Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Information on the admission procedure

Termín zahájení a ukončení přijímacích zkoušek:
Bakalářské studium: 7. - 10. června 2010, náhradní termín 24. června 2010

Magisterské navazující studium: 11. června 2010, náhradní termín 24. června 2010

Termín vydání rozhodnutí o přijetí ke studiu:
Bakalářské studium: 11. června 2010, 25. června 2010

Magisterské navazující studium: 14. června 2010, 25. června 2010

Termín vydání rozhodnutí o případné žádosti o přezkoumání rozhodnutí:
do 30ti dnů od převzetí rozhodnutí

Termín možnosti nahlédnutí uchazeče do svých materiálů:
bezprostředně po vyhlášení výsledků zkoušek

Termín skončení přijímacího řízení:

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Bachelor's full-time study

Applied Sciences in Engineering

Bachelor's full-time study, 3 years, earned title Bc.

Branch: Physical Engineering and Nanotechnology (no specialisation), 1900-01-01 - Přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Branch: Physical Engineering and Nanotechnology (no specialisation), 2010-06-07 - Přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 38
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 27
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 27
Total number of applicants admitted 27

Branch: Physical Engineering and Nanotechnology (no specialisation), 2010-06-08 - Přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 47
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 5
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 33
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 33
Total number of applicants admitted 33

Branch: Physical Engineering and Nanotechnology (no specialisation), 2010-06-08
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Branch: Physical Engineering and Nanotechnology (no specialisation), 2010-06-24 - Přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

Branch: Physical Engineering and Nanotechnology (no specialisation), 2010-08-24 - přijetí pouze bez přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

Branch: Mathematical Engineering (no specialisation), 2010-06-07 - Přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 32
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 26
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 26
Total number of applicants admitted 26

Branch: Mathematical Engineering (no specialisation), 2010-06-08 - Přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 27
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 3
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 24
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 24
Total number of applicants admitted 24

Branch: Mathematical Engineering (no specialisation), 2010-06-24 - Přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 4
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Total number of applicants admitted 3

Branch: Mathematical Engineering (no specialisation), 2010-08-24 - přijetí pouze bez přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 9
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 7
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 7
Total number of applicants admitted 7

Branch: Materials Engineering (no specialisation), 2010-06-07 - Přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 7
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Total number of applicants admitted 4

Branch: Materials Engineering (no specialisation), 2010-06-08 - Přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 11
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 5
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 8
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 8
Total number of applicants admitted 8

Branch: Materials Engineering (no specialisation), 2010-06-24 - Přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Branch: Materials Engineering (no specialisation), 2010-08-24 - přijetí pouze bez přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Branch: Mechatronics (no specialisation), 1900-01-01 - Přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

Branch: Mechatronics (no specialisation), 2010-06-07 - Přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 47
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 10
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 35
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 35
Total number of applicants admitted 35

Branch: Mechatronics (no specialisation), 2010-06-08
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

Branch: Mechatronics (no specialisation), 2010-06-08 - Přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 42
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 12
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 29
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 29
Total number of applicants admitted 29

Branch: Mechatronics (no specialisation), 2010-06-24 - Přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 3
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

Branch: Mechatronics (no specialisation), 2010-08-24 - přijetí pouze bez přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

All exam dates and all study fields (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 281
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 49
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 211
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 6
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 211
Total number of applicants admitted 211

Statistics of written exams: 7.6.2010, 8.6.2010, 24.6.2010, 24.8.2010


Bachelor's full-time study, 3 years, earned title Bc.

Branch: Engineering (no specialisation), 1900-01-01 - Přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 25
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 23
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 25
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 25
Total number of applicants admitted 25

Branch: Engineering (no specialisation), 2010-06-01 - BSP SI(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Branch: Engineering (no specialisation), 2010-06-02 - BSP SI(P) - 1. kolo
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Branch: Engineering (no specialisation), 2010-06-07 - Přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 26
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 26
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 25
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 25
Total number of applicants admitted 25

Branch: Engineering (no specialisation), 2010-06-08
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 19
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 19
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 19
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 19
Total number of applicants admitted 19

Branch: Engineering (no specialisation), 2010-06-08 - Přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 24
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 24
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 24
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 24
Total number of applicants admitted 24

Branch: Engineering (no specialisation), 2010-06-09 - Přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 11
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 11
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 11
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 11
Total number of applicants admitted 11

Branch: Engineering (no specialisation), 2010-06-10 - Přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 502
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 168
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 308
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 25
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 306
Total number of applicants admitted 308

Branch: Engineering (no specialisation), 2010-06-24 - Přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 36
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 21
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 30
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 30
Total number of applicants admitted 30

Branch: Engineering (no specialisation), 2010-08-24 - přijetí pouze bez přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 18
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 4
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 14
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 14
Total number of applicants admitted 14

Branch: Mechanical Engineering (no specialisation), 1900-01-01 - Přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 20
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 12
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 20
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 20
Total number of applicants admitted 20

Branch: Mechanical Engineering (no specialisation), 2010-06-07 - Přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 412
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 96
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 287
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 8
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 287
Total number of applicants admitted 287

Branch: Mechanical Engineering (no specialisation), 2010-06-08 - Přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 427
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 86
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 297
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 11
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 297
Total number of applicants admitted 297

Branch: Mechanical Engineering (no specialisation), 2010-06-08
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 11
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 11
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 11
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 11
Total number of applicants admitted 11

Branch: Mechanical Engineering (no specialisation), 2010-06-09 - Přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 237
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 60
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 176
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 13
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 175
Total number of applicants admitted 176

Branch: Mechanical Engineering (no specialisation), 2010-06-24 - Přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 67
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 24
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 53
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 53
Total number of applicants admitted 53

Branch: Mechanical Engineering (no specialisation), 2010-08-24 - přijetí pouze bez přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 30
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 29
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 29
Total number of applicants admitted 29

All exam dates and all study fields (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1867
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 588
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1331
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 64
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1328
Total number of applicants admitted 1331

Statistics of written exams: 1.6.2010, 2.6.2010, 7.6.2010, 8.6.2010, 9.6.2010, 10.6.2010, 24.6.2010, 24.8.2010


Bachelor's full-time study, 3 years, earned title Bc.

Branch: Engineering (no specialisation), 1900-01-01 - bez přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 11
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 4
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 7
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 7
Total number of applicants admitted 7


Bachelor's combined study


Bachelor's combined study, 3 years, earned title Bc.

Branch: Engineering (no specialisation), 1900-01-01 - Přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Branch: Engineering (no specialisation), 2010-06-09 - Přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 188
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 79
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 116
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 13
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 115
Total number of applicants admitted 116

Branch: Engineering (no specialisation), 2010-06-24 - Přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 34
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 18
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 18
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 18
Total number of applicants admitted 18

Branch: Engineering (no specialisation), 2010-08-25 - přijetí pouze bez přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 6
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 6
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 6
Total number of applicants admitted 6

All exam dates and all study fields (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 229
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 97
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 141
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 17
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 140
Total number of applicants admitted 141

Statistics of written exams: 9.6.2010, 24.6.2010


Master's full-time study

Admission to Study

Master's full-time study, 2 years, earned title Ing.

Branch: Branch choice (no specialisation), 1900-01-01 - Přijímací řízení do NMSP
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 542
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 3
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 441
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 438
Total number of applicants admitted 441

Branch: Branch choice (no specialisation), 2010-06-11 - Přijímací řízení do NMSP
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 110
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 110
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 110
Total number of applicants admitted 110

Branch: Branch choice (no specialisation), 2010-06-24 - Přijímací řízení do NMSP
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 13
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 4
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

All exam dates and all study fields (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 665
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 8
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 552
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 549
Total number of applicants admitted 552

Statistics of written exams: 11.6.2010, 24.6.2010


Master's combined study

Admission to Study

Master's combined study, 2 years, earned title Ing.

Branch: Branch choice (no specialisation), 1900-01-01 - Přijímací řízení do NMSK
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 127
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 109
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 109
Total number of applicants admitted 109

Branch: Branch choice (no specialisation), 2010-06-11 - Přijímací řízení do NMSK
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 4
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Total number of applicants admitted 3

Branch: Branch choice (no specialisation), 2010-06-24 - Přijímací řízení do NMSK
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 7
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

All exam dates and all study fields (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 138
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 113
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 113
Total number of applicants admitted 113

Statistics of written exams: 11.6.2010, 24.6.2010


Doctoral full-time study

Applied Natural Sciences

Doctoral full-time study, 4 years, earned title Ph.D.

Branch: Applied Mathematics (no specialisation), 2010-06-28
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

Statistics of written exams: 28.6.2010

Applied Sciences in Engineering

Doctoral full-time study, 4 years, earned title Ph.D.

Branch: Engineering Mechanics (no specialisation), 2010-05-07
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 3
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 3
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

Branch: Engineering Mechanics (no specialisation), 2010-06-28
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 13
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 11
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 11
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 11
Total number of applicants admitted 11

Branch: Engineering Mechanics (no specialisation), 2010-07-26
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

All exam dates and all study fields (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 17
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 15
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 14
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 14
Total number of applicants admitted 14

Statistics of written exams: 7.5.2010, 28.6.2010, 26.7.2010

Physical and Materials Engineering

Doctoral full-time study, 4 years, earned title Ph.D.

Branch: Physical and Materials Engineering (Physical Engineering), 2010-06-25
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 5
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 5
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 5
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 5
Total number of applicants admitted 5

Branch: Physical and Materials Engineering (Physical Engineering), 2010-07-02
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Branch: Physical and Materials Engineering (Materials Engineering), 2010-07-02
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

All exam dates and all study fields (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 8
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 8
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 8
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 8
Total number of applicants admitted 8

Statistics of written exams: 25.6.2010, 2.7.2010

Machines and Equipment

Doctoral full-time study, 4 years, earned title Ph.D.

Branch: Design and Process Engineering (Environmental Engineering), 2010-05-07
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Branch: Design and Process Engineering (Control of Machines and Processes), 2010-05-07
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Branch: Design and Process Engineering (Aircraft Design and Air Transport), 2010-06-24
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 4
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 4
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Total number of applicants admitted 4

Branch: Design and Process Engineering (Mechanical Engineering Design), 2010-06-28
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 10
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 9
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 8
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 8
Total number of applicants admitted 8

Branch: Design and Process Engineering (Power Engineering), 2010-06-28
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Branch: Design and Process Engineering (Environmental Engineering), 2010-06-28
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 4
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 4
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Total number of applicants admitted 4

Branch: Design and Process Engineering (Automotive and Handling Engineering), 2010-06-28
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 4
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 4
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Total number of applicants admitted 4

Branch: Design and Process Engineering (Process Engineeing), 2010-06-28
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 6
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 6
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 5
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 5
Total number of applicants admitted 5

Branch: Design and Process Engineering (Fluid Engineering), 2010-06-28
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

Branch: Design and Process Engineering (Control of Machines and Processes), 2010-07-01
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

Branch: Design and Process Engineering (Machines and Eqiupments), 2010-07-01
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 8
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 7
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 7
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 7
Total number of applicants admitted 7

Branch: Design and Process Engineering (Machines and Eqiupments), 2010-11-05
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

Branch: Design and Process Engineering (Process Engineeing), 2011-01-06
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Branch: Design and Process Engineering (Process Engineeing), 2011-01-11
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

All exam dates and all study fields (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 48
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 45
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 43
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 43
Total number of applicants admitted 43

Statistics of written exams: 7.5.2010, 24.6.2010, 28.6.2010, 1.7.2010, 5.11.2010, 6.1.2011, 11.1.2011

Manufacturing Technology

Doctoral full-time study, 4 years, earned title Ph.D.

Branch: Manufacturing Technology (no specialisation), 2010-07-01
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 11
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 11
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 11
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 9
Total number of applicants admitted 9

Branch: Manufacturing Technology (no specialisation), 2010-08-13
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

All exam dates and all study fields (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 12
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 12
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 12
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 10
Total number of applicants admitted 10

Statistics of written exams: 1.7.2010, 13.8.2010


Doctoral combined study

Applied Natural Sciences

Doctoral combined study, 4 years, earned title Ph.D.

Branch: Applied Mathematics (no specialisation), 2010-06-28
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

Statistics of written exams: 28.6.2010

Applied Sciences in Engineering

Doctoral combined study, 4 years, earned title Ph.D.

Branch: Engineering Mechanics (no specialisation), 2010-06-28
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Statistics of written exams: 28.6.2010

Physical and Materials Engineering

Doctoral combined study, 4 years, earned title Ph.D.

Branch: Physical and Materials Engineering (Physical Engineering), 2010-04-19
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Branch: Physical and Materials Engineering (Materials Engineering), 2010-07-02
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

Branch: Physical and Materials Engineering (Materials Engineering), 2010-07-15
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

All exam dates and all study fields (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 5
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 4
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Total number of applicants admitted 4

Statistics of written exams: 19.4.2010, 2.7.2010, 15.7.2010

Machines and Equipment

Doctoral combined study, 4 years, earned title Ph.D.

Branch: Design and Process Engineering (Aircraft Design and Air Transport), 2010-06-24
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 3
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 3
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Total number of applicants admitted 3

Branch: Design and Process Engineering (Power Engineering), 2010-06-28
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

Branch: Design and Process Engineering (Process Engineeing), 2010-06-28
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

Branch: Design and Process Engineering (Environmental Engineering), 2010-06-28
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Branch: Design and Process Engineering (Machines and Eqiupments), 2010-07-01
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Branch: Design and Process Engineering (Machines and Eqiupments), 2010-11-05
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Branch: Design and Process Engineering (Process Engineeing), 2011-01-11
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

All exam dates and all study fields (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 12
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 12
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 12
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 12
Total number of applicants admitted 12

Statistics of written exams: 24.6.2010, 28.6.2010, 1.7.2010, 5.11.2010, 11.1.2011

Manufacturing Technology

Doctoral combined study, 4 years, earned title Ph.D.

Branch: Manufacturing Technology (no specialisation), 2010-07-01
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

Statistics of written exams: 1.7.2010


Admission exam, the problems and their solutions

Dokumenty najdete v přílohách.

BS 2010.zip [.zip]
NMS 2010.zip [.zip]


Evaluation and procedure criteria

Dokumenty najdete v přílohách.

Směrnice PŘ.pdf [.pdf]
Pokyny v PŘ.pdf [.pdf]

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