Branch Details

Electronics and Communications

Original title in Czech: Elektronika a sdělovací technikaFEKTAbbreviation: DK-ESTAcad. year: 2009/2010

Programme: Electrical, Electronic, Communication and Control Technology

Length of Study: 3 years


The doctor study programme provides the specialised university education to the graduates of the previous master study in electronics and communication technologies. The students are educated in various branches of theoretical and applied electronics and communication techniques. The students make deeper their theoretical knowledge of higher mathematics and physics, and they earn also knowledge of applied informatics and computer techniques.
They get ability to produce scientific works.

Key learning outcomes

The doctors are able to solve scientific and complex engineering tasks from the area of electronics and communications.
Wide fundamentals and deep theoretical basis of the study program bring high adaptability and high qualification of doctors for the most of requirements of their future creative practice in all areas of electronic engineering and communications.
The doctors are competent to work as scientists and researchers in many areas of basic research or research and development, as high-specialists in the development, design, construction, and application areas in many institutions, companies, and organisations of the electrical and electronic research, development, and industry as in the areas of communication and data transmission services and systems, inclusively in the special institutions of the state administration. In all of these branches they are able to work also as the leading scientific-, research-, development- or technical-managers.


Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DET1Electrotechnical materials, material systems and production processescs4Optional specializedExS - 39yes
DEE1Mathematical Modelling of Electrical Power Systemscs4Optional specializedExS - 39yes
DME1Microelectronic Systemscs4Optional specializedExS - 39yes
DTK1Modern network technologiescs4Optional specializedExS - 39yes
DRE1Modern electronic circuit designcs4Optional specializedExS - 39yes
DFY1Junctions and nanostructurescs4Optional specializedExS - 39yes
DTE1Special Measuring Methodscs4Optional specializedExS - 39yes
DAM1Selected chaps from automatic controlcs4Optional specializedExS - 39yes
DVE1Selected problems from power electronics and electrical drivescs4Optional specializedExS - 39yes
DBM1Advanced methods of processing and analysis of signals and imagescs4Optional specializedExS - 39yes
DMA1Statistics, Stochastic Processes, Operations Researchcs4General knowledgeExS - 39yes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DTK2Applied cryptographycs4Optional specializedExS - 39yes
DME2Microelectronic technologiescs4Optional specializedExS - 39yes
DRE2Modern digital wireless communicationcs4Optional specializedExS - 39yes
DTE2Numerical Computations with Partial Differential Equationscs4Optional specializedExS - 39yes
DFY2Spectroscopic methods for non-destructive diagnostics cs4Optional specializedExS - 39yes
DET2Selected diagnostic methods, reliability and qualitycs4Optional specializedExS - 39yes
DAM2Selected chaps from measuring techniquescs4Optional specializedExS - 39yes
DBM2Selected problems of biomedical engineeringcs4Optional specializedExS - 39yes
DEE2Selected problems of electricity productioncs4Optional specializedExS - 39yes
DVE2Topical Issues of Electrical Machines and Apparatuscs4Optional specializedExS - 39yes
DMA2Discrete Processes in Electrical Engineeringcs4General knowledgeExS - 39yes
1. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DQJAEnglish for the state doctoral examcs4CompulsorySZZyes
DDZSForeign study staycs5Optional specializedrecO - 25no
DPZSThe course passed out during the scholary foreign stagecs4ElectiverExO - 25no