Press Releases
- Czech semiconductors on the rise: international cooperation between scientists and manufacturers will boost the chip ...
- BUT at AMPER 2025: revolutionary spectrometer and autonomous swarm of robots and drones will be the highlights of ...
- BUT start-up optimises renewable energy use with artificial intelligence
- The growth of the space sector in Brno is hindered by a lack of experts. Therefore, BUT is doubling its capacity for ...
- Pioneering space mission from Brno succeeded in European Space Agency program
- Universities of Visegrad 4 and Korea deepen cooperation in nuclear energy
- BUT YSpace team succeeded in European Space Agency program. They are one step closer to stars.
- 65th International Industrial Fair. BUT focuses on robotics, ocean cleaning and batteries
- CTU, BUT and UWB join forces: cooperation on semiconductors opens a way to self-sufficiency
- Transformations in Science and Technology: Researchers’ Night at BUT offers unique experiences, experiments and ...
- A national center for semiconductors and chips will be established in the Czech Republic
- Sports technology, robots or IT for girls. Brno University of Technology presents its summer schools
Responsibility: Mgr. Kamila Šmídková