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The Leiden Ranking 2024 assessing the scientific performance of universities has produced interesting results for Czech universities. Brno University of Technology ranked first among Czech institutions in biomedical sciences and second in mathematics and computer science, as well as in physical sciences and engineering. Brno University of Technology ranked first among Czech institutions in biomedical sciences. | Autor: FEKT BUTThe prestigious Leiden Ranking, which assesses the scientific performance of 1506 major universities worldwide, has published its results for 2024. This year it assessed the performance between 2019 and 2022. The ranking tracks institutions in four key areas: scientific impact, collaboration, open access publications, and gender.
BUT demonstrated remarkable success in several specific areas. In biomedical sciences, BUT maintained its first place among Czech institutions (9.3%), which is a significant achievement. Furthermore, BUT jumped to second place from last year's fourth place in mathematics and computer science (6.3%), and it also moved up to second place in physical sciences and engineering (7.2%). Mathematician, Head of the Department of Computer Graphics and Geometry, Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering BUT, Professor Miloslav Druckmüller. | Autor: Jan ProkopiusThe rankings also assessed the degree of collaboration with other institutions. In this indicator, BUT ranked seventh among Czech universities (81%). In the area of open access publishing and the share of online publications freely accessible to the public, the BUT ranked eighth (55.9%).
The Leiden ranking also tracked the gender diversity of authors. In this respect, BUT ranked eighth among Czech universities. The first place was taken by Masaryk University, where women accounted for 36.1% of the authors of publications (BUT 19.8%).
In the overall evaluation of scientific impact, measured by the share of publications in the first decile (top 10%) of the most prestigious journals, BUT ranked sixth among Czech universities with 7.1% of publications in the first decile, a slight decrease from last year's 7.4% (fifth place). The University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice ranked best with 8.7% of publications. It was followed by the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (8.1%) and Palacký University in Olomouc (7.9%).
The ranking, produced by the Centre for Scientific and Technological Studies (CWTS) at Leiden University, is based on an analysis of bibliometric data from the Web of Science database (Clarivative Analytics) and provides valuable information on the scientific performance of academic institutions.
Responsibility: Mgr. Marta Vaňková