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Branch Details

Machine and Equipment Construction

Original title in Czech: Stavba strojů a zařízeníFSIAbbreviation: B-SSZAcad. year: 2010/2011

Programme: Engineering

Length of Study: 3 years

Accredited from: Accredited until: 1.3.2019


Teach the student of this study branch to be able to design transport, handling and making machines and their structural groups and subgroups. The student extends used knowledge of designing and stress analysises at these groups of machines. The student of this study branch obtains the ability to organize activities of business and service companies that belong to study branch.
The graduate during study acquires the ability to assert by all companies that engage designing, production, business and service activities above all in area of transport, handling and making machines.


Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

2. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
CEL-KElectrical Engineering and Electronicscs4CompulsoryCr,ExK - 9 / L - 9 / S - 34yes
5HY-KHydromechanicscs6CompulsoryCr,ExK - 22 / S - 43yes
CKC-KDesign and CADcs6CompulsoryGCrK - 17 / S - 35yes
CM-KMathematics III-Bcs4CompulsoryCr,ExK - 13 / S - 26yes
4PP-KStrength of Materials Ics8CompulsoryCr,ExK - 26 / S - 52yes
2. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
6AA-KAutomationcs5CompulsoryCr,ExK - 16 / L - 1 / S - 35yes
ESM-KInternal Combustion Enginescs7CompulsoryCr,ExK - 13 / L - 4 / S - 35yes
DTM-KEngineering Mechanicscs7CompulsoryCr,ExK - 26 / S - 52yes
DTB-KMachining Technologycs6CompulsoryCr,ExK - 13 / L - 13 / S - 52yes
6TT-KThermomechanicscs7CompulsoryCr,ExK - 22 / S - 43yes
3. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
FAU-KMotor Vehiclescs5CompulsoryGCrK - 13 / L - 4 / S - 35yes
EDO-KTransport and Handling Equipmentcs6CompulsoryCr,ExK - 22 / S - 43yes
5KS-KMachine Design - Machine Elementscs6CompulsoryCr,ExK - 22 / S - 43yes
ETA-KTechnical Measurementcs5CompulsoryCr,ExK - 9 / L - 9 / S - 34yes
DLD-KLogistics of Transport and Handling Systemscs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExK - 17 / S - 351yes
GAS-KAutomatic Control of Machinescs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExK - 9 / L - 9 / S - 341yes
3. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
FDS-KBachelor Project (B2324)cs6CompulsoryGCrVB - 78yes
FHP-KHydraulic Gears of Machinescs5CompulsoryCr,ExK - 15 / L - 2 / S - 35yes
6KM-KMachine Design - Mechanismscs4CompulsoryGCrK - 17 / S - 35yes
6KT-KMachine Design - Mechanical Drivescs4CompulsoryCr,ExK - 17 / S - 35yes
FRM-KRobots and Manipulatorscs3CompulsoryGCrK - 11 / L - 2 / S - 26yes
FES-KBachelor Seminar (B2324)cs2CompulsoryGCrK - 4 / S - 9yes
FVY-KProduction Machines and Equipmentcs3CompulsoryGCrK - 13 / S - 26yes
All the groups of optional courses
Gr. Number of courses Courses
1 1 DLD-K, GAS-K