Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Information on the admission procedure

Termín zahájení a ukončení přijímacích zkoušek
Talentová zkouška pro program Průmyslový design ve strojírenství termín: 22.4.2022
Přijímací zkouška do BS termín: 14.6. - 17.6.2022, náhradní termín 22.6.2022
Přijímací zkouška do NMS obecná část termín: 16.5. - 17.5.2022, náhradní termín 23.5.2022
Přijímací zkoušky do NMS oborová část termín: 6.6. - 24.6.2022

Termín vydání rozhodnutí o přijetí ke studiu:
Rozhodnutí o přijetí ke studiu bylo vydáno ihned po ověření splnění podmínek pro přijetí ke studiu.

Termín vydání rozhodnutí o případné žádosti o přezkoumání rozhodnutí:
Do 30ti dnů od převzetí rozhodnutí.

Termín možnosti nahlédnutí uchazeče do svých materiálů:
Bezprostředně po vyhlášení výsledků zkoušek a zveřejnění rozhodnutí děkana.

Termín skončení přijímacího řízení:

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Bachelor's full-time study


Bachelor's full-time study, 3 years, earned title Bc.

1900-01-01 - bez přijímací zkoušky
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 8
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 6
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 6
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

1900-01-01 - přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 100
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 40
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 64
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 36
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 64
Total number of applicants admitted 64

2022-06-14 - písemný test český jazyk
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

2022-06-15 - přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 26
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 26
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 8
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 18
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 8
Total number of applicants admitted 8

2022-06-15 - písemný test český jazyk
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 4
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 4
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

2022-06-16 - přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

2022-06-22 - přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 141
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 79
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 75
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 66
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 75
Total number of applicants admitted 75

Statistics of written exams: 14.6.2022, 15.6.2022, 22.6.2022

Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering

Bachelor's full-time study, 3 years, earned title Bc.

Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 39
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 38
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 38
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

2022-03-22 - 1. kolo PŘ
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 6
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 6
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 6
Total number of applicants admitted 6

2022-04-06 - 1. kolo PŘ
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

2022-04-19 - 1. kolo PŘ
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 3
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Total number of applicants admitted 3

2022-05-11 - 1. kolo PŘ
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 4
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Total number of applicants admitted 4

2022-05-18 - 1. kolo PŘ
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 3
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Total number of applicants admitted 3

2022-05-30 - 1. kolo PŘ
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

2022-06-07 - 1. kolo PŘ
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

2022-06-08 - 1. kolo PŘ
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 5
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 3
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

2022-07-04 - 1. kolo PŘ
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

2022-07-13 - 1. kolo PŘ
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

2022-07-14 - 1. kolo PŘ
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

2022-07-26 - 1. kolo PŘ
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 67
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 41
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 25
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 41
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 25
Total number of applicants admitted 25

Physical Engineering and Nanotechnology

Bachelor's full-time study, 3 years, earned title Bc.

1900-01-01 - přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 58
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 21
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 38
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 20
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 38
Total number of applicants admitted 38

1900-01-01 - bez přijímací zkoušky
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 9
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 7
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 7
Total number of applicants admitted 7

2022-06-14 - písemný test český jazyk
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 8
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 8
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 7
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

2022-06-14 - přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 18
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 18
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 17
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

2022-06-22 - písemný test český jazyk
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 94
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 50
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 47
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 47
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 47
Total number of applicants admitted 47

Statistics of written exams: 14.6.2022

Mathematical Engineering

Bachelor's full-time study, 3 years, earned title Bc.

1900-01-01 - přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 38
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 11
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 27
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 11
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 27
Total number of applicants admitted 27

1900-01-01 - bez přijímací zkoušky
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 6
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 4
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

2022-06-14 - písemný test český jazyk
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 5
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 5
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 5
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

2022-06-14 - přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 9
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 9
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 8
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 58
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 29
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 30
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 28
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 30
Total number of applicants admitted 30

Statistics of written exams: 14.6.2022


Bachelor's full-time study, 3 years, earned title Bc.

1900-01-01 - bez přijímací zkoušky
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 9
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 6
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 6
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Total number of applicants admitted 3

1900-01-01 - přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 113
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 26
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 91
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 22
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 91
Total number of applicants admitted 91

2022-06-14 - přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 38
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 38
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 8
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 30
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 8
Total number of applicants admitted 8

2022-06-14 - písemný test český jazyk
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 11
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 11
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 5
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 6
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 5
Total number of applicants admitted 5

2022-06-15 - písemný test český jazyk
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

2022-06-16 - písemný test český jazyk
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

2022-06-16 - přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 174
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 84
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 108
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 66
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 108
Total number of applicants admitted 108

Statistics of written exams: 14.6.2022, 16.6.2022

Professional Pilot

Bachelor's full-time study, 3 years, earned title Bc.

1900-01-01 - přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 45
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 22
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 24
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 21
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 24
Total number of applicants admitted 24

1900-01-01 - bez přijímací zkoušky
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 3
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

2022-06-14 - písemný test český jazyk
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 4
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 3
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

2022-06-14 - přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 15
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 15
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 11
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Total number of applicants admitted 4

2022-06-22 - přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

2022-06-22 - písemný test český jazyk
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 69
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 44
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 33
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 36
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 32
Total number of applicants admitted 33

Statistics of written exams: 14.6.2022, 22.6.2022

Industrial Design

Bachelor's full-time study, 3 years, earned title Bc.

1900-01-01 - přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 31
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 17
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 18
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 13
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 18
Total number of applicants admitted 18

2022-04-22 - talentová zkouška
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 61
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 48
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 22
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 39
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 21
Total number of applicants admitted 22

2022-04-25 - talentová zkouška
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

2022-06-14 - přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 9
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 9
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 6
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Total number of applicants admitted 3

2022-06-14 - písemný test český jazyk
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

2022-06-16 - přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

2022-06-22 - přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 1

2022-06-22 - písemný test český jazyk
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 1

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 108
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 80
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 48
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 60
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 45
Total number of applicants admitted 48

Statistics of written exams: 22.4.2022, 25.4.2022, 14.6.2022, 16.6.2022, 22.6.2022


Bachelor's full-time study, 3 years, earned title Bc.

Specialization: Engineering, 1900-01-01 - přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 489
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 146
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 354
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 135
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 354
Total number of applicants admitted 354

Specialization: Engineering, 1900-01-01 - bez přijímací zkoušky
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 40
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 19
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 21
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 19
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 21
Total number of applicants admitted 21

Specialization: Engineering, 2022-04-22 - talentová zkouška
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Specialization: Engineering, 2022-05-09 - Mimořádné přijímací řízení - uprchlíci
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 6
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 5
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 5
Total number of applicants admitted 5

Specialization: Engineering, 2022-06-15 - písemný test český jazyk
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Specialization: Engineering, 2022-06-16 - písemný test český jazyk
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 31
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 30
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 11
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 20
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 11
Total number of applicants admitted 11

Specialization: Engineering, 2022-06-16 - přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 123
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 123
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 39
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 84
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 38
Total number of applicants admitted 39

Specialization: Engineering, 2022-06-22 - přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 6
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 6
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Total number of applicants admitted 3

Specialization: Engineering, 2022-06-22 - písemný test český jazyk
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 5
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 5
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 702
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 331
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 437
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 265
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 436
Total number of applicants admitted 437

Statistics of written exams: 22.4.2022, 15.6.2022, 16.6.2022, 22.6.2022

Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering

Bachelor's full-time study, 3 years, earned title Bc.

Specialization: Materials Engineering, 1900-01-01 - přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 18
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 4
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 14
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 14
Total number of applicants admitted 14

Specialization: Materials Engineering, 1900-01-01 - bez přijímací zkoušky
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Specialization: Materials Engineering, 2022-06-15 - písemný test český jazyk
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Specialization: Materials Engineering, 2022-06-15 - přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 7
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 7
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 6
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Specialization: Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering, 1900-01-01 - přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 344
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 90
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 259
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 85
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 259
Total number of applicants admitted 259

Specialization: Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering, 1900-01-01 - bez přijímací zkoušky
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 14
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 5
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 9
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 5
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 9
Total number of applicants admitted 9

Specialization: Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering, 2022-05-09 - Mimořádné přijímací řízení - uprchlíci
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Specialization: Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering, 2022-06-14 - písemný test český jazyk
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 3
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Specialization: Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering, 2022-06-15 - přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 96
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 95
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 25
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 71
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 25
Total number of applicants admitted 25

Specialization: Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering, 2022-06-15 - písemný test český jazyk
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 21
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 20
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 7
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 14
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 7
Total number of applicants admitted 7

Specialization: Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering, 2022-06-16 - přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Specialization: Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering, 2022-06-16 - písemný test český jazyk
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Specialization: Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering, 2022-06-22 - písemný test český jazyk
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Specialization: Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering, 2022-06-22 - přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 511
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 230
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 319
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 192
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 319
Total number of applicants admitted 319

Statistics of written exams: 14.6.2022, 15.6.2022, 16.6.2022, 22.6.2022


Bachelor's combined study


Bachelor's combined study, 3 years, earned title Bc.

Specialization: Engineering, 1900-01-01 - bez přijímací zkoušky
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 5
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 5
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 5
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Specialization: Engineering, 1900-01-01 - přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 26
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 14
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 14
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 12
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 14
Total number of applicants admitted 14

Specialization: Engineering, 2022-05-09 - Mimořádné přijímací řízení - uprchlící
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Specialization: Engineering, 2022-06-14 - písemný test český jazyk
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Specialization: Engineering, 2022-06-14 - přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 42
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 42
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 13
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 29
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 13
Total number of applicants admitted 13

Specialization: Engineering, 2022-06-22 - přijetí na základě přijímacích zkoušek
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 3
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 3
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 80
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 67
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 31
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 49
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 31
Total number of applicants admitted 31

Statistics of written exams: 14.6.2022, 22.6.2022


Master's full-time study

Aerospace Technology

Master's full-time study, 2 years, earned title Ing.

Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 3
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 3
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

2022-03-22 - 1. kolo PŘ
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 3
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Total number of applicants admitted 3

2022-04-19 - 1. kolo PŘ
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

2022-07-13 - 1. kolo PŘ
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 8
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 3
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 5
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 5
Total number of applicants admitted 5

Applied Computer Science and Control

Master's full-time study, 2 years, earned title Ing.

1900-01-01 - Písemný test český jazyk
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

1900-01-01 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 4
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 4
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

2022-05-16 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 47
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 47
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 40
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 7
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 40
Total number of applicants admitted 40

2022-05-23 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

2022-06-06 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 43
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 43
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 39
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 39
Total number of applicants admitted 39

2022-06-28 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 99
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 99
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 83
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 16
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 83
Total number of applicants admitted 83

Statistics of written exams: 16.5.2022, 23.5.2022, 6.6.2022, 28.6.2022

Applied and Interdisciplinary Mathematics

Master's full-time study, 2 years, earned title Ing.

Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Automotive and Material Handling Engineering

Master's full-time study, 2 years, earned title Ing.

1900-01-01 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 6
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 6
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 6
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

2022-05-16 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 84
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 84
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 64
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 20
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 64
Total number of applicants admitted 64

2022-05-16 - Písemný test český jazyk
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

2022-05-23 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 5
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 5
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Total number of applicants admitted 3

2022-06-06 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 79
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 79
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 65
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 14
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 65
Total number of applicants admitted 65

2022-06-28 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

2022-08-15 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 177
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 177
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 135
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 42
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 135
Total number of applicants admitted 135

Statistics of written exams: 16.5.2022, 23.5.2022, 6.6.2022, 28.6.2022, 15.8.2022

Power and Thermo-fluid Engineering

Master's full-time study, 2 years, earned title Ing.

Specialization: Power Engineering, 2022-05-16 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 39
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 39
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 34
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 5
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 34
Total number of applicants admitted 34

Specialization: Power Engineering, 2022-06-06 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 36
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 36
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 34
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 34
Total number of applicants admitted 34

Specialization: Fluid Engineering, 1900-01-01 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Specialization: Fluid Engineering, 2022-05-16 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 35
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 35
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 26
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 9
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 26
Total number of applicants admitted 26

Specialization: Fluid Engineering, 2022-05-23 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Specialization: Fluid Engineering, 2022-06-06 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 34
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 34
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 26
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 8
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 26
Total number of applicants admitted 26

Specialization: Environmental Engineering, 1900-01-01 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Specialization: Environmental Engineering, 2022-05-16 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 18
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 18
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 14
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 14
Total number of applicants admitted 14

Specialization: Environmental Engineering, 2022-05-23 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Specialization: Environmental Engineering, 2022-06-06 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 19
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 19
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 14
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 5
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 14
Total number of applicants admitted 14

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 187
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 187
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 148
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 39
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 148
Total number of applicants admitted 148

Statistics of written exams: 16.5.2022, 23.5.2022, 6.6.2022

Physical Engineering and Nanotechnology

Master's full-time study, 2 years, earned title Ing.

1900-01-01 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

2022-05-16 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 34
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 34
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 32
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 32
Total number of applicants admitted 32

2022-06-06 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 33
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 33
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 32
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 32
Total number of applicants admitted 32

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 68
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 68
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 64
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 64
Total number of applicants admitted 64

Statistics of written exams: 16.5.2022, 6.6.2022

Engineering Mechanics and Biomechanics

Master's full-time study, 2 years, earned title Ing.

Specialization: Biomechanics, 1900-01-01 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Specialization: Biomechanics, 2022-05-16 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 18
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 18
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 11
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 7
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 11
Total number of applicants admitted 11

Specialization: Biomechanics, 2022-06-06 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 16
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 16
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 11
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 5
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 11
Total number of applicants admitted 11

Specialization: Engineering Mechanics, 1900-01-01 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Specialization: Engineering Mechanics, 2022-05-16 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 20
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 20
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 16
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 16
Total number of applicants admitted 16

Specialization: Engineering Mechanics, 2022-06-06 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 18
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 18
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 16
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 16
Total number of applicants admitted 16

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 74
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 74
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 54
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 20
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 54
Total number of applicants admitted 54

Statistics of written exams: 16.5.2022, 6.6.2022

Mechanical Engineering Design

Master's full-time study, 2 years, earned title Ing.

2022-05-16 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 48
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 48
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 25
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 23
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 25
Total number of applicants admitted 25

2022-06-06 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 46
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 46
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 25
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 21
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 25
Total number of applicants admitted 25

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 94
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 94
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 50
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 44
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 50
Total number of applicants admitted 50

Statistics of written exams: 16.5.2022, 6.6.2022

Quality, Reliability and Safety

Master's full-time study, 2 years, earned title Ing.

1900-01-01 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

2022-05-16 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 12
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 12
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 6
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 6
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 6
Total number of applicants admitted 6

2022-06-06 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 10
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 10
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 6
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 6
Total number of applicants admitted 6

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 24
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 24
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 12
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 12
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 12
Total number of applicants admitted 12

Statistics of written exams: 16.5.2022, 6.6.2022

Aerospace Technology

Master's full-time study, 2 years, earned title Ing.

Specialization: Aircraft Design, 1900-01-01 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 3
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 3
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Specialization: Aircraft Design, 2022-05-16 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 29
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 29
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 22
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 7
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 22
Total number of applicants admitted 22

Specialization: Aircraft Design, 2022-05-23 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Specialization: Aircraft Design, 2022-06-23 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 27
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 27
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 23
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 23
Total number of applicants admitted 23

Specialization: Aircraft Design, 2022-07-13 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Specialization: Aircraft Design, 2022-08-29 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Specialization: Airtransport and Airport Technology, 1900-01-01 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Specialization: Airtransport and Airport Technology, 2022-05-16 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 15
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 15
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 12
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 12
Total number of applicants admitted 12

Specialization: Airtransport and Airport Technology, 2022-05-23 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Specialization: Airtransport and Airport Technology, 2022-06-23 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 14
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 14
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 13
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 13
Total number of applicants admitted 13

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 94
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 94
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 74
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 20
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 74
Total number of applicants admitted 74

Statistics of written exams: 16.5.2022, 23.5.2022, 23.6.2022, 13.7.2022, 29.8.2022

Mathematical Engineering

Master's full-time study, 2 years, earned title Ing.

1900-01-01 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

2022-05-16 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 21
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 21
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 18
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 18
Total number of applicants admitted 18

2022-06-06 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 19
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 19
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 17
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 17
Total number of applicants admitted 17

2022-07-15 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 42
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 42
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 36
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 6
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 36
Total number of applicants admitted 36

Statistics of written exams: 16.5.2022, 6.6.2022, 15.7.2022

Materials Engineering

Master's full-time study, 2 years, earned title Ing.

1900-01-01 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

2022-05-16 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 13
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 13
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 9
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 9
Total number of applicants admitted 9

2022-05-23 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

2022-06-06 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 12
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 12
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 9
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 9
Total number of applicants admitted 9

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 27
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 27
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 18
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 9
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 18
Total number of applicants admitted 18

Statistics of written exams: 16.5.2022, 23.5.2022, 6.6.2022

Mathematical Engineering

Master's full-time study, 2 years, earned title Ing.

Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 5
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 5
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 5
Total number of applicants admitted 5

Mechanical Engineering

Master's full-time study, 2 years, earned title Ing.

Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 15
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 14
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 14
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

2022-03-22 - 1. kolo PŘ
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

2022-04-06 - 1. kolo PŘ
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

2022-04-11 - 1. kolo PŘ
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

2022-04-19 - 1. kolo PŘ
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

2022-05-04 - 1. kolo PŘ
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

2022-05-13 - 1. kolo PŘ
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

2022-06-07 - 1. kolo PŘ
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

2022-07-07 - 1. kolo PŘ
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 0
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 24
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 14
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 9
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 14
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 9
Total number of applicants admitted 9


Master's full-time study, 2 years, earned title Ing.

1900-01-01 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 4
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 4
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

2022-05-16 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 45
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 45
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 38
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 7
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 38
Total number of applicants admitted 38

2022-06-06 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 41
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 41
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 38
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 38
Total number of applicants admitted 38

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 90
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 90
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 76
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 14
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 76
Total number of applicants admitted 76

Statistics of written exams: 16.5.2022, 6.6.2022

Process Engineering

Master's full-time study, 2 years, earned title Ing.

1900-01-01 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

2022-05-16 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 26
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 26
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 24
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 24
Total number of applicants admitted 24

2022-06-06 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 24
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 24
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 24
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 24
Total number of applicants admitted 24

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 52
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 52
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 48
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 48
Total number of applicants admitted 48

Statistics of written exams: 16.5.2022, 6.6.2022

Industrial Design

Master's full-time study, 2 years, earned title Ing.

2022-05-16 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 14
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 14
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 6
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 8
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 6
Total number of applicants admitted 6

2022-06-06 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 14
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 14
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 6
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 8
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 6
Total number of applicants admitted 6

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 28
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 28
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 12
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 16
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 12
Total number of applicants admitted 12

Statistics of written exams: 16.5.2022, 6.6.2022

Precise Mechanics and Optics

Master's full-time study, 2 years, earned title Ing.

2022-05-16 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 4
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 4
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Total number of applicants admitted 3

2022-06-06 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 4
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 4
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Total number of applicants admitted 3

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 8
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 8
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 6
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 6
Total number of applicants admitted 6

Statistics of written exams: 16.5.2022, 6.6.2022

Foundry Technology

Master's full-time study, 2 years, earned title Ing.

2022-05-16 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 7
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 7
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 5
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 5
Total number of applicants admitted 5

2022-06-10 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 5
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 5
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 5
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 5
Total number of applicants admitted 5

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 12
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 12
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 10
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 10
Total number of applicants admitted 10

Statistics of written exams: 16.5.2022, 10.6.2022

Manufacturing Technology

Master's full-time study, 2 years, earned title Ing.

Specialization: Manufacturing Technology, 1900-01-01 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 3
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 3
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Specialization: Manufacturing Technology, 2022-05-16 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 40
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 40
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 21
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 19
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 21
Total number of applicants admitted 21

Specialization: Manufacturing Technology, 2022-05-23 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Specialization: Manufacturing Technology, 2022-06-08 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 34
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 34
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 21
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 13
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 21
Total number of applicants admitted 21

Specialization: Manufacturing Technology and Management in Industry, 1900-01-01 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 3
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 3
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Specialization: Manufacturing Technology and Management in Industry, 2022-05-16 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 32
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 32
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 21
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 11
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 21
Total number of applicants admitted 21

Specialization: Manufacturing Technology and Management in Industry, 2022-05-23 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

Specialization: Manufacturing Technology and Management in Industry, 2022-06-08 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 27
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 27
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 23
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 23
Total number of applicants admitted 23

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 142
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 142
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 88
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 54
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 88
Total number of applicants admitted 88

Statistics of written exams: 16.5.2022, 23.5.2022, 8.6.2022

Production Machines, Systems and Robots

Master's full-time study, 2 years, earned title Ing.

1900-01-01 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 7
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 7
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 7
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

2022-05-16 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 52
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 52
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 32
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 20
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 31
Total number of applicants admitted 32

2022-05-23 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

2022-06-06 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 45
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 45
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 33
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 12
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 32
Total number of applicants admitted 33

All exam dates and all study fields (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 106
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 106
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 66
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 40
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 64
Total number of applicants admitted 66

Statistics of written exams: 16.5.2022, 23.5.2022, 6.6.2022

Production Systems

Master's full-time study, 2 years, earned title Ing.

Branch: Production Systems (no specialisation), 2022-05-16 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Branch: Production Systems (no specialisation), 2022-06-06 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 3
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 3
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Statistics of written exams: 16.5.2022, 6.6.2022


Master's combined study

Applied Computer Science and Control

Master's combined study, 2 years, earned title Ing.

1900-01-01 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 5
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 5
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 5
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

2022-05-16 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 14
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 14
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 5
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 9
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 5
Total number of applicants admitted 5

2022-06-06 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 7
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 7
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 5
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 5
Total number of applicants admitted 5

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 26
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 26
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 10
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 16
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 10
Total number of applicants admitted 10

Statistics of written exams: 16.5.2022, 6.6.2022

Quality, Reliability and Safety

Master's combined study, 2 years, earned title Ing.

1900-01-01 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 4
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 4
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

2022-05-16 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 5
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 5
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 5
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

2022-05-23 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

2022-06-06 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 12
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 12
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 12
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Statistics of written exams: 16.5.2022, 6.6.2022

Manufacturing Technology

Master's combined study, 2 years, earned title Ing.

Specialization: Manufacturing Technology, 1900-01-01 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 5
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 5
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 5
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Specialization: Manufacturing Technology, 2022-05-16 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 21
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 21
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 10
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 11
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 10
Total number of applicants admitted 10

Specialization: Manufacturing Technology, 2022-06-08 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 16
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 16
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 10
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 6
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 10
Total number of applicants admitted 10

Specialization: Manufacturing Technology and Management in Industry, 1900-01-01 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Specialization: Manufacturing Technology and Management in Industry, 2022-05-16 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 14
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 14
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 9
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 5
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 9
Total number of applicants admitted 9

Specialization: Manufacturing Technology and Management in Industry, 2022-06-08 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 11
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 11
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 9
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 9
Total number of applicants admitted 9

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 69
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 69
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 38
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 31
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 38
Total number of applicants admitted 38

Statistics of written exams: 16.5.2022, 8.6.2022

Production Machines, Systems and Robots

Master's combined study, 2 years, earned title Ing.

1900-01-01 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 8
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 8
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 8
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

2022-05-16 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 17
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 17
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 8
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 9
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 8
Total number of applicants admitted 8

2022-05-23 - Písemná část přijímacích zkoušek NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 3
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 3
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

2022-06-06 - Oborová část přijímacího řízení do NMS
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 10
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 10
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 8
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 8
Total number of applicants admitted 8

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 38
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 38
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 17
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 21
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 17
Total number of applicants admitted 17

Statistics of written exams: 16.5.2022, 23.5.2022, 6.6.2022


Doctoral full-time study

Applied Mathematics

Doctoral full-time study, 4 years, earned title Ph.D.

Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Statistics of written exams: 1.7.2022

Applied Mechanics

Doctoral full-time study, 4 years, earned title Ph.D.

Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Statistics of written exams: 21.11.2022

Design and Process Engineering

Doctoral full-time study, 4 years, earned title Ph.D.

Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Statistics of written exams: 30.6.2022

Power Engineering

Doctoral full-time study, 4 years, earned title Ph.D.

Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 10
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 10
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 9
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 9
Total number of applicants admitted 9

Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Total number of applicants admitted 2

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 12
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 12
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 11
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 11
Total number of applicants admitted 11

Statistics of written exams: 27.6.2022, 21.11.2022

Physical Engineering and Nanotechnology

Doctoral full-time study, 4 years, earned title Ph.D.

Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Statistics of written exams: 27.6.2022

Applied Mechanics

Doctoral full-time study, 4 years, earned title Ph.D.

Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 5
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 5
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 5
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 5
Total number of applicants admitted 5

Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 3
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 3
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 3
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 3
Total number of applicants admitted 3

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 8
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 8
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 8
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 8
Total number of applicants admitted 8

Statistics of written exams: 30.6.2022, 8.7.2022

Design and Process Engineering

Doctoral full-time study, 4 years, earned title Ph.D.

Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 12
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 12
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 12
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 12
Total number of applicants admitted 12

Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 5
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 5
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 5
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 5
Total number of applicants admitted 5

Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 18
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 18
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 18
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 18
Total number of applicants admitted 18

Statistics of written exams: 27.6.2022, 30.6.2022, 22.11.2022

Materials Sciences

Doctoral full-time study, 4 years, earned title Ph.D.

Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Statistics of written exams: 27.6.2022

Power Engineering

Doctoral full-time study, 4 years, earned title Ph.D.

Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Statistics of written exams: 27.6.2022

Manufacturing Technology

Doctoral full-time study, 4 years, earned title Ph.D.

Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 8
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 8
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 7
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 7
Total number of applicants admitted 7

Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 11
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 11
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 9
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 9
Total number of applicants admitted 9

Statistics of written exams: 28.6.2022, 14.7.2022, 29.11.2022


Doctoral combined study

Power Engineering

Doctoral combined study, 4 years, earned title Ph.D.

Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 5
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 5
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 4
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 4
Total number of applicants admitted 4

Statistics of written exams: 27.6.2022

Physical Engineering and Nanotechnology

Doctoral combined study, 4 years, earned title Ph.D.

Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Statistics of written exams: 27.6.2022

Applied Mechanics

Doctoral combined study, 4 years, earned title Ph.D.

Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Statistics of written exams: 30.6.2022

Design and Process Engineering

Doctoral combined study, 4 years, earned title Ph.D.

Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Total number of applicants admitted 1

Statistics of written exams: 27.6.2022, 30.6.2022

Materials Sciences

Doctoral combined study, 4 years, earned title Ph.D.

Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Power Engineering

Doctoral combined study, 4 years, earned title Ph.D.

Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

All exam dates and all specializations (detail pro jednotlivé obory)
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 2
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 2
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 2
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Statistics of written exams: 27.6.2022, 22.11.2022


Admission exam, the problems and their solutions

Dokumenty najdete v přílohách.Směrnice děkana pro přijímací řízení do BS [.pdf]
Směrnice děkana pro přijímací řízení do NMS [.pdf]


Evaluation and procedure criteria

Dokumenty najdete v přílohách.Talentová zkouška na PD [.pdf]
Přijímací zkouška BS - matematika [.zip]
Přijímací zkouška BS - fyzika [.ZIP]
Přijímací zkouška NMS - matematika [.zip]
Přijímací zkouška NMS - fyzika [.ZIP]
Přijímací zkouška NMS - technická mechanika - test B [.docx]
Přijímací zkouška NMS - technická mechanika - test A [.docx]
Přijímací zkouška NMS - technická mechanika - řešení A [.docx]
Přijímací zkouška NMS - technická mechanika - řešení B [.docx]

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