Student Affairs Office
The Students Affairs Office ensures in particular:- methodological support for the implementation of bachelor, master and doctoral study programmes at the faculties and units of the BUT,
- methodological support of the admission procedure in bachelor, master and doctoral study programmes at the faculties and units of the BUT,
- methodological management of study departments of faculties and university institutes,
- methodological management of the tuition fees agenda,
- proceedings on appeals concerning tuition fees,
- administration of the determination of the amount of fees related to studies,
- administrative proceedings concerning the recognition of foreign education and qualifications at the level of bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree programmes,
- coordinating and advising on the recognition of the results of foreign education,
- communication with public authorities in relation to studies,
- drafting internal standards on studies, tuition fees and scholarships,
- the social scholarship agenda,
- the accommodation scholarship agenda,
- the Rector's extraordinary scholarship agenda,
- methodological support for the scholarship agenda at the faculties and units of the BUT,
- appeals against non-admission to study,
- appeals against decisions on matters relating to studies,
- the agenda of prizes awarded to students,
- the agenda of the BUT Disciplinary Committee,
- organisation of graduation ceremonies for graduates of doctoral study programmes,
- issuing documents of studies and copies of diplomas,
- advising on studies and student affairs,
- methodological management of quality assessment in the field of studies: evaluation of teaching by students, evaluation of study programmes,
- the agenda of accreditation of study programmes,
- the institutional accreditation agenda,
- the agenda of the Commission for Education of the Internal Evaluation Council of the BUT,
- preparation of internal standards on accreditation.
Responsibility: Mgr. et Mgr. Hana Odstrčilová