Course detail

Recultivation of Landscape

FSI-ESRAcad. year: 2009/2010

The course is concerned with the signification and risk of production and consumption impacts to the environment; the landscape importance in all connections. Main redevelopment and reclamation methods and procedures.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Students are made familiar with main redevelopment and reclamation methods and procedures.


Knowledge corresponding with the two-year study at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is assumed.


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Teaching methods depend on the type of course unit as specified in the article 7 of BUT Rules for Studies and Examinations.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Course-unit credit requirements: attendance at seminars, a paper on an excursion or on an assigned topic. The exam has two parts. The first one is a written test based on three lot-drawn questions. Students answer two of them by their own choice. If it is necessary, the written exam is followed by a discussion. If a student does not prefer a written exam, he/she can be examined in an oral exam immediately.

Course curriculum

Not applicable.

Work placements

Not applicable.


The course objective is to make students familiar with very actual theme – remedy of damage caused by industry activities, especially by mining raw materials. Students learn of practical methods of impact minimalization, redevelopment technicalities and reclamation procedures from the environmental point of view.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Obligatory attendance of the students is only related to seminars, where the presence of students will be recorded. In case of absence students will be obliged to compose a paper on an assigned topic.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Dirner, V. a kol.: Ochrana životního prostředí, Montanex, a.s. Ostrava
Forman, R.,T.,T., Godron, M.: Krajinná ekologie, Academia Praha, 1993
Moldan, B., a kol.: Životní prostředí České republiky, Academia Praha, 1993

Recommended reading

Bulíček, J.: Vodohospodářské problémy odkališť, MLVH,1976
Moldan, B., a kol.: Konference OSN o životním prostředí a rozvoji, Rio de Janeiro 1992, dokumenty a komentáře, Press, Praha, 1993
Štýs, S.: Rekultivace území devastovaných těžbou nerostů, SNTL Praha,inf. publikace 1990
„Zelená zpráva“, Zpráva o stavu českého zemědělství 1994, Ministerstvo zemědělství ČR, Praha 1994
Podhájský, M., F., Smolík, D.: Technologické postupy úprav krajiny po těžbě a zpracování rudných a nerudných surovin, Ústav pro výzkum rud, Praha 1984
Členové světové komise pro ŽP a rozvoj: Naše společná budoucnost, Academia Praha, 1993
Kolektiv autorů: Svazky publikací Phare, VŠB-TU Ostrava, 1996

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme B3S-P Bachelor's

    branch B-EPE , 3. year of study, winter semester, elective (voluntary)

Type of course unit



26 hours, optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Basic principles of environmental protection, historical development, status quo.
2. Negative production and consumption impacts to the landscape and to all parts of environment.
3. Terms – landscape, landscape ecology, relations and retroactions.
4. Cultural landscape development in the Czech Republic and in the world, environmental impacts monitoring.
5. Anthropogenic influence to the environment, kind of production and consumption negative environmental impacts according to particular environmental spheres.
6. Ways and methods of pollution prevention, time development, impacts according to particular environmental spheres.
7. Monitoring old environmental demages – SEZEZ system. Creation of territorial systems of environmental stability.
8. Ground ecology of agroecosystem.
9. Landscape, agricultural environmental problems.
10. Methods of old environmental onuses and waste dump redevelopment.
11. Ground reclamation – technical and biological methods.
12. Sustainable development – term, application plans, strategy and principles.
13. Landscape legal protection. Guidelines of Ministry of Environment.


13 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Discussion about nowadays and future Earth problems.
2. Discussion about imbalance of production and consumption (especially in the sphere of water and energy supply and waste output) in the world.
3. Excursion to the area of former raw material mining, raw material processing and areas of old waste dumps after redevelopment and reclamation process – locality Hády 1/3.
4. Excursion to the area of former raw material mining, raw material processing and areas of old waste dumps after redevelopment and reclamation process – locality Hády 2/3.
5. Excursion to the area of former raw material minimg, raw material processing and areas of old waste dumps after redevelopment and reclamation process – locality Hády 3/3.
6. Excursion to operation of brickworks Šlapanice and to waste dumps SATESO 1/3.
7. Excursion to operation of brickworks Šlapanice and to waste dumps SATESO 2/3.
8. Excursion to operation of brickworks Šlapanice and to waste dumps SATESO 3/3.
9. Excursion to the area of „Černovická terasa“ 1/3.
10. Excursion to the area of „Černovická terasa“ 2/3.
11. Excursion to the area of „Černovická terasa“ 3/3.
12. Discussion about excursion papers (1/2).
13. Discussion about excursion papers (2/2), Course-unit credit awarding.