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European projects and grant agencies requirements for Open Access

Certainly you encounter projects supported by the EU or other funding agencies. Most of the projects include condition to publish results in Open Access mode. For the fulfillment of the conditions it is usually possible to use both ways Open Access - publishing results can be accessed by publishing in Open Access journals, as well as they can be depostited in Open Access repositories.

During the grant application should be considered higher financial requirements and they should be included in the project. Also when publishing a research paper or other document authors should not forget the conditions of the project and adapt them by signing a licensing agreement with the publisher that will allow subsequent reposition of the publication in Open Access repositories.

On these pages you will find information which projects requires disclosure of the outcomes under Open Access and guidelines on how to meet these requirements.


These are mainly Horizon Europe, OP JAK, but also GAČR and TAČR projects.

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