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Conditions of Open Access Fund

The applicant of the grant must be:
  • employee or student of BUT
  • first and/or corresponding author

Grant conditions:

  • The publication fee is paid from the Fund in real amount, the amount above 85 000 CZK (including VAT) is paid from the author's workplace.
  • One applicant can apply for a grant once in a year.
  • Author can apply only when there is no possibility of any other donation (grants, projects budget etc.)
  • The grant will not cover fees for reprints, colour printing, administration fees, overpages fee etc.
  • The article has to be published in the journal which is indexed by Web of Science in editions Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) nebo Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI) and is in AIS Quartile Q1.
  • The article must not be published in the MDPI publisher.
  • The journal can be fully OA and can be hybrid also.
  • If the journal is fully OA, it must be indexed in Directory of Open Access Journals.
  • Article must be published under Creative Commons license.
  • The supported article must be uploaded to the institutional repository (BUT Digital Library).
  • Applications can only be made for articles accepted for publication after the peer review process from 1 December 2023.
  • Applications are accepted from 1st January 2024 to 20th December 2024.
  • Applications will be accepted until the money run out (on the base "first-come, first-served").

Application form:


Invoice essentials:

The application will not be handled after the 20th December 2024. Payments can be made in EUR or USD. The invoice shall contain the following information:

  • BUT data: Brno University of Technology, Antoninska 548/1, 60200 Brno, ID: CZ00216305
  • Publisher data: Name of the Company, Payment Description, Bank Information
  • Bank information:
    • Europe: Bank name, Address, Account No., Swift Code, IBAN
    • USA: Bank name, Address, Account No., Swift Code, IBAN, Routing number (or similar).

Information about journals:

Do you have a question?

You can contact us via contact form!

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