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Innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem at BUT
doc. Ing.
Guarantor of the BUT Toolbox and BUT Idea programmes; Mentor of the Go to Business! programme
+420724764813 Robert.Zich@vut.cz
prof. Ing.
Guarantor of the VUT Start and VUT Transfer programmes; Mentor of the Go to Business! programme
+420 54114 7433 Jan.Pencik@vut.cz
Guarantor of the VUT Maker Space and VUT Networking programmes; Mentor of the Go to Business! programme
+420603516540 chlebovsky@vut.cz
Guarantor of the Go to Business! programme
+420 54114 5263 indruchova@vutbr.cz
Do you have any questions? Write us
Responsibility: Ing. Michaela Indruchová