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One hundred children enthusiastic about science, technology and art started the next year of the BUT Junior programme. The future scientists will have eight weekend sessions at the faculties and departments of Brno University of Technology, where they will discover life and work at the university. The junior academic year kicked off on Saturday 21 September with a matriculation ceremony at the Rectorate of the BUT.The next year of BUT Junior has started. | Autor: Václav KoníčekThe popular BUT Junior educational programme offers the youngest scientists a unique opportunity to dive into the world of research and exploration. Before the actual teaching, they received their matriculation certificates in the auditorium of the Rectorate of Brno University of Technology and thus started their junior scientific career.The ceremony was led by Vice-Rectors Vlasta Sedláková and Milan Houser. "Our junior university opens the door to the fascinating world of science, technology and art. During this programme,you will have the chance to meet leading experts and academics who are masters in their fields, ready to inspire you and share their knowledge. You will have the opportunity not only to get a glimpse of the university environment, but also to meet new friends, have a lot of fun and learn through interactive and hands-on experiences," said Vice-Rector Sedláková in her speech. Eight weekend sessions await the youngest scientists. | Autor: Václav KoníčekFrom October to May, the children will successively visit eight faculties or departments of the BUT and the whole year will end in June with a graduation ceremony. The programme is aimed at introducing second grade pupils of primary schools and students of lower years of multi-year grammar schools to life at the university, modern technologies and the latest knowledge from the world of technology and art.More information about the programme can be found on the BUT Junior website.One hundred children will take part in the popular BUT Junior programme. | Autor: Václav KoníčekWe wish all the new students of BUT Junior an enriching academic year filled with new discoveries and exciting experiences!