocardiography, principle, devices.
Blood pressure measurement (invasive and non invasive methods).
Blood flow measurment methods - ultrasonic, dilution, impedance.
Temperature measurement and applications.
Pletysmography, principles, devices.
Rewiev of the monitoring systems> function and principles, list of physiological variables for monitoring, monitoring system and its coupling at the hospital information system.

Measurement of the physiologic quantities by using of the impedance technique }blood flow,breath rate, pszchogalvanic reflex].
Principles of the impedance technique. Using of the impedance technique in the clinical praxis. The semiautomatic equimpment for blood pressure measurement.

X-ray imaging systems. Description both the convenctionaland digital skiascopic and the skigraphics systems. Assessment of the X-ray system parameters. Using of the X-ray systems for the diagnostics purpose.
computerized X-ray tomography. Description of the imaging renstruction from a projection. Elementary principles of construction of the standard and the helical computerised tomographs. Description of the CT X-ray assessment.
Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging systems. Elementary principles of its function. Description of the quality assessment. Using of the nuclear magneti resonance imaging system for the diagnostic purpose.
Gama-ray imaging systems. Construction principles of the planar Gama-ray imaging systems. Description of the quality assessment. Using of the Gama-ray imaging systems for the diagnostic purpose.
Tissue ultrasound imaging systems. Description of the quality assessment. Using of the ultrasound imaging systems for the diagnosti purpose.
Electrical, radiation, biological and chemical safety of the diagnostics systems and laboratories. The safety safequarding for the patients and for the personel. Explanation of the elementary definition from a standards with the allowance on the valid laws. The material biocompactibility. Principles of the sterilisation. Waste disposal (biological waste, toxic waste and radioactive waste).

Laboratory exercise

26 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


LabView - principle of programming, applications.
ECG processing and filtering in LabView.
R wave detection in LabView.
Design and construction of diferential amplifier for biological signal - using LabView for circuit analysis.
Design and construction of antialiasing filter - using LabView for circuit analysis.
Design and construction of notch filter - using LabView for circuit analysis.
Design and construction of ECG amplifier - using LabView for circuit analysis.