The cooperation between BUT and the city of Brno in the field of energy will strengthen the partnership between the public and private sectors and the academic sphere
(PR, Brno, March 5) The City of Brno and its two energy companies, Teplárny Brno and SAKO Brno, have signed a memorandum of cooperation with Brno University of Technology in the field of the energy sector and sustainable development. All parties signed it on Wednesday, March 5.

“Energy is one of the priorities for the City of Brno. Our key goals include stable heat supply from the Teplárny Brno network at socially sustainable prices, energy self-sufficiency, and reducing dependence on natural gas. Besides enhancing energy security, this also contributes to achieving climate neutrality at the city level. Examples of this trend include two major investments: a new boiler for burning wood chips, which is expected to begin trial operation this year, and the planned hot water pipeline from the Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant to Brno,” said Deputy Mayor of Brno for Energy Robert Kerndl.
“Especially for the hot water pipeline, which is closely linked to the expansion of blocks in Dukovany, it is evident that, in addition to internal technical capacities, the involvement of external expert entities will be required. Collaboration with Brno University of Technology, where a new study program Nuclear Energy has been introduced, should be highly beneficial. We expect to leverage technical support, participate in applied research, and build a talent pool through student collaboration and training future experts. However, the topics that the City of Brno, its two companies, and Brno University of Technology will address together are much broader,” said Chairman of the Board of Teplárny Brno Jiří Herman.
“By cooperating with Brno University of Technology, we are connecting the academic sphere with practice. Currently, for example, we are working together on a project for utilizing residual waste after energy recovery (so-called slag) in construction, thereby aiming to conserve non-renewable raw material resources and reduce the company’s carbon footprint. As an innovative company, we have long focused on process automation, and cooperation with Brno University of Technology enhances our efforts while bringing us closer to transitioning to a circular economy in waste utilization. This partnership also supports the development of professional skills for future specialists in waste-to-energy and modern waste management. Collaboration with students and young professionals allows us to transfer the latest scientific findings into practice while nurturing a new generation of experts focused on sustainable waste management and innovation in this field,” announced Chairman of the Board of SAKO Brno Pavel Urubek.
For the City of Brno, the main topics of cooperation include supporting sustainable development, particularly in decarbonization, efficient use of raw material resources, and energy security. The city aims to achieve these goals through municipal companies in collaboration with the academic sector.
Brno University of Technology declares that the areas of cooperation primarily include strengthening partnerships between the private and public sectors and the academic sphere. The objective is to transfer and apply scientific knowledge into practice through participation in teaching, internships, supervision of final theses, and support for industrial doctorates.
“Cooperation with the city in energy is one of the specific priorities we have been pursuing at our university for a long time. We recognize the importance of energy not only from a technical perspective but also in terms of environmental sustainability. Our research in this field focuses not only on conventional energy but also on renewable sources, energy storage, hydrogen technologies, and sustainable and secondary use of waste and residual energy in processing. We have a long-standing partnership with the City of Brno, Teplárny Brno, and SAKO Brno, with the latest example being support for the Dukovany-to-Brno hot water pipeline project, where we are assisting in finding and evaluating effective technical solutions and economic potential. We are also involved in various working groups of the City of Brno, contributing to the formulation of the city's energy strategy, exploring hydrogen technologies for urban transport, and developing infrastructure for electromobility in the city. The signed memorandum expresses the recognition of the necessity and usefulness of mutual support as well as the effectiveness of our existing cooperation,” added Rector of Brno University of Technology Ladislav Janíček.
The company Teplárny Brno, which focuses on ensuring stable heat supply at sustainable prices, seeks to develop and innovate primarily in decarbonization. It aims to focus on projects in sustainable urban e-mobility, hydrogen technology research, energy storage, and electricity generation from photovoltaic power plants.
The company SAKO Brno contributes to the city’s energy security and self-sufficiency through its production of low-carbon thermal and electric energy. By utilizing waste for energy, it conserves fossil resources and supports Brno's commitment to achieving CO2 neutrality. SAKO Brno is part of the critical infrastructure and, in case of a massive power outage, can ensure electricity supply to key city facilities. The goal of SAKO Brno is to connect scientific knowledge with practice and strengthen the role of modern waste technologies in Brno's sustainable development.
Contact persons:
Bc. Filip Poňuchálek Press Spokesperson Brno City Hall Mobile: +420 773 785 318 Email: |
Mgr. Michal Kačírek Press Spokesperson SAKO Brno, a.s. Mobile: +420 602 107 608 Email: |
Mgr. Radka Mistrová Press Spokesperson Teplárny Brno, a.s. Mobile: +420 733 635 852 Email: |
Mgr. Kamila Šmídková Press Spokesperson Brno University of Technology Mobile: +420 778 790 510 Email: |
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Responsibility: Mgr. Kamila Šmídková